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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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Loving your last work style!  :thumbup: :thumbup:

Quote from: windblown on November 09, 2015, 10:33:12 PM
Now I think I should start to make readme files (I hate doing those) because I have lots of things unreleased.

This didn't work...I still have to do a lot of readme files, but instead I did this new keyframe edit:

The preview shows AfghanAnt's Nightcrawler_Classic and the FX "teleport_bamf", but it can be adapted to other Nightcrawler or FX. Btw the second to last clip (the ranged attack) is a new FX, not part of the animation.

I have more adult X-men in mind for future skopes.


That looks so cool. Very creative use of keyframes WB.
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Windblown is dangerous.


Really love that mesh! Out of interest are you going to do a version with a sword?


Thanks guys,

Quote from: Doom2099 on November 29, 2015, 04:02:49 PM
Really love that mesh! Out of interest are you going to do a version with a sword?

If people are interested I can give him some sword animations.


feel free to poach from the nightcrawler keys i just released,  i've added to Valandar's fencer and nightcralwer keyframes to scale the rapier in and out for sword animations.  that should save you some work.


Ohh man, that looks really great!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Thanks Benton

Quote from: detourne_me on November 30, 2015, 11:45:46 PM
feel free to poach from the nightcrawler keys i just released,  i've added to Valandar's fencer and nightcralwer keyframes to scale the rapier in and out for sword animations.  that should save you some work.

Cool! I'll take a look at it  :)


Holy jimmies that Nightcrawler is amazing! :thumbup:


The Ultimate Fan!


Style!  We gotta get some hosting for you somewhere dude!!


I can just hear theme music playing in my head :D
Get my skins at:
my Google page


Bravo, Windblown and Style...Bravo!  :thumbup:

...And Style, I'm loving the Star Wars content you're working on!

Best to both of you,



Working at Nightcrawler I got an idea to do this:

And working at the Bamfs I got an idea to do this:

Lin Li aka Nature Girl is a student at Jean Grey High School with animal control powers. She seems to have a special affinity with the Bamfs, so I gave her a special animation where she calls for help and a bamf teleports in, grabs her and both of them teleport.

As her powers are difficult to represent, I've done some FX to go with this skope. You can chek them at the FX thread.


Heh Bamfs I never thought I'd see those in FF. Really cool.
And nice job on Nature Girl. She didn't get to do much but I liked her. Amazing job on the animations and fxs!
Get my skins at:
my Google page


Those keyframes and skopes are slick windblown!


The Ultimate Fan!



The Ultimate Fan!


AAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need!  :wub:


I'm hooked on a feeling over here!



Great stuff! Especially the little one, looks perfect.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


I don't know where to start. Bravo and kudos to everyone on everything here.  :thumbup:


Quote from: style on December 09, 2015, 02:45:12 AM


Great work thus far! But i have got to ask......where are they?  :D I've been looking for an MCU Iron Man like yours since I first saw the movie. Fantastic work!!  :thumbup:



I don't usually post work here because I'm primarily a skinner, and the scopes I do are seldom very complicated. This time I need a little help. Wildfyre pointed out that we do not have Mr. Mind in the game. Since he is just a little worm, I got to thinking about a way to make him big enough to see and actually participate. I thought about Krang from Benton's TMNT mod, and my own Mr. Freek and Bruto, and decided to see about making him some form of transportation. Here is my idea, made from the hard work of Bearded In Lair and Texas Jack. Now I just need a worm. And a speaker box. And some controls.

Anybody got any ideas?

Cyber Burn

For the Worm, check out "Mukmuk" on SickAlice's Green Lantern Page:

You could shrink it down, and throw it inside.

Depending on what you want for the Speaker Box, you could probably use a Belt Buckle of some sort.

Not sure about the Controls though.


Looking good so far.  I don't know if they would work, but Tommy's time spheres have control stands in them. If I can send them your way.
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