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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Cyber Burn

I actually haven't picked up a book in forever and a day, but was kind of considering trying to get my hands on the "Squadron Sinister". "Supreme" or "Sinister", I've always been a "Squadron" fan. Is this a bad read, or is there any entertainment value to it?


Quote from: Cyber Burn on June 19, 2015, 12:03:20 AM
I actually haven't picked up a book in forever and a day, but was kind of considering trying to get my hands on the "Squadron Sinister". "Supreme" or "Sinister", I've always been a "Squadron" fan. Is this a bad read, or is there any entertainment value to it?

Since it's part of Marvel's Battleworld, "Squadron Sinister" is the match-up between the "Supreme" universe (the Ultimate-ized versions) and the classic "Squadron Supreme" universe team. I thought it was pretty good for a tie-in series which probably merges both teams into a new version in the post-Secret Wars Earth.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


If you like Squadron stuff you'll probably like it though without dropping to much you may also be upset with something that happens. I still give it a " waves hand near sternum ". An okay read but nothing spectacular. Just your straightforward bad guy team book. Noting that's a judgement on issue #1 which was mostly set-up. I had a lesser opinion of OML #1 (adding here I was disgusted by the original) but #2 turned me onto it. If you can drop the dime why not cause " comics " else I'd wait to see where the hype meter stands by #3.

Cyber Burn

Very cool. If I can get a ride within the next couple of days, I'll try to hit the Comic Shop and pick up Issue #1. Definitely appreciate the responses.  :thumbup:


I like the idea of it, but the reasoning is really stupid

It's probably just the site, but I'm hoping Marvel had plenty of reasons for doing this, not just the one that was stated.
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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Runaways 1- Bully(the game).Is there any work of fiction that isnt implemented into Battleworld?And no Runaway characters other then Molly Hayes,the Scrappy.Bucky Barnes,the Hall Monitor has a certain ring to it,thou.

Old Man Logan 2- Its mini AoA.Not that neccesary since we have actual AoA coming up,but okay.

E is for Extinction Its bad IMO.They mostly make fun of New X-men.Like they havent done that already?They also tried to imitate the artwork,but fail miserably.It just looks so bad.

Infinity Gauntlet #2 Its a setup for #3.But I think it will really hit the fan then.

Korvac Saga There isnt much to be said about this one.Looks promising.

Planet Hulk #2 Steve meets up with Doc Green.And they hike thru the jungle.Actually more interesting then it sounds.

MODOK #2 I see where this story is going.Its X-Force: Sex and Violence,but without sex or realistic violence.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Lol. Scratch all the long winded ranty stuff I typed earlier. I just read that Captain Marvel is getting a reboot after SW and DeConnick is out. So my concern about the continuity and writer are both moot now. Catching up on my SW stuff, sparse releases this week though I'm burnt out as is my bank account (lawn mower needs parts) so that's cool. I'll weigh in later.

@JeyNyce: Sort of. Miles is slated to be " the " Spider-man of " the " Avengers after SWS right now. Though if I'm reading SWS correctly there isn't a " main " character concept in play anymore, rather there can be multiple of any given character. If it's true that this status quo sticks going forward as Marvel put it then I imagine that would stay the same as well. In other words there could well be two or more Spider-man all on equal footing by the end of this.


I love comics and I love Marvel but rebooting the books again??  You just started a couple of new series and you want to reboot them again.....ugh!  The sad thing is that I will be picking them up no matter what.

I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Quote from: JeyNyce on June 30, 2015, 04:26:51 PM
I love comics and I love Marvel but rebooting the books again??  You just started a couple of new series and you want to reboot them again.....ugh!.

Yup, It's the horrible fact that.. post-Secret Wars.. We are getting ALL NEW series with this clean slate which merges elements and characters from Battleworld into one world. This is permanent.. Earth 616 and Ultimate Earth and all of the other alternates were wiped out. The new Earth is Battleworld but restored into completely new timeline.

Note: I would be sooooo much happier if we got a full on CLEAN SLATE reboot with just the characters from all kinds of different realities being dumped into an Earth picked from some period in time where no heroes, mutants, or aliens had ever discovered it. Sure they did something like this with Heroes Reborn (*shutters* We all know how bad of a train wreck that turned out) but in the right team hands it could work. HOWEVER, It looks like Marvel just sat down creative teams in their offices and then let folks pick characters from the Marvel character pool and then just shove them into whatever dream team they wanted.. then Editorial has to weave everything into one single whole universe. I'm hoping for the best.. expecting lots of titles to crash and burn.. just like DC's New 52 Did.

- CQ

"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Notice Deadpool and X-23 in a lott of places.
BTW,if you want to see relaunch done good I point you to Valiant.Actually I will just point you to Valiant.
X-men 92 #3 and WMD #2 were both great,btw.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Did anybody see Spider-Woman #1?

Jessica Drew is noticeably pregnant.  I can see a lot of "Is Spider-man the father?" jokes in this.
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Quote from: crimsonquill on June 30, 2015, 05:02:06 PM
Quote from: JeyNyce on June 30, 2015, 04:26:51 PM
I love comics and I love Marvel but rebooting the books again??  You just started a couple of new series and you want to reboot them again.....ugh!.

Yup, It's the horrible fact that.. post-Secret Wars.. We are getting ALL NEW series with this clean slate which merges elements and characters from Battleworld into one world. This is permanent.. Earth 616 and Ultimate Earth and all of the other alternates were wiped out. The new Earth is Battleworld but restored into completely new timeline.

Note: I would be sooooo much happier if we got a full on CLEAN SLATE reboot with just the characters from all kinds of different realities being dumped into an Earth picked from some period in time where no heroes, mutants, or aliens had ever discovered it. Sure they did something like this with Heroes Reborn (*shutters* We all know how bad of a train wreck that turned out) but in the right team hands it could work. HOWEVER, It looks like Marvel just sat down creative teams in their offices and then let folks pick characters from the Marvel character pool and then just shove them into whatever dream team they wanted.. then Editorial has to weave everything into one single whole universe. I'm hoping for the best.. expecting lots of titles to crash and burn.. just like DC's New 52 Did.

- CQ

1.Secret Wars isn't over yet, so we don't know what's going to happen to Battleworld or what the main outcome's going to be. Plus, I've heard that Battleworld's actually going to stick around after Secret Wars, but as a place seperate from the main MU, so there's that.

2.From the many different solicits going around, it seems like this is less of a reboot, and more of just a few select AU characters being transferred over to the main MU, which still looks like the main MU we've known for the past 50+ years as opposed to being an actual honest-to-gosh reboot. I'm betting that when all's said and done, the 'new' MU will be nearly virtually indistinguishable from the previous MU in terms of what's gone before, to the point where it might as well be the same one. As for the upcoming relaunch, while there's a bunch of changes going on, that's because they're skipping ahead 8 months as opposed to rebooting. Big difference there.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


I understand what you mean, but when I said reboot, I meant that they are starting over with issue number 1.  Spider-woman nor Spider-Gwen didn't even make it to their 10th issue and their books are being reset to issue 1
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Quote from: kkhohoho on June 30, 2015, 10:17:52 PM
1.Secret Wars isn't over yet, so we don't know what's going to happen to Battleworld or what the main outcome's going to be. Plus, I've heard that Battleworld's actually going to stick around after Secret Wars, but as a place seperate from the main MU, so there's that.

Wouldn't shock me that Battleworld becomes the NEW counter-Earth.. and remains the base of Doom with whomever decides to remain with him.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Quote from: JeyNyce on June 30, 2015, 10:24:21 PM
I understand what you mean, but when I said reboot, I meant that they are starting over with issue number 1.  Spider-woman nor Spider-Gwen didn't even make it to their 10th issue and their books are being reset to issue 1

Oh.. uhmmm.. NEVERMIND my previous comments.  :doh:  I was thinking reboot in the Marvel sense not the Comic Issue sense.  :unsure:

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."

Silver Shocker

So I just got caught up in my comics, and I have something I've been meaning to say:

In all of the discussion of the recent developments in All-New X-Men you all buried the lead on the real story.

Elixir is back!  He hasn't gotten to do much but he's back!  I was genuinely surprised when I reached that final page reveal; I had no idea who those characters were going to be!

So with the new books revealed, few assorted comments from me:

1) New Avengers with Wiccan, Hulkling and Songbird. WOO! Is Al Ewing any good?

2) Uncanny X-Men with art by *sigh* Greg Land.

3). I've been meaning to ask. Why do all of Quicksilver's new costumes suck? We go from mustard yellow to snowboarder gear to a guldarn fast-forword symbol on his chest. What part of "light blue with lightning-bolt motif" is so hard to get? It's bad enough Rick Remender consistently writes him as Spider-Man.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Quote from: Silver Shocker on July 01, 2015, 01:03:55 AM
Is Al Ewing any good?

He's more than good; he's freaking amazing. He's been writing Mighty Avengers for the last couple of years, and it's been the best Avengers run I've seen in a long while. The writing's good, the characters are likeable and interesting, and whenever the art's not done by Greg Land, it's phenomenal. But most importantly, it's got that classic Avengers 'feel' that's been mostly missing since Bendis took over, despite barely having any iconic Avengers characters in it. It's a modern classic, and I'd really recommend going back and checking it out. (Thanks to Secret Wars, it's unfortunately done now, kind of. Ultimates, which will be written by Ewing, will several of the same characters as in his Mighty run, so it might be a follow-up to that despite not sharing the 'Avengers' name.)
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Ultimate End #3 Is this gonna be Punisher kills the Ultimate universe sort of thing?Actually Im not sure which Punisher survived.

YoFP #2 A lott of exposition then Doom Sentinels bust in.Cue dramatic music...

X-Tinction Agenda #2 This was great.Liked the Bishop cameo.He still has hair.  :)

Secret Wars #4 Well Stephen,that went well...Melee a Trois of sort?

Red Skull #1 It start like Suicide Squad,but ends with a Terminator quote.Still,better then expected.

''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Honestly and I'll have to cross that road when we get to it but I'm pretty excited about All New All Different. The large complaint here is it's a steer from continuity. However I feel in recent times especially in regards to the NOW and Avengers NOW labels Marvel has already drifted much from what it's characters traditionally were as is to the point of convolution and the ANAD initiative looks much more streamlined and focused. That and the talent worked in there. Most of the books look appealing. They're keeping A-Force and Miles which were givens and both fine by me especially as I think they have the right writers in place. Pak on Hulk works for me. Carol is getting an overhaul and Tara Butters which clearly is in my favor. Dr.Strange is getting a series which I want. Angela and Spider-woman are staying which works as they're top picks for me right now. I was iffy on the idea of a Wanda solo but I have faith in Robinson. Lemire on the core X-Men title? Count me in. I read his ideas for it and he really gets the dynamic of the X-Men. SM 2099 and Peter David return which is awesome, I don't understand why they kept that a secret really. Hell yes to Soule on Daredevil. More Soule, Ewing, Humphries, Robinson, Lemire, Bunn, Hopeless and Dugan is okay. They have a real nice bullpen formed this time around. Nice to see the big names aren't going to be hogging all the hot titles anymore. Indifferent to Slott staying on SM though that was also a given. He really brought out some cool stories but I think he's past his due date with it and the character needs someone more energetic (Christos Gage would be perfect imo after reading SW Spider-Island). On the other hand there's going to be more than enough Spider-man to choose from and Dan may surprise me here. Nice to see Carnage getting a shot. Overall this looks acceptable to me. Bendis on GOTG is probably my only meh.

@Spade: I think it was the Time Runs Out Punisher? That is the characters that aren't exactly from 616 but from moments before Battleworld occurred. It took me a bit to wrap my head on around " 616 Manhattan " but SW#4 sort of unfogged that for me.


@Alice Not in a metaphysical sense.I dont know which one of the 2 is this guy.  :rolleyes:
Punisher sits in a room,then another Punisher,dressed exactly the same,walks in a shoots him.Its just hard to tell them apart.

Age of Apocalypse #1 was great btw.Nicieza never disappoints,truly.  :thumbup:

Whole ANAD Marvel-its really hard to tell how its gonna turn out.
Warren Ellis will be interesting with Karnak,probably.
Tom Taylor(Injustice) on Wolverine...that doesn't really raise any hope.
Seeing Jeff Lemires work for Valiant,I'm totally up for him writing X-men.Uncanny X-men are a strange beast...Lineup is basically Brotherhood.And no mather what.Sabretooth is still the guy who ate babies,so...
And Ultimates will be a PROACTIVE superhero team.Oh boy...not that again...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Something I wanted to talk about in my catching up with X-men.I know it could offend some people,but Im speaking only about the COMIC,and don't want to discuss politics.
Cyclops compares Utopias position to Iraq.But because they REALLY do have WMDs(themselves),that actually a deterrent to an invasion.His words,not mine.And Captain America is all too happy when they are doing his job and "fighting the good fight".Only later to barge(full 'MURICA mode) and demands Cyclops to hand over his daughter.Yeah,Steve,you demanded from a leader of sovereign nation to hand over his child to you.Smooth.When that fails(Surprisingly),it results in basically an American invasion.Now,ignoring the fact this is the first time Avengers give a crap for X-men business,what was the point of a story?Not-so-subtle political satire/comment?Notion that Avengers play the World Cop in Marvel universe?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


It's not offensive. A lot of people had that issue with AvsX immediately. I already spelled out how I hate when Marvel pushes political agendas, though I suppose counter-terrorism and U.S. pride is still better than having to read fracking stories, lol. If I wanted to watch the news I wouldn't be reading comics then. At any rate the first half of AvsX was a steaming heap of contrived garbage anyways. They could have shoved it out in one to two comics and moved onto the Phoenix 5 stuff no prob. The " big fights " weren't even worth it since most equated to bulky exposition with the fight finally happening, one character winning via Deus ex Machina then striking a pose and saying something witty. Bleh. No surprise it irritated anyone yourself included here. If you not through the whole thing expect many more feelings like this to happen sorry to say.


If the point of the story was political satire,it wasnt subtle.At all.
That,or in hindsight,and just sight,Avengers come of as jerks.Yes,Cyclops is the bad guy.For stoping wars,and feeding the hungry.Cant have that now,can we?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

^ For the record, Hope is Cable's (adopted) daughter, not Cyclops'. Cable was temporarily dead at the time so she was hanging out with the X-Men.

Ah, yes, AVX. Not sure you were around here back then, but when it came out, a lot of us criticized it for being contrived and having the Avengers act like jerks. And the omnipotent, world-problem solving thing was not handled particularly well. Not sure how far you are in AVX, but when members of the Phoenix Five actually cross the line and do bad stuff, its made abundantly clear. Like you said, not subtle, at all.

I've always felt Schism and AVX were both contrived "holding the conflict ball" stories that the writers just had to get out of the way so they can get to the next plot point/status quo. As such, I've never really held it against the creative teams, since most of them were usually great elsewhere (sorry Bendis ;) )

As Marvel and DC tend to repeat themselves with some plots, if you want an example of AVX done better(though without the Avengers), one example would be the first two arcs of Cable & Deadpool (it went for a decidedly more Jesus metaphor though. The working title for the 2nd arc was, I kid you not, "Passion of the Cable")

Speaking of Deadpool, Marvel just announced a Deadpool/Spider-Man team-up book by classic Deadpool creative team Joe Kelly and Ed Mcguinness. They apparently haven't said if it's an ongoing or mini yet.

I'm going to confess an unpopular opinion: I don't really like the original Joe Kelly run of Deadpool that much. Oh, I like things about it: the steady supporting cast, Deadpool struggling to be a hero (another plot that gets repeated again and again), the interaction with Cable, and the serious drama and character along with the humor. But I'm not a big fan of Kelly's humor. I was always more fond of Simone's and Fabian Niceiza's. (Incidentally, I feel the same way about Giffen/DeMatteis JLI, which is probably more blasphemous). But I've found Kelly did some great work on Spider-Man during Brand New Day, and the issue with Deadpool was a genuine hoot, so I'd probably pick this up if it's a mini. Plus McGuiness as a artist really grew on me in recent years. If it's an ongoing, I'm not sure. There's a LOT of Deadpool comics since the 2009 boom and there's a lot I haven't read (I never finished Way's run), so I don't think I need to pick it up monthly, though it's a creative team I have more confidence in than most of the others (Duggan's run seems to be good).
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


I used the term daughter for the sake of simplicity.Anyway,Summers family tree is complicated.  :wacko:
Gillens run on Uncanny was actually good until it derails into AvX.There was really a lott of potential there.Most powerful X-team EVER for one.Namor was great,liked him.
-The story for one ignores that Rachel is still around.W&X-men tries to make some sense of that,but they just kinda gave up...
-Tony Stark has a Phoenix detector.How?Why?Where was it for the past 20 years?Phoenix is coming to Earth to restore Mutant race,destroying planets along the way.Why is it necessary for it to barrel thru planets on the way here?And how does Tony even know about that destruction?Skrulls sent him a Snapchat?
And for all his "expertise" Tony still throws an Iron Man suit at it,which creates the Phoenix Force etc.People make fun of Reed Richards for his screw ups and being the resident dumb genius,but hes got nothing on Tony.  :doh:
-I made fun of Captain America before,but actually hes an okay guy.So invading a sovereign nation?Interment camps?Bit out of characters,right?
-But it gets worst.The two brainiacs don't consult any actual experts,including several former host of Phoenix.No,they go to Wolverine.  :thumbup:
Who just had a huge fight with Cyclops.It just escalates from there.
By the time the dust settles,most of these plots are pretty much forgotten,anyway.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Lol. Like I said it's going to be rife with moments you'll enjoy. Best moment and probably issue I'll give it is the Spider-man one. The Sinister stuff in the second half is also pretty good. Else I pretty much decided that and Schism were caused by Hope stealing Cyclops's rocket pack. It sounds silly but it's right there on panel and makes more sense than the reasons they tried to feed us. I mean kid displays some rebellious behavior, kids elders go a bit overboard on the proactive end, everyone else gets involved and somehow we arrive at the point of legislature all because a teen did something any normal teen would do? Ha, hows that for subtle poli-discourse!

All that stuff was " sort of " explained though not for better. The Rachel stuff is dropped in here and there over the course of multiple X-Men arcs, mainly the whole space epic against Vulcan and in a Phoenix handbook that come out shortly before Hope's arrival in the present tense. Tony having anti-mutant tech came up in X-Sanction where Cable tried to get ahead of this very happening by going to war with the Avengers, though if you think it's idiotic that Tony would have that you haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg. Not really a bad spoiler imo here but after all is said and done expect Tony to blamed for all of this in his own books because you know, Tony Stark Card. Personally I almost passed on it when it came out and kind of regret dropping as much cash on it as I did. I really regret Schism but frankly that one was so bad I don't even want to delve into it. 


Him having anti-mutant tech(like Sentinels or something) is somewhat plausible.Him having a Phoenix detector.Thats hard to believe.Its just- They didnt even care.
But,Tony is big in the movies,so no karma for him.(See:Superior Iron Man)
In something similar we have Red Skull eating Xaviers brain.Classy.  <_<
Oh yeah,and there is this exchange.My favourite bit of dialogue since well ever:
Wolverine: You killed Professor Xavier!
Cykes: You killed thousands of peolpe!
W: Oh Yeah?!Well I didnt kill anyone important.  :blink:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Personally, I like to consider this story 'Civil War 2.0', which tells you just how bad it was. The heroes are fighting each other -- again -- over a contrived and rather stupid reason -- again -- and instead of acting like mature, sensible adults, they're instead essentially little kids in a sandbox fighting over who gets to play in it. AGAIN. Granted, the fine details aren't quite the same, but at their core, they're both stories that try to be both political, as well as get some fan-service-fueled fights in. Honestly, if I wanted some fan-service-fueled fights, I'd just play Freedom Force. ;)

And adding to the sandbox analogy for AvX, Captain America is the kid who thinks that he and his own band of kids needs the sandbox more; Cyclops is the kid already in the sandbox who refuses to give it up or compromise; Iron Man is the kid who tries to intervene and patch things up but only makes the whole situation worse; and Hope&Wolverine are the kids who have had enough of this and just leave the sandbox for greener pastures.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Quote from: kkhohoho on July 13, 2015, 03:31:37 PM
And adding to the sandbox analogy for AvX, Captain America is the kid who thinks that he and his own band of kids needs the sandbox more; Cyclops is the kid already in the sandbox who refuses to give it up or compromise; Iron Man is the kid who tries to intervene and patch things up but only makes the whole situation worse; and Hope&Wolverine are the kids who have had enough of this and just leave the sandbox for greener pastures.

Little Marvel AvX actually takes that analogy and runs with it.Its bloody hilarious.  :thumbup:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on July 13, 2015, 03:36:43 PM
Quote from: kkhohoho on July 13, 2015, 03:31:37 PM
And adding to the sandbox analogy for AvX, Captain America is the kid who thinks that he and his own band of kids needs the sandbox more; Cyclops is the kid already in the sandbox who refuses to give it up or compromise; Iron Man is the kid who tries to intervene and patch things up but only makes the whole situation worse; and Hope&Wolverine are the kids who have had enough of this and just leave the sandbox for greener pastures.

Little Marvel AvX actually takes that analogy and runs with it.Its bloody hilarious.  :thumbup:

I know. I was actually going to edit my post quick and add that in there, though I guess there's not much need to now. Curses! Foiled again!

(Though it was bloody hilarious. :lol:)
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'