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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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Well, it's beyond my meager capabilities, but I wonder how hard it would be to scope that helicopter into a Male Hunter or Gni's Question mesh and get an Inspector Gadget...


or even Tommy's machine man mesh for long legs arms! it's doable.


Quote from: detourne_me on July 04, 2009, 04:11:35 AM

Thanks for all the suggestions!
Just a few more tweaks to go.  Anybody want to skin him, i forget who originally did this Tom Strong skin?

Really awesome skope.


Quote from: daglob on July 04, 2009, 04:37:18 AM
Well, it's beyond my meager capabilities, but I wonder how hard it would be to scope that helicopter into a Male Hunter or Gni's Question mesh and get an Inspector Gadget...



At the end of the day all that matter is that I tried, right?


Sweeper is awesome.  :thumbup: I need to figure out how to transfer entire weapons systems would of helped for rapido.


nick fury with machine gun...dunno if it was done before, thanks to detourne for teaching me the full way of transferring keyframes


Quote from: GGiant on July 05, 2009, 10:35:45 AM
nick fury with machine gun...dunno if it was done before, thanks to detourne for teaching me the full way of transferring keyframes

Great skope! Do you guys want to do a keyframe tut?


He told me to copy everything "extra in the mesh" to the other, and then transfer the keyframes.  :D


this was much easier because all i had to do was copy the rocket and then transfer keyframes


Man there is some great stuff going on here, I am definitely going to have to try that keyframe trick  :thumbup:
Here is something I have been working on for a while, this is the 5 try. I had this idea for a FX for stretchy characters, The core would be tommyboys flat mesh from his Mr fantastic mesh flying towards the enemy. Then the end would be a large ball with TJ's plastic man dodge mesh growing out of the ball for the effect of him covering the target. Anyway here is the end nif, I still need to work on the core part of the FX. And sorry this is only for  :ffvstr: and the skin is only a placeholder.


Most awesome Tap!
I love seeingcreative workarounds like that.
And GGiant,  I'm glad you got it worked out,  It really is quite simple once you get the hang of it.
I'd like to recommend Gni's and Jik's meshes for good bases if you are switching up keyframes with growing/shrinking weapons.  their meshes seem to keep the extras hidden until the needed animations,  while a few other meshers have extras being spawned right off the bat.
it's just a point of personal preference for me. when i have skopes with different idle animations, sometimes all of the extras are popping out, and i need to wait for a "reset" animation from the native keyframe set to hide the extras.


Quote from: bevo on June 30, 2009, 11:11:59 AM
Best I can fractal. You really need someone that does keyframes they could make his gun spin, beyond me.

Whoa! Who is that?


Rapido Punisher villian.  Tap What is that spider robot he is attacking?


Quote from: detourne_me on July 04, 2009, 04:52:17 AM
or even Tommy's machine man mesh for long legs arms! it's doable.

Y'know, there used to be a site with a lot of Don Adams quotes in mp3 format...


I did not see 3dmaster mentioned on the permission list either pro or con. If we can use them then this werewolf skope could benefit from a good skin.


Quote from: detourne_me on July 05, 2009, 04:09:32 PM
Most awesome Tap!
I love seeingcreative workarounds like that.
And GGiant,  I'm glad you got it worked out,  It really is quite simple once you get the hang of it.
I'd like to recommend Gni's and Jik's meshes for good bases if you are switching up keyframes with growing/shrinking weapons.  their meshes seem to keep the extras hidden until the needed animations,  while a few other meshers have extras being spawned right off the bat.
it's just a point of personal preference for me. when i have skopes with different idle animations, sometimes all of the extras are popping out, and i need to wait for a "reset" animation from the native keyframe set to hide the extras.

yeah, when you switch from a keyframe from the other mesh to a keyframe from the base mesh without finishing the first, the skoped pieces remain, oh and bevo, you could transfer that rapido to one of jik's meshes, that spiderbot is valandar's mesh.


 :o where can i get my hands on that werewolf?!? does 3dmaster have a yahoogroup or something?


Quote from: bevo on July 06, 2009, 08:17:46 AM
I did not see 3dmaster mentioned on the permission list either pro or con. If we can use them then this werewolf skope could benefit from a good skin.

Unfortunately since he never gave permission to skope his stuff...even though he hasn't responded either way (and I did reach out to him about it)...we've all collectively said that it'd be hands off. Nice work though. ;)
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


That sucks. Oh well maybe someone could make a new doghead!! That one in the pic its UV map is tough to get bearing on.


At the end of the day all that matter is that I tried, right?


nice Failed_Hero :thumbup:

here's a new skope:


Those skopes are Dreadful!! Dreadfully Awsome!! Amazing work failed hero and GGiant :thumbup:

My 1st attempt at gun transfer I get Americop.

Needs a skin.


Quote from: GGiant on July 07, 2009, 08:50:30 AM
nice Failed_Hero :thumbup:

here's a new skope:

Skrulls a'int 'fraid of no ghosts?



Now that you mentioned it has ghostbuster bits.  It takes away from their astonishing villainy. They really looked like they were up to some world conquering until Afghan ruined it all.


nice skrulls!hey failed_hero, are those the knights of wundagore?the high evolutionary's knights?cool!


Nope, original characters.  I'll post info on the species later on. 
At the end of the day all that matter is that I tried, right?


Andromeda skope in my yahoo storage in case anyone wants to skin it.


OMG! That's just cool man! :thumbup: Good work.
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!