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Started by Burnout, June 11, 2008, 03:21:56 PM

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I haven't used this website in forever...well it could be from iraq lol well anyways been back for awhile just hasnt been on to busy with work


Wait, so you're saying we STILL haven't succeeded in bringing Freedom Reborn to Iraq?!

Damnit, people, let's cut the slacking and get on this thing!


NOPE...they still hate us unless u bring them candy to the kiddies also they stink really really badly we need to introduce them into the shower


<presses "RECORD" button for ensuing fireworks>


Let's try to steer the thread away from political opinions and back to the topic that Burnout hasn't used the website in a long time.



Quote from: Tortuga on June 12, 2008, 01:15:16 PM
Let's try to steer the thread away from political opinions and back to the topic that Burnout hasn't used the website in a long time.


By Freedom he was refering to freedom force, which should be installed in every single one of the 'one laptop per child' units. Imagine a new generation of kids skinning, meshing and modding!


LOL.  I can imagine that.   They could create new maps, meshes, skin and a mod:  1) a very large map -- of Iraq; 2) a very tasteful mesh and skin of President George W. Bush; 3) interestingly looking meshes and skins for Weapons of Mass, bio-weapons and nuclear -- OR harmless look alikes, depending on your own particular political slant (not making any judgments here); and 4) a Mod where the WMDs are hidden someone on the map, and President Bush tries to find them.

Hmmmm.   Should this mission be timed?   :D


Ok, I don't care what your views are, that was funny. :thumbup:


make sure you give him blitzkreig's mind control powers  (so nobody cuts n runs....)

sorry. couldn't resist.



*sets up sun lounger*

Ahhhhh, time for a tan ^_^