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Can't change the duration of active defenses via FFEdit

Started by Blitzgott, November 07, 2008, 05:53:43 PM

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The FFEdit manual that comes with the program says the following:

"Active Defense Data: Naturally, these fields apply to active defenses only.
·         EP Cost: This is the energy point cost associated with the power. The higher the cost, the more energy is needed to activate the defense.

·         Duration: This field controls how long an active defense will stay up once it's activated."

However, when I try to create an active defense via FFEdit, there is no "Duration" tab anywhere.

Is it a problem with my program? If so, how do I fix it? If it is not, is there any other way to change the duration of active defenses via FFEdit?

Thank you very much.


That is a known bug in FFEdit for FFvT3R. There is no way to adjust AD durations within FFEdit, but it can be done through hexing or by use of the power rewriting functions in the datfiles module. The latter approach is easy if you are working on an FFX-enabled mod. If you are not, it is still pretty easy, but you have to specify the full filename of the powers.dat file for the mod you are working on.

Epimethee wrote a wrapper to make the datfiles approach simpler. To use it, start the game with an FFX-enabled mod. The one you are woriking with is easiest, if it's FFX-enabled. Otherwise, start up FFX 3.2+. Now, open the console and enter the following liines, one at a time:
from datfiles import *
Campaign_ChangeActiveDefenceDuration(ExactFFEditPowerName, duration, FileName)


  • ExactFFEditPowerName is a string with the defense's name, exactly as it appears in FFEdit.
  • duration is a numeric value for the defense's duration. short=0, medium=1, long=2, infinite=3.
  • FileName can be left out if the mod you are running is the same mod whose defense you are changing. Othersie FileName should be a string with the full path of the powers.dat file of the mod whose defense you are changing. E.g. r"C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\MyMod\powers.dat".

Example, to change the duration of Minute Man's AD to long in the FFX mod, start the mod, open the console, and enter
from datfiles import *
Campaign_ChangeActiveDefenceDuration("minute Vigilance Shield", 2)

Example, to change the defense MrZip Bullet Dodge to short in the non-FFX-enabled mod MyNonFFXMod, we might start FFX, open the console, and enter
from datfiles import *
Campaign_ChangeActiveDefenceDuration("MrZip Bullet Dodge", 0, r"C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\MyNonFFXMod\powers.dat")

For more information on game and mod directories and how to enable and use the console, see the Game FAQ.