AfghanAnt Artistic Advances 7/8/16 - Marvel Adventures Exclusives

Started by AfghanAnt, January 11, 2009, 02:12:59 AM

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I apologise to AA if this gets a little offtopic-ish but after all, picking a name for a character is serious business. In response to what Tomato wrote, in spanish we have no neutral gender (ie: we have "he" and "she" but no "it" ). This means that any noun must have a masculine or feminine gender in order to use pronouns etc. with it; in case the named thing has a real sex, both concepts ("biological gender" and "nominal gender") match. i.e: "the cow" is "LA vaca" and "the bull" is "EL toro". But when we talk about inanimated objects or concepts, things that have no sex, this associated gender is completely arbitrary and is not related at all with the object represented; for instance "the spoon" is "LA cuchara" but "the fork" is "EL tenedor".
Due to the former, it is not weird at all for a spanish speaker to hear about a man named after a feminine name when it's one of these non-sexual names I said earlier. To use a "real world" superhero example, the rocky member of the 4F the Thing, in spanish is "LA Cosa". It has always been named that way and it sounds not weird at all.
In short AA, if you finally stick with "La Muerte Negra", rest assured is a perfectly fine name for a male character in spanish.


Before & After

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I went for copper instead of gold since copper is a more conductive metal.

I'm still working on the skope. I'd really like it if he could ride a cloud ala Iceman's ice slide.


Brilliant, I really like the design and colours. Great detail on the face too.


Quote from: AfghanAnt on January 07, 2011, 05:04:35 AM
I'd really like it if he could ride a cloud ala Iceman's ice slide.

If you can't get it to work...send it my way...I'm sure that I can get that done for ya. ;)
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Wow! the first was was great but the new one is even better. The thread is named correctly your art is streadly advancing


i knew thats who you were talking about. very cool AA! the team will kinda be a alternate world avengers team.

John Jr.

Amazing details. The belt and the face are specially good.

laughing paradox

It's funny, because I think your original skin is really good to begin with, but this updated one is spectacular. I really like the skin tone and that belt is great.


It's really cool seeing how much he's improved. Nice skin AA.
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Figure Fan


I really like that Lady Sasquatch redesign AA, and the face work on this latest one is quite fantastic. 
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Santa Muerte
After a devout nun's order was murdered by drug lords, she was visited by Death who convinced her to become his mortal avatar. Now calling herself Santa Muerte, she dispenses deadly vengeance on those who prey on the weak and defenseless throughout Mexico.

So here a group shot of the first four. After reviewing some older characters I designed I realized how perfectly that would fit in to round off my team. So there will be a Haitian pirate whose base is on Navassa Island (possibly named Baron de L'eau) and an alien who has been trapped under the Nakbe palace in Guatemala since conquistadors invaded.

Cyber Burn

Man, AA, the level of detail skinned into your characters is amazing. Inspiring.  :thumbup:


Wow AA.  I am a big fan of your skins.  Your originals are where you truly shine. (Not that there is anything wrong with your mainstreams.) These are just stunning.  Santa Meurte is just scary good.

I wish I could teach myself to do face-work as good as yours. Each character is as unique as the nation from which they hail.  Bravo AA!  Bravo!
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I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!

laughing paradox

The team is shaping up very nicely. Santa Muerta looks awesome. Very cool story and design.. I'm looking forward to the other team members.


All four of these skins are outstanding. I keep noticing little details on them that I hadn't caught before (I noticed the shine on HD's av this morning, it's freakin' epic.) and it's little things like that which show how much effort you really put into these.


These are smokin' hot designs, AND beautifully executed. Every time I think you can't possibly get any better, you take another leap forward.

Figure Fan

Amazing. Santa Muerte is my favorite. I love the costume, the origin, and the relevance of her character in modern times. What are her powers, and do her leg pouches have something to do with them?

John Jr.

They're all great. But I agree with the others, Santa Muerte is amazing. I'm impressed with the creativity of your design and how much detail you put on them. Muerte's costume is just perfect.

Sioux City Dynamo

Hi AA,

All I can say is that you are an inspiration to me!  I really love your character designs.



Quote from: Figure Fan on January 12, 2011, 08:49:16 PM
Amazing. Santa Muerte is my favorite. I love the costume, the origin, and the relevance of her character in modern times. What are her powers, and do her leg pouches have something to do with them?

Is a deathwish and the willingness to kill a superpower? I kid. While there is definitely magic in the Fractal Universe, Santa Muerte is just a psychotic nun who worships death. I envisioned the whole superhuman human horror movie killers. So she doesn't have any powers per say but she can definitely take more abuse than the average human and continue pushing through.  The pouches act as her "utility belt" and they hold her crosses, holy water, explosives and knives.

Why thank you guys! I designed her at least seven times before I decided which direction I was going to go in (one theme had her using a scythe but I thought the team was a little weapon heavy).

I'm thinking about releasing all of these the same way I did the Heralds pak so powers and characters are built in (and if I can figure it out descriptions).


Yeah, Lady Sasquatch is beautiful, but Santa Muerte is a powerful image. The pulp lover in me likes her best.



What a great and original team! Well done AA from concept to design and execution :thumbup: