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CFastHeap trouble, and it didn't fix.

Started by daglob, June 23, 2008, 07:35:41 PM

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Whne I try to play FFv3R, my computer has started giving me this "allocation failed: out of memory" message, after which it crashes the game. It hasn't been doing this.

Any ideas?


Quote from: daglob on June 23, 2008, 07:35:41 PM
Whne I try to play FFv3R, my computer has started giving me this "allocation failed: out of memory" message, after which it crashes the game. It hasn't been doing this.

Any ideas?

Turn off some of the things you have running in the background. I always close PS, FF, and anything else I'm not using before I play. Or you could just buy new ram.


The first thing I did was unload "convenient" but not necessary programs from the memory. I have run it with Photoshop loaded before, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

My computer has all the RAM it will take; adding more will require an upgrade. But it's BEEN running it with few problems.


Better information: the errormessage said that he Cfastheap thingy was failing to allocate. Looking it up in the group, and it appears to be a problem with the powers.dat file. So I erased the old file, renamed the backup, and it ran for maybe five minutes before the whole thing crashed and the CFastHeap was not allocating again.

Now, my log looks like this:
00:00:00.68: FF: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:00:00.68: FF: Starting FFVTTR
00:00:00.68: FF: Build: SHIP, Version: 1.73396
00:00:00.68: FF: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:00:01.15: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:01.15: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;)
00:00:01.15: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(D:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe)
00:00:02.53: FF: CRender: creating DX9 renderer
00:00:02.53: FF: CRender: trying to render in 32 bits
00:00:04.37: FF: DepthStencil is D3DFMT_D24S8
00:00:17.71: FF: CResourceTrackerTree: Generating index file Custom_Art_library_characters.dat
00:00:17.81: FF: CResourceTrackerTree: Generating index file Custom_Missions.dat
00:00:17.82: FF: CResourceTrackerTree: Generating index file Custom_Art_library_area_specific.dat
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bulktp is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute overheated is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metashieldp is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute superleaper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable0 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute fearless is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqhighjumper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute speedphaser is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute illusionist is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqtempinvulnerability is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute poltergeist is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute heavyfooted is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute icecloud is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute sensitive is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ephemeral is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaixenophobe is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute solarpowered is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute popular is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute shapeshifter is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute presence is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqrealitymanipulation is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqairsuperiority is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute coordinator is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute astral is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute summoner3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute nocturnal is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute adaptive2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute gammapowers is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqresilient is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqempathlongrange is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute utilitybelt is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute groupmind is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute lesserregeneration is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.93: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqupgradable2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor02 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute combatskill2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute currentsapper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute borrowedtime is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute groupteleport is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqfastball is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute vunstablemols is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqbasiclevitation is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute butterfingers is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute toughguy2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute battery is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaimisogynist is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable4 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute unstabletemp is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute twister is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute degenerative is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute miracle1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute spinner is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute humanrocket25 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute fourd is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ironjaw is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute livinglaser is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute airscout is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqsuperheroic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute privatearmy1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute lastresort is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metabolic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqextradimensional is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqprowler is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute enchanter2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqpsychotherapy is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqtrapezist is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute combatskill is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute russiandoll is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor05 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute explosive is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqlongjumper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorbpower is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute battlecomputer is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute giantrobot is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute costumelegend is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable34 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute slowlearner is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute guardianp is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqweakspot is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute speedforce is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute humanrocket20 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ironguts is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorbenergy is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute vulnerability is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor20 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute tempform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute earthcontrol2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute pheremones is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute blazingglory is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute assimilator is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable22a34 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute hatemonger is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaicarchaser is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute kamikaze is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqlimitedflight is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqrooted is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.95: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqantimissiles is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute powerreserve is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqjumpingjack is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqflawedinvulnerability is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute freespirit is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqgymnast is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute symbiote is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metastrength is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute magnetic2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdesesperate is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqimmortal is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorbmat is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute weaponbearer is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute roboticbody is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bioarmor is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute acrobaticamateur is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute feral is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute costumehero is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffactivedefense35 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute glassjaw is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffactivedefense10 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute toxic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqprecognitive is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute urbandweller is not mapped to a bitset enum!
[see following post]

Now, why aren't my attributes mapped to a bitset enum? I also know that Male belt muscular 69 does have keyframes.

Any suggestions?


00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute sandstorm is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute humanrocket15 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute supertk is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute painresponse is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqrealitymaniporder is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute masscontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute summoner2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute guardianm is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdeathwish is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute humanrocket10 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaitechnophobe is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute environmentcontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqupgradable3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute acidblood is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute accidentalchange is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorptiona is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdivineintervention is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute superhealer is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute biohazard is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute superhuman is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffactivedefense20 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute slippery is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqmad is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute cannonball is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute amplifier is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute wrestler is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute atomtouch is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute webslinger is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute dispersed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute induction is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute dependency is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute magnetic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute weathercontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute untouchable2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute puppetn is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute telepathy is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute famous is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute chameleon is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute spiny is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute telekinetic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute miracle2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqblessed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.96: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metamorphic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute empath is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute envcontrollocal is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute fastflier is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute autodoc is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute driver is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute thief is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute psychicmaster is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute mutator is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute powerscan is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute trickshot is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqghostly is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute stockpile is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute envcontrolglobal is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute spellcaster is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute spiderpowers is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute geneticsymbiote is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdisguise is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute teleporter is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaimisanthrope is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute earthcontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metaspeed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute plasmasculptor is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute hollowbones is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute boost1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute boost2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute summoner4 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor10 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable2a is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqloner is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute enchanter1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute innerbeing is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute jinx is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqglider is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute lightcontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute puppetu is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqcursed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute powercosmic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute parasite is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaurauntouchable is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metashield is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute iceform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaizoophobe is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqteamplayer is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute energytanks is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute icecontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqfieldcommander is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute enchanter3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute gaseousform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute thoughtform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute terraformer is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute shortcirc is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute privatearmy3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute nemesis is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqdeenergized is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute mindless is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute boost3 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute acrobatic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute transmutator is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute depressed is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyaura is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorption is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffactivedefense50 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute absorber is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute test is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute heavyarmor is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute summoner1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:11.98: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqpagangod is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute peacefield is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute aerialexpert is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqempathinfiniterange is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqrealitymanipchaos is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqlowgravflier is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute costumerookie is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute astralform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqnimbleflier is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute costumevillian is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute bodyarmor30 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqupgradable1 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute giantsize is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute vehicle is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute narcoleptic is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute accidentclone is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute smallsize is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqtimemaster is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute invulnerable is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute naturegoddess is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute firecontrol is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute volatilestorage is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqtracking is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute dispassionate is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute quicklearner is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute conduit is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute metaleater is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute privatearmy2 is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute psychiclink is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqropeswinger is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute cybernetics is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqlowjumper is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute phoenixforce is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute involuntaryform is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute randommutation is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute frostbite is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqempathnormalrange is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute cybersuit is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:12.00: FF: ERROR! RPGA attribute ffqaimisandre is not mapped to a bitset enum!
00:01:17.59: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:01:17.59: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;C:\Documents and Settings\Bill Jackson\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp;D:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts;)
00:01:17.59: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(D:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe)
loading datfiles version 0.251000
loading cshelper ...
00:01:49.61: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxBizarro\character.nif
00:01:53.77: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxBlack_Mary\character.nif
00:02:52.56: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxfh_catwoman_hex\character.nif
00:02:59.79: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxClark_Kent\character.nif
00:04:38.89: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\Giant_Man_ii_gren\character.nif
00:05:04.04: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxfemale2_heels_shirt\character.nif
00:05:07.94: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxfemale2_heels\character.nif
00:05:45.00: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxfemale\character.nif
00:06:50.81: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\male_belt_muscular69\character.nif
00:08:00.02: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxfemale2\character.nif
00:08:04.36: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxnexus\character.nif
00:08:30.63: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\plas\character.nif
00:09:44.74: FF: ERROR: Couldn't get keyframe file for nif tag library\characters\vxfemale_noface\character.nif
00:13:30.43: FF: CRpgImp::saveCharacterCostCache: Cache file: characterCache.dat has been saved.

So, what's all this mean, other than I can't get "spoiler" to work?


none of that indicates a problem. The attributes thing is normal and it's been explained in other threads (I don't remember where) but it's not a problem. The keyframe thing will pop up from time to time as well, but it's generally not a problem and will appear before you even jump into a game.


I knew I've heard of this problem before. Try reading some of the suggestions here: CLICK

If any of that works, let us know and I'll probably add this problem + fix to the "list of tutorials" thread as a how to... :P


Quote from: daglob on June 26, 2008, 09:16:46 PMSo, what's all this mean, other than I can't get "spoiler" to work?

BTW, the spoiler tag button is . Click on that to hide highlighted text inside spoiler boxes. Alternatively, you can just type [spoiler] before and [/spoiler] after the text you wanted hidden as a spoiler. The :spoiler: thing is just an icon.

Meanwhile, the code tags ([code] and [/code], gotten with the button) are useful for posting log files, as they preserve the whitespace in the logs, which can be important.



Ah well, that didn't work.

I guess I'll try re-installing everything.


Well, re-installing FFX didn't help. I replaced the Powers.dat and attributes.dat file with another one supplied by Taskmaster, and it still crashes.

It probably is a courrupt data file, but which other ones might it be?


I tre-installed everything, but it is still crashing.


Quote from: daglob on July 02, 2008, 05:38:29 PM
I tre-installed everything, but it is still crashing.

I'll do some searching tonight (I've never had this problem), but can you describe when the problem first appeared, what version of the game and ffx you have running, and what other changes you may have made? Does it happen in every game including mods and, um, any other data you fill would be necessary to help solve the problem? Something you provide here may spark someone (See: Stumpy) and this problem can finally be quelled.


It's FFv3R; I don't know where to check which version that is, running EZFX 6.0. I noticed it about a week ago (maybe after the 23rd; all my Hero files have that date). I had put FFX 3.2.2 on it when it came out, but it hadn't given me any trouble yet (although I haven't updated the Combat Computer). I also checked, and plain old FFv3R is giving me the CFastHeap error also. I've also checked the number of files in reference to another question, and have 2919 meshes and 2307 hero files.


2900+ meshes! :blink: That seems like a potential source of memory issues. Have you tried removing some of those meshes and hero files (temporarily put half (or even all) of them in another folder) and see if that gets you past the allocation error? If it's happening in vanilla FFvT3R, I would start there...


I cut it down to about 2000 hero files, and it seems to be working (The Rumble Room, anyway).
I intend to do a little more house cleaning and get to to maybe 1500.

Many thanks for the suggestions.