Howdy folks, I'll use this thread to do some brainstorming about characters for my new mod that I'm working on.
First up, I've got the mad man-bat of the TMNT universe, Wingnut ( I've got him mostly built, but I'm going back and forth on some of the details. He's built to be something of a contrast to my build for Ace Duck (, who is designed to be something of an air superiority fighter, highly maneuverable, blazingly fast, though fragile, and packing a punch through his bombs. Wingnut, on the other hand, I am designing to be a gunship, tough, not as fast or as maneuverable, and more melee-focused. Drawing on his original action figure (, I've supplemented Wingnut's Archie comic abilities, which were essentially just melee and dive-bombing, with a "bat bomb" grenade and a few other things. His action figure is essentially a parody of Batman, complete with utility belt and literal bat-arang. In the comic, he has a thing about throwing rocks, but that seems rather boring.
So, I'm thinking of giving him the Utility Belt attribute, which would certainly make him more useful and flexible for the Mutanimals team, though there isn't necessarily a great thematic justification for it. My other thought is to give him a batarang attack. What do y'all think about that? Too on the nose?
Finally, I had originally planned to give him the "Mad" attribute because, you know, he is rather nuts. However, that would probably be pretty frustrating for players using him. If you were playing, would you rather have the utility and gameplay or the accuracy?
Any other ideas for this wild winged wonder?
Benton, I don't have a reference for these characters, but regarding the question of whether gameplay or accuracy is preferable, in my opinion, it should be a mix of both, although most of the time I tend to sacrifice accuracy for gameplay, without letting the character lose their essence. Generally, I base my decisions on the character's appearances in animation, movies, or comics, to choose a set of powers and attributes that are most suitable for the game, leaving out those that don't adapt well to the game mechanics.
Maybe you could post the hero file of the characters, so I can better understand the set of powers and attributes you have.
Thanks for the response, Ok! Indeed, that's my design philosophy as well. I always try to balance accuracy with gameplay. That's why my Aquaman has some rather creative applications of his mental powers and the like.
Yeah, you're right, of course. I wrote that post on my work laptop last night, where I don't have access to my FF stuff, and I was too lazy to go grab the HF. But here it is:
Hero File: t wingnut
File Type: FFv3R
Mesh: library\characters\Tmnt Wingnut\character.nif
Skin: standard
Material: Flesh
Weight (lbs): 168
AI: CZeroCost
Strength: 3 Normal
Speed: 4 Fast
Agility: 4 Agile
Endurance: 5 Very Hardy
Energy: 4 Powerful
Nimble Flier
Enhanced Senses
Danger Sense
Utility Belt
batty bash (Melee):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: Low
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Low
Knockback: Low
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee
Attached FX Name: tombstone_phantom_punch
deranged divebomb (Ranged - Projectile):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Low
Knockback: High
Velocity: Fast
Radius: No Arc
Range: Short
Accuracy: High
Level: 4
Animation Name: flying_melee_2
Attached FX Name: flying_punch
batty blitzkrieg (Ranged - Projectile):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: Low
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Low
Knockback: Medium
Velocity: Fast
Radius: No Arc
Range: Short
Accuracy: Medium
Level: 4
Animation Name: flying_melee_3
Attached FX Name: flying_punch
nuts and bolts (Melee):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: Low
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Low
Knockback: None
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_2
Attached FX Name: tombstone_phantom_punch
wild whirlwind (Area):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: Low
Energy Point Cost: Medium
Stun: Low
Knockback: Medium
Radius: 180 Degrees
Level: 4
Animation Name: area
Attached FX Name: storm_hurricane
bat bomb (Ranged - Explosive Projectile):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: High
Stun: Medium
Knockback: Medium
Velocity: Slow
Radius: 180 Degrees
Range: Long
Accuracy: Medium
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_5
Attached FX Name: sky_king_grenadelauncher
Power Flags: Grenade
He's also going to have an active defense to block ranged attacks and a PD at Occasional that can protect him against ranged and melee, both representing his metal wings.
Ok Benton, I found a page with the stats of the TMNT characters. I have Wingnut's stats here, and I can transfer them to the Freedom Force stats if you give me some time. I noticed that he has a companion named Screwloose; maybe you could play with that and give him a sidekick. I'll review the hero file you posted in more detail over the weekend. For now, I'll leave you the stats I found and the webpage link:
F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Rm30
E) Am50
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6
Health: 150 Karma: 22
Resources: Ty Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Huanuan Bat Physiology: Wingnut is an alien from the planet Huanu in Dimension X. His very body gives him the following abilities:
-Wings: Gd Limited Flight
-Claws: Rm Edge
Mechanical Wings: In material, Wingnut used to use the mechanical wing to fly, but they were crushed. The gave him the following abilities:
-Flight: Am airspeed
-Edged Attack: In Edge
Talents: Thrown Weapons, Aerial Combat
Contacts: Screwloose, Mutanimals, Ninja Turtles (
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Sourcebook (
Thanks, Ok! I had forgotten that my favorite stat site had the Archie TMNT characters, too! No need to transfer them for me; I have a loose formula I do on the fly. I just offset their stats by -2 (essentially start counting at Poor), and that tends to get them about where they should be. This is helpful, and I've got some ideas.
Oh, and as for Screwloose, I do have plans for him, but we don't have art assets yet. I definitely want to give him and Wingnut Symbiote so they charge each other up, and I'll probably give Screwloose some state/mental healing support abilities, given his ability to calm teammates down. I probably will create him as a sidekick, but I'll have to figure out how that works in campaigns.
Alright folks, here's my build for He-Man. What do y'all think?
He-Man HF
Hero File: he HeMan
File Type: FFv3R
Mesh: library\characters\MOTU_He-Man 4\character.nif
Skin: standard
Material: Stone
Weight (lbs): 300
AI: CZeroCost
Strength: 9 Fantastically Strong
Speed: 5 Very Fast
Agility: 5 Very Agile
Endurance: 7 Extraordinarily Hardy
Energy: 7 Extraordinarily Powerful
Strange Visitor
Grim Resolve
power sword (Melee):
DamageType: Piercing
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Low
Knockback: Medium
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee
Attached FX Name: legionnaire_melee
power slash (Melee): 2 hit quick arc
DamageType: Piercing
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Medium
Knockback: None
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: 180 Degrees
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_2
Attached FX Name: legionnaire_melee
Power Flags: Enemies Only
power of grayskull (Melee): 3 hit attack
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Medium
Knockback: Low
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_3
Attached FX Name: legionnaire_melee
I have the power (Special):
Special Type: 300 Percenter
Energy Point Cost:
Level: 2
Animation Name: special
Attached FX Name: hemanpower
mighty blow (Melee):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: Medium
Stun: Low
Knockback: Extreme
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: 90 Degrees
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_5
Attached FX Name: supercollider_massivepunch
power focus (Area):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost:
Stun: Medium
Knockback: High
Radius: 180 Degrees
Level: 4
Animation Name: special
Attached FX Name: hemanpower2
for eternia (Special):
Special Type: Speeding Bullet
Energy Point Cost:
Level: 2
Animation Name: run
Attached FX Name: bullet_speeding_bullet
champion's cleave (Melee): heavy single attack
DamageType: Piercing
Magnitude: Extreme
Energy Point Cost:
Stun: High
Knockback: Medium
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_6
Attached FX Name: order_punishment
grayskull fury (Melee): 4 hit combo
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost:
Stun: Medium
Knockback: None
Swiftness: Fast
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_4
Attached FX Name: legionnaire_melee
grayskull aegis (Passive Defense):
Block Type:
Success Rating: Rare
Level: 2
Animation Name: dodge_right
Attached FX Name: minuteman_vigilanceblock
Damage Blocked: Mystical
Defense Flags: Always Active
Attacks Blocked: Melee
Is he overpowered? Underpowered? I've cheated a bit and gave him an area attack using the Power of Grayskull. He's done it in the comics but never in the classic show or the 2002 version, at least to my knowledge.
kind of hard to tell if he's overpowered without context of other characters, but he doesn't seem any more ridiculous than your Superman or Thor hero files from DCUG and Marvel Adventures. At least, not that I recall them being.
Can't wait to see him in action, though! Been watching the OG show again, this time with some friends who have never seen it, so I'm def hyped.
Yeah, fair enough. I'm working on Skeletor now, who should provide some context. Thanks, Spyder!
Fun! It's cool that you're sharing the show with your friends, and that you've got friends who are game to do that! While I've been working on the mod, I've re-watched the 2002 reboot, which is really great. It's a really fun setting and cast of characters.
Maaaaan, I saw the 2002 reboot as a kid and remember really liking it. I need to find a way to watch it again.
My friends think the original is cheesy as all hell (it is), but they're loving it. The stuff He-Man can do in that show is some really wacky stuff, hahaha
Haha, yeah, the original is pretty darn cheesy. It can really shade into the cartoony side of Saturday Morning cartoons, if you know what I mean. The 2002 plays things more straight, but it is still fun, which is a balance that a lot of reboots don't manage.
As for where you can watch it, it's on Prime, but it is also available on Youtube in a few playlists if you search for it.
Alright folks, I've been hard at work on the main characters from each setting, and I've discovered that I actually don't know several of the settings as well as I thought I did! I've been watching episodes of
Thundercats and
Silverhawks, trying to refresh my memory about the powers and abilities of the heroes and villains. I've managed to figure out the basics on most of them, but I welcome feedback on my builds, as I'm sure I'm missing things about these characters.
We'll start with the one I'm feeling best about--
Skin: standard
Material: Flesh
Weight (lbs): 168
Strength: 5 Very Strong
Speed: 5 Very Fast
Agility: 4 Agile
Endurance: 6 Extremely Hardy
Energy: 8 Incredibly Powerful
Solid Skeleton
Master Sorcerer: (Combo: 'firecontrol','sensitive','guardianp','summoner2','supertk','puppetu','ffactivedefense50','puppetn','groupteleport'],)
sorcerer stirke (Melee):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Medium
Knockback: Low
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee
Attached FX Name: dark_shaman_hitspang
eldritch bolt (Ranged - Projectile):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Medium
Knockback: Medium
Velocity: Fast
Radius: No Arc
Range: Long
Accuracy: High
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_7
Attached FX Name: alchemiss_arcanebolt
havoc blast (Ranged - Beam):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: Extreme
Energy Point Cost: Medium
Stun: Medium
Knockback: Extreme
Velocity: Fast
Range: Long
Accuracy: Extreme
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_2
Attached FX Name: timemaster_energyxbeam
eldritch blow (Melee):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: Very High
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: High
Knockback: Extreme
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee
Attached FX Name: energy_punch
skullfire blast (Ranged - Explosive Projectile):
DamageType: Heat
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: Medium
Stun: Medium
Knockback: High
Velocity: Normal
Radius: 180 Degrees
Range: Long
Accuracy: High
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_3
Attached FX Name: aff_fireball_purple
chaos hex (Direct):
DamageType: Alteration
Magnitude: Very High
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: None
Knockback: None
Range: Long
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_3
Attached FX Name: alchemiss_alteration
teleportation (Special):
Special Type: Teleport Self
Energy Point Cost:
Level: 2
Animation Name: ranged_7
Attached FX Name: xs_venus_teleport
eldritch assault (Ranged - Projectile):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: Medium
Stun: Medium
Knockback: Medium
Velocity: Fast
Radius: No Arc
Range: Long
Accuracy: High
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_6
Attached FX Name: alchemiss_arcanebolt
eldritch explosion (Area):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: High
Stun: Medium
Knockback: High
Radius: 360 Degrees
Level: 2
Animation Name: ranged_7
Attached FX Name: aff_boom_purple
This build punts much of Skeletor's magical power to his attributes, especially the "Spellcaster" attribute, which allows him to adapt to different situations on the fly. I'm not sure how well the AI will use it, but I know the AI can use Fire Control and Puppetmaster, which will allow him to constantly throw different things at the Masters. I've focused mainly on his damage dealing abilities, giving him just an "Alteration" power. I'm debating on whether I'll need to give him more utility magic, like maybe a hex or something. He's also got an active defense which will become his FFActive Defense, but for some reason, EZHero doesn't like it.
Next up, Mumm-Ra, who I feel like I don't grasp as well.
Material: Flesh
Weight (lbs): 168
Strength: 6 Extremely Strong
Speed: 5 Very Fast
Agility: 5 Very Agile
Endurance: 6 Extremely Hardy
Energy: 8 Incredibly Powerful
Master Sorcerer (Combo: 'firecontrol','sensitive','guardianp','summoner2','supertk','puppetu','ffactivedefense50','puppetn','groupteleport'],)
everliving blow (Melee):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Low
Knockback: Medium
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee
Attached FX Name: dark_shaman_hitspang
eldritch bolt (Ranged - Projectile):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Medium
Knockback: Medium
Velocity: Fast
Radius: No Arc
Range: Long
Accuracy: High
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged
Attached FX Name: bishop bullet
sword of plundarr (Melee):
DamageType: Heat
Magnitude: Very High
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Very High
Knockback: Medium
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee
Attached FX Name: eldiablo_flamingfist
eldritch blast (Ranged - Beam):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: Very High
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Medium
Knockback: High
Velocity: Fast
Range: Long
Accuracy: Extreme
Level: 4
Animation Name: area_4
Attached FX Name: aff_xbeam_red
everliving assault (Melee):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Medium
Knockback: None
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_3
Attached FX Name: tombstone_phantom_punch
evil sorcery (Direct):
DamageType: Alteration
Magnitude: Very High
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: None
Knockback: None
Range: Medium
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_7
Attached FX Name: alchemiss_alteration
curse of evil (Direct):
DamageType: Hex
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Low
Knockback: None
Range: Long
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_2
Attached FX Name: alchemiss_hex
teleport spell (Special):
Special Type: Teleport Self
Energy Point Cost:
Level: 2
Animation Name: area_5
Attached FX Name: tombstone_shadow_shift
might of mumm-ra (Area):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: Very High
Energy Point Cost: High
Stun: Low
Knockback: High
Radius: 360 Degrees
Level: 4
Animation Name: area_5
Attached FX Name: timemaster_dimensionalrift
Mumm-Ra is more of a physical threat, and he also has a little more utility magic. He'll have a passive defense when I finish him.
And where would Mumm-Ra be without his heroic adversary, Lion-O!
Material: Flesh
Weight (lbs): 168
Strength: 4 Strong
Speed: 5 Very Fast
Agility: 6 Extremely Agile
Endurance: 5 Very Hardy
Energy: 5 Very Powerful
Field Commander
Wall Climbing
Acrobatic (amateur)
Danger Sense
sword of omens (Melee):
DamageType: Piercing
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Medium
Knockback: Low
Swiftness: Fast
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee
thunder slash (Melee):
DamageType: Piercing
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: High
Knockback: Low
Swiftness: Fast
Arc: 180
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_3
Attached FX Name:
lord of the thundercats (Melee):
DamageType: Piercing
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Medium
Knockback: None
Swiftness: Fast
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_2
Attached FX Name:
thundercats ho! (Area):
DamageType: Rally The Troops
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: None
Knockback: None
Radius: 360 Degrees
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_8
Attached FX Name: thundercatsho
omens blast (Ranged - Beam):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: High
Stun: Very High
Knockback: Extreme
Velocity: Fast
Range: Long
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged
Attached FX Name: dynamo_beam
capture claw (Ranged - Beam):
DamageType: Stasis
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: Medium
Stun: None
Knockback: None
Velocity: Fast
Range: Long
Accuracy: Extreme
Level: 4
Animation Name: direct
Attached FX Name: mk_spear
eye of thundera (Ranged - Cone):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: Extreme
Energy Point Cost:
Stun: Extreme
Knockback: Extreme
Velocity: Fast
Angle: High
Range: Long
Level: 4
Animation Name: area
Attached FX Name: cyclops_cone
Since the Sword of Omens can grant a bit of flight, I'm thinking of giving Lion-O a combo attribute with Limited Flight. Any other suggestions? I feel like I need to do something to capture the "Sight Beyond Sight" ability. Maybe a Genetic Damage attack to represent his ability to get guidance from the sword? In addition to that, I feel like there are almost certainly abilities he has that I haven't captured yet. I've got a lot more episodes to watch. Any suggestions?
Finally, here's the chief villain of
Silverhawks, Mon*Star.
Material: Stone
Weight (lbs): 419
Strength: 7 Extraordinarily Strong
Speed: 4 Fast
Agility: 3 Normal
Endurance: 6 Extremely Hardy
Energy: 7 Extraordinarily Powerful
Strange Visitor
Tough Guy
might of monstar (Melee):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Low
Knockback: Medium
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee
Attached FX Name: manbot_punch
menace of monstar (Ranged - Projectile):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: None
Stun: Low
Knockback: Medium
Velocity: Fast
Radius: No Arc
Range: Long
Accuracy: Medium
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged
Attached FX Name: electro_bolt
muscle of monstar (Melee):
DamageType: Crushing
Magnitude: Medium
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Medium
Knockback: None
Swiftness: Normal
Arc: No Arc
Level: 4
Animation Name: melee_3
Attached FX Name: sky_king_steelfists
light star (Ranged - Projectile):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: Very High
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: Very High
Knockback: Low
Velocity: Normal
Radius: No Arc
Range: Long
Accuracy: Extreme
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged_2
Attached FX Name: Electro_Projectile_Ball
Power Flags: Homing
light star stasis (Ranged - Projectile):
DamageType: Stasis
Magnitude: Very High
Energy Point Cost: Low
Stun: None
Knockback: None
Velocity: Normal
Radius: No Arc
Range: Long
Accuracy: High
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged
Attached FX Name: Electro_Projectile_Chain
Power Flags: Homing
light star hypnosis (Ranged - Projectile):
DamageType: Hypnosis
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: Medium
Stun: None
Knockback: None
Velocity: Normal
Radius: No Arc
Range: Long
Accuracy: Extreme
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged
Attached FX Name: soldierant_acidspray
Power Flags: Homing
light bomb (Ranged - Explosive Projectile):
DamageType: Energy
Magnitude: High
Energy Point Cost: Medium
Stun: Medium
Knockback: Medium
Velocity: Normal
Radius: 180 Degrees
Range: Long
Accuracy: High
Level: 4
Animation Name: ranged
Attached FX Name: Electro_Projectile_Ball
Power Flags: Homing
Mon*Star is a threat at range and in melee, and he's a big armored brute of a guy. His primary weapon seems to be the "Light Star" on his eye, which lets him shoot a homing energy projectile that is really powerful and can do different things. Once again, I'm sure there's a lot I'm missing here. I feel like I definitely am missing attributes he should have.
So, that's what I'm working on at the moment. Any suggestions or observations? Can anyone think of elements of these characters that I'm missing?
Stand by for Quicksilver and some JOEs and Cobras. I'm still working on them.