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Let the crazy rumors begin...

Started by RTTingle, November 13, 2008, 10:03:21 PM

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QuoteAs our final question, the Ten Ton Hammer team asked Matt what they should be looking for over the next year. According to Miller, 2009 will feature a whole treasure trove of cool new stuff. "Beyond Mission Architect, which is a huge initiative coming in Q1, we have content that I can't talk about yet," he stated. "But I will say that there are things coming, some of which we have been hinting at, or maybe even flat out denying was even possible, for a long time."

So... any guesses?



Power customising.

That , or "pie" as  defender secondary.


They never said power customization was impossible-- just that it was a lot of work and their efforts were better used elsewhere.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of much that they've ever completely ruled out.


Heroes turning into villains and vice versa?  Or, maybe it's just pie...and beer!


I might be mistaken about these being ruled out like the big collar costume piece (Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, Dracula, etc... ) because of complications with hair & helmets peering threw the costume piece , useing the city's objects as weapons , grappling & throws - I'll take anything but another lame pack like that wedding pack :blink:


Right now power customization is about the only thing other than new Epic Archetypes, a size change powerset (lets you grow or shrink - I'd consider coming back for a grow only, but not a shrink only) or a maximum level increase that would even make me think about coming back.

That said, I'm hoping it might be vehicles as travel powers, if its not the power customization.


bases for heros that arent in super groups i think would be cool like houses or appartments, or mansions or love nests or...


You said it GhostMachine Growing powers would be Amazing - I also would like to throw out absorbing powers as a powerset :blink:


There have been a multitude of things the developers have said "no" to in the past. Narrowing it down would be tiresome but if I were forced to guess I would have to say that Power Customization would have to be right up there.

BaB's said that it could be done but the man hours may not be worth it. NCSoft's new buisness model is "make the customer happy". Lots of CoX customers want power customization. With the expansion of the CoX team (at least doubled according to BaB's) this is now a real possibility.

I don't really care if they ever do implement it. I would take advantage of it on some of my toons but it ranks under other customization. IE: Custom guns for Spiders, Custom spines, naming Troller pets... etc.