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So long, farewell, auf weidershein, goodbye

Started by bredon7777, June 17, 2008, 08:02:00 AM

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At least for a couple of weeks.

Thursday morning, I'm off to make my annual (well, annual for as long as we can afford the gas) trek to Minnesota/Wisconsin so that my wife can see her family and I can play with my supersmart, supercute niece.

Minnesota is the land of my father in law, the luddite, so I will have no cable or internet access while I'm there.  It's a heavy price to pay, but if it means my wife is happy, I'll pay it willingly.

Wisconsin is a little better, as my sister in laws new bf, while not a beliver in cable, at least has net access.

I may pop up briefly tonight, but otherwise, I'll see you after the 4th of July.

Uncle Yuan

Have a great trip.  And if you stop by the Twin Cities, drop me line!

And my long-neglected and underused German degree compels me to correct: auf wiedersehen.


Are you certain you are traveling to Minnesota/Wisconsin and not Österreich?

Safe travels, bredon. :)

Phantom Bunburyist and Fop o' th' Morning



So long, farewell, auf weidershein, au dieu!

Au dieu, au dieu, to you and you and you!

See ya, Brendon!  Enjoy the change of pace! :thumbup:
