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DC Comics Reboot

Started by B A D, August 10, 2011, 04:50:53 PM

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Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on August 22, 2012, 08:05:20 PM
speaking of wonder woman

so apparently they vanish away supes marriage, kill steve trever just so we can get the most boring, standard and crappy love story in the dc universe.

yaaaaaaaay originally

UGH....Yeah, go with the most predictable match up and you'll have a big seller...Snore.  I was far more impressed with
Timm's match up of Wonder Woman and Batman in JLU.



Supes & WW... Good hype, bad planning.

I think Gutters has called this one the right way.  DC's basically doing the equivalent of porn or trashy romance novels without actually graphically depicting the sexual act.  Once you hit the climax, all that's left is to roll over and go to sleep.

DC probably could do good things with it, with the right writer and the right editorial support.  But they won't.
STO/CO: @bluegeek

Deaths Jester

Quote from: BlueBard on August 24, 2012, 01:10:32 PM

DC probably could do good things with it, with the right writer and the right editorial support.  But they won't.

Yeah but where are they going to find any of those ingredents witht he current crop of writers or editors?!?!?!   :blink:
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Not sure if this has already been discussed but wow. I like it and I don't like it. I love the classic Captain Marvel but then again, Billy is no longer that hero.



Snyder just burned the crap out of The Rob.

QuoteSnyder: "Aw, I'll give you credit Rob!  Batman might sell inspite of me and @GregCapullo as u say, but deathstroke & Hawkman failed because of you!"
Rob: "my sales went up on those books @Ssnyder1835 sorry bud."
Snyder: "Credit where it's due, brother :-) and that's all I'll say on that. Ah, comics." Followed of course by "Lol. And you can put that in your pouch and keep it for later :-)"


Ya Liefeld seems to have rlly lost it, and Snyder happens to be the new victim. And if u read or watch any interview with Snyder, the guy is one the most humble people in the business, Rob rlly is trying to kill his career here (u'd think his art would have done it by now).

laughing paradox

I can't express just how enjoyable watching this meltdown has been. The insults to Brevoort had me laughing. (Get back to mixing and matching Avengers and X-men!)


Rob has been melting down for 2+ weeks straight then because I do remember that D-list comment he made before he officially "left" DC. I was shocked it was never brought up here.
Disappear when you least expe--


yeah, the deadpool d-list stuff, quitting DC, badmouthing them, feuds with Snyder and Breevort,  last time I checked he was even talking smack about Rich Johnston, the guy that runs bleeding cool. Or maybe he was just saying that the forums there were full of pissants.

Erik Larsen stepped up to kind of defend Liefeld a bit saying that it is quite difficult to tell how much of an impact a creator has on an established character like Batman, but when you also take into account the track record of Swamp Thing and American Vampire.... Snyder's influence on Batman becoming the premier batbook is unmistakable.


Something funny I stumbled across...
"And, before people start thinking I'm sounding all Liefeld" -Brad Walker

Heh heh heh.

I have to say, I lost my way with a lot of comics and part of the reason is what was said by the DC crew with Superman and Wonder Woman.  I read comics mostly for fun and escape.  Nothing wrong with serious stories or stories meant to make you think, etc.  When you say you're doing this to be the talk of the cooler though?  I'm out.  Stories just for reaction are never worth a damn.  Sure, the bump you may get from it goes up, but it will go down just as fast and is never worth it.  Have to say, been disappointed as hell with all these crossover mega-storylines and things done to get people talking.  They never serve the purpose of the character, their stories or the DC Universe as a whole. 

Have to say, not much a reader of DC or Marvel lately.  The comics I've been enjoying lately have mostly been from Dynamite. 


John Jr.

DC will have another Justice League, and look who is the leader...
The "late" Steve Trevor



Quote from: detourne_me on August 27, 2012, 11:36:00 AM
yeah, the deadpool d-list stuff, quitting DC, badmouthing them, feuds with Snyder and Breevort,  last time I checked he was even talking smack about Rich Johnston, the guy that runs bleeding cool. Or maybe he was just saying that the forums there were full of pissants.

He also took a swipe at an artist working on one of his books. I wonder if something deeper is at the root of this. He's lashing out.
Disappear when you least expe--


Is it me or is the first vibe you got out of this is...

Ultimate Avengers, done by DC... right down to Trevor taking the Fury role?


John Jr.

Quote from: RTTingle on August 28, 2012, 03:23:25 AM
Is it me or is the first vibe you got out of this is...

Ultimate Avengers, done by DC... right down to Trevor taking the Fury role?


It reminds me of "Extreme Justice", and this is a very bad memory...

Silver Shocker

Quote from: Previsionary on August 28, 2012, 03:17:16 AM
He also took a swipe at an artist working on one of his books. I wonder if something deeper is at the root of this. He's lashing out.

I've heard one person ponder if he's the second coming of Dave Sim. In any case, it's not especially surprising to me, considering how he reacted to Shatterstar being outted in X-Factor. The man seems to be accustomed to the taste of his own foot.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Yeah I've DRASTICALLY cut down my consumption of DC comics.
Batman, Wonder Woman, Animal Man, Swamp Thing and Frankenstein.
it was only a few months ago that I was buying 20 books a month.

I had to stop Justice League after issue 2, it was just awful, and this extreme justice thing looks just as bad.


This team doesn't look anything l like the team that is fighting the Justice League in the FCBD issue. Where is Element-Woman? Atom? Etc? Urgh this who NuDC thing with the exception for Wondie is just bad.

Also I totally agree with Steve Trevor being Nick Fury and A.R.G.U.S. oh come on. Hey DC, stop stealing ideas from Marvel when your comics were fine the way they were.

John Jr.

New Superman comic?

More news about the "Power Couple":

Stephy cannot stop smiling about this one, she always hated the poor Lois.
I liked the part about the way society will react to the new couple. A lot of writers and readers complained how dating Wondy will make Superman "less human", so it's logical a lot of people in the fictional DCU will have the same reaction. A good writer can get something very interesting from this subplot...If DC get a good writer to write this one...


Oh god I just realized John's new Justice League of America reminds me of Bendis' New Avengers and not just cause of the art.

Also why not just make the recent Superman comic enjoyable instead of adding another one?


Quote from: AfghanAnt on August 28, 2012, 05:16:14 PM
This team doesn't look anything l like the team that is fighting the Justice League in the FCBD issue. Where is Element-Woman? Atom? Etc? Urgh this who NuDC thing with the exception for Wondie is just bad.

Also I totally agree with Steve Trevor being Nick Fury and A.R.G.U.S. oh come on. Hey DC, stop stealing ideas from Marvel when your comics were fine the way they were.

FCBD pic, I think Element-Woman is part of Justice League Dark, only person who's on Steve's league is the new GL, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Vibe and maybe Atom?


See that is the confusing part. If Hawkman and Green Arrow are on the same team why are they fighting in this promo?


Quote from: AfghanAnt on August 28, 2012, 07:30:54 PM
See that is the confusing part. If Hawkman and Green Arrow are on the same team why are they fighting in this promo?

Like you said, it was a promo pic. Maybe the original plan was to have GA was on the JLA roster. In JLA #8, GA wanted to join the league. With all the last minutes changes DC keeps making. I doubt that's the final roster for Steve Trevor's league.  :mellow:


Yeah, it didn't take DC long to completely lose my interest.  By the way, that new GL costume is extremely ugly.

By the way, Midnight, your signature is entirely too mesmerizing.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Quote from: BentonGrey on August 29, 2012, 01:47:59 AM
By the way, Midnight, your signature is entirely too mesmerizing.

And awesome. I miss those days.
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John Jr.

Is the Darkseid from the Earth 2 titles the same guy form the Justice League first story arc? From the "Zero Issues" preview we know Earth 2 fought the Apokolips forces for years and they lost entire countries and their greatest heroes to "win" the war. But the young, unexperienced, League defeated Darkseid and his forces in days or even hours (and using Wonder Woman's "Let's blind him!" not so brilliant plan)?


Cyber Burn

I'll agree, 4 Earth Lanterns are enough, this should have happened elsewhere.


Quote from: BentonGrey on August 29, 2012, 01:47:59 AM
Yeah, it didn't take DC long to completely lose my interest.  By the way, that new GL costume is extremely ugly.

By the way, Midnight, your signature is entirely too mesmerizing.

Looks like Mac Tonight from the old McDonalds commercials on crack.
"I am the world's first fully functioning homicidal artist.  I make art until somebody dies"--The Joker