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Heroes: Going Postal

Started by catwhowalksbyhimself, July 14, 2008, 10:53:19 AM

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Anyone else heard about this?  It's a heroes 3-part internet only spin-off featuring a mailman with sonic powers.  Mrs. Petrelli will apparently be part of the show.

First part's supposed to be up today, but isn't up currently.


Just watched part one.

First of all, I did get the feeling that the acting and general feel was not quite up to the usual quality of Heroes.  At the same time, it did fit into the overall mythology of the show and was quite fun to watch.  We also have two completely new powers to the series (unless similar ones were on the comics--I haven't been keeping up with those) I do look forward to next week's show.


The episode itself was not bad, other than being ludicrously short.

I mean Joss, pretty much by himself gets 15 min on the air, and NBC gives us 3: 26? FAIL.


Quote from: bredon7777 on July 15, 2008, 09:28:44 PM
The episode itself was not bad, other than being ludicrously short.

I mean Joss, pretty much by himself gets 15 min on the air, and NBC gives us 3: 26? FAIL.

Joss who? :huh:


Why don't they allow those of us in other countries to view these things?


Quote from: kkhohoho on July 15, 2008, 10:06:45 PM
Quote from: bredon7777 on July 15, 2008, 09:28:44 PM
The episode itself was not bad, other than being ludicrously short.

I mean Joss, pretty much by himself gets 15 min on the air, and NBC gives us 3: 26? FAIL.

Joss who? :huh:

Joss Whedon's new project: drhorrible.com 

Self financed, self-produced, and put up on the web in 3 decent sized chunks.

And NBC who has millions more dollars, only puts up 3:26 per installment of the web video project?


Well that is the typical length for a webisode from a major network.  They are a business.  They want to make money, so spending it on something as expensive as a tv episode without a significant and guaranteed income flowing back in is a no no. To them, this is just a promotion to the main show, and thus not worthy of a decent budget.


That was pointless and anticlimacic, unless Echo shows up this season.


My understanding is that he will.  In fact, the ending makes it seem that he is one of the villains, which means that many of the so-called villians may not really be villains at all.

EDIT:  Hmmm, apparently, his capture was shown in the comics, by an agent who absorbs all sound.  I'll have to find it.


I guess this thread is as good a place as any to post this.  Some guy got ahold of the Season 2 DVD early, and uploaded the pre-strike ending of Powerless on youtube.  Click here.  Personally, I like this one a lot better than the one that was aired.  It flowed a lot better from the season's storyline, and the whole outbreak thing had a lot of potential.

The same guy also put up a deleted scene that revealed Kaito's power.  I wish that had been left in.


I can't see why they removed Kaito's power.  It was only like an extra 30 seconds, and fans have been wanting to know what it was for a while.

And yeah, that orginal ending is--wow, quite the way to end Volume 2.  I wish they had left it in and continued with the original Volume 3 instead of skipping over into the original Volume 4.

But still, I'm sure there will be good things ahead.