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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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Yeah, that one was not very known  :P Maybe the next one is a little easier because today I bring you an Ex-X-man:

Slipstream, an Australian surfer who joined to Storm's team in Xtreme X-men during a short time. He's able to open a teleportation portal called "warp wave", through which he can teleport. He navigates through the portal with the assistance of a modified surfboard.


Now him I know. Great job, curious to see who's next.
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The next one is well-known, but not in the main continuity, it was her "Age of Apocalypse" counterpart who was popular and joined to the Exiles:

Blink is a mutant with the ability to create teleportation portals. She was a member of the New Mutants during the Utopia era. I'm not a big fan of the 616 continuity look, but I like this hair mesh and I think it fits her.


Love it! Just yes!

Sorry to anyone for delays on requests. I'm sick, mostly for this stuff it makes it hard to look at a screen without getting a migraine. It's all still coming along just at a snails pace.


I love it! I really liked that look for Blink.
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Glad you liked her! :)

And we've get to the last mutant teleporter. This one has no kittbashed skin (or skin at all) because I think he's on Podmark's list since he was an X-student:

Jeffrey Garrett was a teleporter student at Xavier's. When Magneto destroyed the building, he was caught when he was starting to teleport so his body was killed but his spirit remained like a mutant ghost (the skope is set to be semitransparent). He was killed by M-day when he was depowered.

So, it was fun doing these skopes, even if there wasn't a lot of interest on it :P The idea came from X-men: Second Coming and Bastion's plans to eliminate every teleporters before attacking Utopia with the Nimrods.

(you need to stare for 6 seconds to the pic)

I've started to work on Voght's gaseous form.

Also... I'm thinking of doing a couple of teleporting fx for some of the skoped characters so they can have ranged powers like the one I had done for Nightcrawler:


Jeffrey Garrett? That's certainly unexpected and I forgot what his actual power even was - other than becoming a ghost.
Sure I'll skin him! Honestly I'd skin almost anything you make if I could manage it, but considering it took about a month and a half to skin 4 versions of Goldballs I guess I can't skin everything.

FXs look really good too!
Get my skins at:
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Wow, that Nightcrawler teleporting ranged attack FX is just amazing! 

All these skopes are great!  That Blink one is neat, and Voght's form is really cool!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


That ranged_bamf attack that you made WB is one of my favorite fx and translates amaizng in game. It fits like a glove in a chained projectile attack. Did you manage to take a look at the Clea fx? Is there anything more that you need me to send you in terms of files and nifs?


Thanks guys

Quote from: Jimaras8 on March 25, 2020, 06:46:24 PM
That ranged_bamf attack that you made WB is one of my favorite fx and translates amaizng in game. It fits like a glove in a chained projectile attack. Did you manage to take a look at the Clea fx? Is there anything more that you need me to send you in terms of files and nifs?

I remember it made it more fun to play (and more complete powerwise) in my game back at the day, that's why I've thought of doing something similar for Blink for example.

Also, I've just sent you an email with the Clea fx.

Cyber Burn

This was really fun to watch Windblown. I'd love to see another set like this.

Cyber Burn

This was something that I did because I don't think it's been done yet, and because I wanted to see what some other Skins looked like with the effects turned on. Nothing fancy, just a really quick, super simple addition of the refl and glow.


I love stuff like that personally, workbench items I mean.

Tiger Claws base is finished which was a bit of task that took several tries. I rebuilt an official game model to fit because I wanted his specific form rather than my own custom work here, this from Portal Power, then remapped the entire thing to be polite to skinners. Now to the keyframe work and making his extra costume stuff. Also began work on April since I think the character doesn't have enough love as well Pod's request.


Get my skins at:
my Google page


Wow, looks really great, SA!  Your conversion has produced a great piece.  :D
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Eh. Don't give me that much credit. As it is a conversion the credit falls to the original animator and again I did it this way for a reason. I wanted it to look authentic to the character in the series and knew my own sculpt just would hold up. To the best of my knowledge this game company and any at the time that Nick series was out were all personally given the actual models used in the series itself to base their game ones on hence the quality of all of the above. Still trying to iron out the weapons though, got an emulator with Legends on it and trying, failing, to rip the weapons as it's the only one that seemed to have at least three of four (the rifle isn't present). I may have to give up and sculpt them myself. More of the work will be in his alts which I am sculpting manually, you'll see all that upon release though.



Finished his smaller pistol today finally, phew. It was from scratch. Couldn't find a game model for it then saw designs for the Legends one and noticed they made up their own rather than using the design from the series which wasn't what I wanted. Now on to the custom rifle, also not represented in any existing models then making his custom built extra costumes. That pistol should be the hardest part done, it has an unusual shape.

*Edit: finished rifle, now onto the mechanical hands, putting it together, the extra costume bits and finishing the keys.


nice stuff as always this lock down has me home bound so i thought id share Marvels End Time Arena models, some of these models have weapons combined with main models easy fix all you needs is nifskope and Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro to seperate them, im working on others things myself if i get a chance ill start doing so,
J.P  :thumbup:


Quote from: SickAlice on April 10, 2020, 07:33:18 PM
I love stuff like that personally, workbench items I mean.

Tiger Claws base is finished which was a bit of task that took several tries. I rebuilt an official game model to fit because I wanted his specific form rather than my own custom work here, this from Portal Power, then remapped the entire thing to be polite to skinners. Now to the keyframe work and making his extra costume stuff. Also began work on April since I think the character doesn't have enough love as well Pod's request.

Fall in love with this  tigerwork!  :o :o :o :o :thumbup:

Cyber Burn


Welcome back JP, it's great to see another blast from the past come back!


Great work, SA!

JP!  Welcome back, man!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

Sioux City Dynamo



I have a new teleporter to preview, but this time it's not a mutant (he was an X-man for a short time though).

Tyrone johnson aka Cloak

I don't skope non mutants usually, but I really liked this model that John_Patches exported :)

Still working at his animations:


Sometimes he's a mutant, he and Dagger were even X-Men for a few issues.
Very nice. Cloak has always been one of those characters that just doesn't look right with our traditional models so this works well.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


One of the best cloak version i have seen WB .


nice job  :thumbup:
i also have Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2 complete set,
but :doh: textures too small.
the models awesome tho  :thumbup:
let me know if your interested

Cyber Burn

Quote from: john_patches on May 09, 2020, 01:59:43 AM
nice job  :thumbup:
i also have Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2 complete set,
but :doh: textures too small.
the models awesome tho  :thumbup:
let me know if your interested

I would love to see what you have. I may be down right now. But I plan on being back up in a few weeks, and I am definitely interested in playing with new toys.