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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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Hey GGiant...welcome back! :thumbup: :thumbup: Nice job Bevo! :thumbup:
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


great job on the skopes bevo. Seeing Random made me wonder if there is any chance you would be willing to do Rapido (an obscure Punisher villain)?
"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed"

And when I find my way back,
The fact is I just may stay, or I may not
I've acquired quite a taste
For a well made mistake

"No hay banda! There is no band. It is all an illusion... "


I finished something omg  :o  :lol:




I think that guy would need a 3dsmax user to do right. I suppose you could put monsuier mallah chain gun on somebodies arm. Ill tinker with it Im all about obscure villians. Very nice GG though I dont recognize character.

laughing paradox

Alpha Flight love! Nice skope for Box, bevo. Think you can tackle a Goblyn skope as well? ;) That Random skope looks incredible.

Really cool stuff, GGiant. The variation of weapon keyframe moves is incredible!


Quote from: cascarudo on June 26, 2009, 05:54:15 PM
hi glad you like it is skope from MHV_Juggernaut_Gren and the stomach mouth is the eye brow from Male_Hulking_Abomination by grenadier and the fang the horn of Male_Hulking_Rhino also by grenadier the hair the tentacles from male_simbionte by texasjack.
another skope from astrocity "mirage" hope you like it

That is a wicked cool-looking Mirage  :thumbup: Looking forward to whatever you're planning next!


Thanks LP. Maybe you could actually put a decent skin on him. I made his controller needs skin as well.

After looking at her some more I realized i jumped gun on talisman I really really like her  :rolleyes:
Finished talisman

I cant do clothes everything piece of clothing i make myself is just a cape texture. Jeans are a nitemare.

Goblyn? I just went through and redid all acolyte skopes. I never saw a goblyn. Redid meaning I stuck shoulder pads, headset, few guns and bits.
Besides these two WIP



but i cant get a decent reference pic of either to know what they looks like Ill search for goblyn.


Best I can fractal. You really need someone that does keyframes they could make his gun spin, beyond me.


nice job bevo  :thumbup: btw almost every skope i made are ideas from my head  :lol:

like this one  :blink:

is there a hydra and aim mesh for ff1?


wow that is one mesh/skope I would never thought would get done :thumbup:
Great job bevo incredible!!
"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed"

And when I find my way back,
The fact is I just may stay, or I may not
I've acquired quite a taste
For a well made mistake

"No hay banda! There is no band. It is all an illusion... "


first awesome skopes  :thumbup: now two original characters  one is a previous skope now whitout parts of webrider meshes



Very cool Cascarudo!  Are those two different versions of the same armored character?  Sorta' like Iron Man and a Hulkbuster?
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!



I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Kind of reminds me of the Kingdom Come Blue Beetle.
Does look pretty good.


thanks for the comments and yes same character diferents armors


...and the guy who does obscure characters thinks tht the beetle-looking guy could be made into a pretty good Barry...


Some really innovative a great stuff from you guys!   I'm pretty happy cascarudo's being hosted on NPI!

here's something I'm working on... Tom Strong with real heli-vest!

That's the helicopter from TJ's Spy Vs Spy mesh.  fully working for fly/hover/ take off and landing (it goes away when landing)
I've skoped him into both the ghostbuster mesh, and the punisher mesh, for a variation on keyframes...  What sort of keyframes/guns/etc. would you want ot see in a Tom Strong mesh?
I can't really decide what I want to do with him, and I'd like to hear some other thoughts.


nice skopes  :thumbup: detourne_me, did you transfer keyframes?


Quote from: GGiant on July 03, 2009, 11:21:05 AM
nice skopes  :thumbup: detourne_me, did you transfer keyframes?
Yup.  Trouble is the Spy Vs Spy mesh uses a different size than male basic. It kind of squishes the mesh. so I decided to use the least amount of keyframes from that mesh i could.  ultimately leaving just the copterpack (altough the other animations are amazing they just distort the mesh too much)

I believe i could put the heli-pack on nearly any mesh.  sooo, thats why I'm wondering what people want to see in terms of keyframes for Tom Strong (if theres any interest at all)   I haven't read all of his comics yet, so I'm not sure exactly what tool he has in his arsenal.  I know he's used a handgun and a knife before,  so those anims will be included regardless of what other keyframes I'll choose.

jeez that's long-winded.


Hey detourne_me, did you recieve a PM?

Anyway, just a thought, would it be possible to skope the heli-pack onto the Punisher_TJ mesh and paste the Jetpack onto Spine1 and the Jetpack FX onto the pole or any other part of the heli-pack, so it would only appear in the flight animation because the helipack resizes itself with the keyframes(I think). I tried it and it didn't work.  :unsure:


Quote from: detourne_me on July 03, 2009, 10:55:09 AM
here's something I'm working on... Tom Strong with real heli-vest!

That's the helicopter from TJ's Spy Vs Spy mesh.  fully working for fly/hover/ take off and landing (it goes away when landing)

I was just needing a mesh like this for an idea I had.... awsome.

laughing paradox

I really like those purple characters, Cascarudo! They look great.

Detourne_me, nice choice of character! I'm a big fan of Alan Moore's America's Best Comics line so it's nice to see someone tackle Tom Strong.


what about Tom Strong on gren's nick fury mesh.rocket pack and gun included.i dont know alot about tom he like a muscled up reed richards or doc savages pale brother? he'd look good also on ren's stripsey.flipped up hair,muscular, and rounded chin.


Nice! I forgot about Ren's Stripesy!  I was using E2 Superman,  but his legs were a little too big.
Gren's Nick Fury would work good too, but I think i'll stick with the punisher or ghostbuster mesh as a base (cause there is a wide range of animations available)
Tom Strong is kind of like a big mix of Doc Savage/Reed Richards/Hank Pym/Mister Incredible/Elijah Snow/Tarzan.....
Heh,   Alan Moore really made him the ultimate superhero/science hero.
He's over a century old, thanks to a special plant called Goloka, he's been adventuring ever since he was 12 (after he was released from a high gravity chamber he had been in since birth - that increased his strength and stamina), he's a genius, has a family, and has visited a number of alternate realities and planets in the solar system.

Also,  he usually resorts to violence as a last resort.


maybe you could make a skin for just a two-fisted version on the stripsey mesh.



Thanks for all the suggestions!
Just a few more tweaks to go.  Anybody want to skin him, i forget who originally did this Tom Strong skin?