Dick Tracy-Crossovers 2018... Extry! Extry! Tracy busts extortion ring...

Started by daglob, January 05, 2017, 03:50:02 PM

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Who was that masked man?

The one with the the blue suit and the red tie? ;)


Kind of meta-fictional here, with references to other comic strips. I haven't followed Dick Tracy in decades. I checked the Return of the Moon Maid sequence awhile back, and knew that Joe Staton was doing the series now. Every once in awhile I have gone back (I thought The Mole was dead?). So, yeah, when I saw the late Denny Colt, I started checking it out every day.


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at ffx.freedomforce4ever.com


Now we have Pouch, Carrion & Julia, The Dragon Lady, and a reference to a certain bronze-skinned adventurer. I don't know what is going on, but it looks like fun. :)


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Joe Staton is one of my favorite artists, so I was pleasantly surprised back when he was announced as the new artist. (I got a sketch of the Huntress from him at a convention.) I think he fits the strip very well.

The Little Orphan Annie comic strip ended years ago, and on a cliffhanger. The story was actually resolved later on in the Dick Tracy strip, and both Annie and Daddy Warbucks have appeared a few times since.

The only thing I don't like is that Curtis and Staton have resurrected some villains that Chester Gould had killed off.



No. I was referring to BB Eyes and a few other characters.

The Mole was never killed off. He actually went to prison and reformed. It was the Mole's niece Molene who was killed off. (And Pouch killed Johnny Scorn, who was sort of responsible for her death, and actually got away with it!)


I thought The Mole was killed when he ran his car into a train (or vice versa). They showed the body and everything. I wonder who this was instead?

This would have been about 1964...


The only villain I know of who died by crashing a car into a train is the Brain. But that was 1975.

The Mole was a one-shot villain. He was captured alive in the initial case and had reformed by the time he was released from prison.

(I used to have a hardback book with several early cases in it, and the Mole case was one of them. Unfortunately, I no longer have the book.)


The Spirit wears both his mask and gloves while he's sleeping...


Well, according to the Dread Pirate Roberts, they're terribly comfortable.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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ME-TV runs Perry Mason twice a day. Right now, the morning episodes are from the first season or so. In one show, Perry and Paul are discussion a case while, sitting on the desk between them, is what looks to be a framed pic of dick Tracy by Chester Gould...

And at some time in the past, the shadow of a certain felonious flightless fowl appeared...


Skimming back over some of the older Joe Staton Tracy stories I've come across his meeting Popeye and The Phantom (actually he already knew Kit, he introduced him to his family). His vacation to Europe was somewhat of a long in-joke, with references to Arnie Sacknussum (sp), Hercule Poirot, Eric the Phantom, C. Auguste Duphin, and ending up fighting Abner Kadaver above Reichenback Falls.


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Also a mention of a police scientist named Barry Allen by a blind newsstand operator named Reggie. The last was a little vague to me, until someone mentioned he was from the first Flash TV show.

And in another strip, the murdered head of an aquarium is named Arthur Curry... He might have been killed by Phishface.



A character in the latest comic looks a LOT like Simon Stagg, from Metamorpho. And the character is named Simon.


Quote from: GhostMachine on February 14, 2018, 06:16:48 PM
A character in the latest comic looks a LOT like Simon Stagg, from Metamorpho. And the character is named Simon.

I saw that. We'll have to see if he has a real neanderthal for a chauffeur.


The story I've been waiting for has finally started!  :thumbup:


Well, I haven't been keeping y'all up to date. The Simon Stagg who was killed was, unfortunately,  not the one from the main DC Universe. His killer, Ghost Pepper, did not survive his introductory adventure, but then again, not satisfied with killing Simon Stagg (for which I'm sure Rex Mason is jealous) he tried to kill the star of the strip.

The following adventure had Tracy investigating the death of TV star George Reeds, the actor who played Ultraman...

And of course, now we have another crossover...


Did not care at all for last week's guest artist. His style didn't fit the strip, and Tracy could have given Jay Leno a run for his money in the chin department.

A Dick Tracy-Green Hornet crossover is something I've wanted for years. I'm a big fan of the Green Hornet radio show, and of the old modern era Now Comics series (Up to a point; lost me a bit when they turned the female Kato into the cold-blooded murderer Crimson Wasp). Not so much a fan of the Lone Ranger radio show, however. Because I grew up watching re-runs of the tv series as a kid, and Clayton Moore is my preferred Lone Ranger.


Clayton Moore IS the Lone Ranger.

I was introduced to The Green Hornet via the TV show back in the '60s, then got some of the radio shows, the Now Comics, and , like you , I never liked The Crimson Wasp. I read once that the owners of the copyright insisted that it be the "real" Kato driving the Black Beauty, and thus they needed to do something with the female version. I don't see why they didn't just do a '60s series.

The artist on the strip wasn't exactly bad, he just didn't fit the strip the way Joe Staton does. I survived some far worse art; I even have a collection of stories (maybe from the '90s) that are almost painful to look at.

Have you ever read If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor by Bruce Campbell?


They flat out said in a letters column that they were forced to drop the female Kato, because the copyright owners insisted that Kato be male. A female Kato I didn't have a problem with, but the newer, more modern Black Beauty that looked like a sports car prototype was a bad idea. But what they did with her was horrible. It looked like she was possibly going to be a romantic interest for the current Hornet (out of costume, that is), but then they decided to turn her into a bloodthirsty, murdering vigilante with an ugly as sin costume and gold katanas. I've no idea how or if that was wrapped up, as I believe I read maybe 3 issues with her as the Crimson Wasp before dropping the series.

And no, I haven't read that book. Yet.


I read the series to the end, but I don't remember the resolution. Either the meds are at fault, or the sequence was that memorable. While I can't remember exactly what makes me think it, I believe in the "future" GH story they did it was shown that Mishi and Britt III did get married and have children. This is despite some things that were said in the "present" comic.

As for the Batm.. um sports car Black Beauty, how can one improve on perfection (the 1966 version)?


Things are heating up. Tracy caught The Green Hornet and Topper engaged in some extortion, but they got away by the grace of a little Hornet Gas. Hornet escaped in The Black Beauty, driven by The Red Wasp. No, it's not Mishi... it's Casey. Kato has been kidnapped...

And we all know what happens to the bad guys who kidnap the major characters.


...And we learn today what did happen to Kato.

... He is operating undercover.... as Topper's valet.


...Green Hornet still at large!...

Then again, we expected that.


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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