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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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Very nice. Not a character I'm overly familiar with.
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I'll let you 80's fans guess what I'm working on here.


Quote from: Tomato on May 21, 2020, 09:00:40 PM
So it's not that I reversed the keyframes (I was going to painstakenly mirror everything via nifskope, but that was gonna be way too tedious) It's that I inverted the handle node (scale = -1) on the actual nif and then rotated it back into place. Similar to the mirror trick I posted before, you also have to flip faces and normals and remember everything's been mirrored when you go to skope on more bits.

Question, how is the painstaking way done. It's been years, I think you originally taught me how. I have something but I only want the one animation to be reversed, specifically everything for the clavicles out thus would want to retain the nodes for the other keys to function properly. Ty.




Ty. Getting through it without too many do overs.

Cyber Burn

 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:  What was his name?!?!?

Moss Man???


Yep, Moss Man. Mostly I'm working out the shared MOTU parts and bits first. It's why She-Ra had to be done first. Him I just had an idea I wanted to test out. That's wip of course, you can see the shoulder is messed up so I have to redo it but it was just to see if I could create an effect with think fur (moss) and I managed it. He was a funny figure. His action feature was he smelled like pine. Opposite a skunk character named Stinkor who smelled like poop. Ironically Moss Man smelled worse because he was pungent.

Working on it made me realize some areas I'm lacking. For one we still need to figure out proper particle emitters. They was it's supposed to be done is they are weighted and the particles follow and deform the body movements and can be further controlled in the animations. Bacchite has a particle system like that that runs down her arm to her hand then to her club. The other is fur and hair. I'm not good enough at FX to understand it fully but fur and hair is a particle emission type. According to a Blender tutorial I was reading the particles are basically long lines that "stand" off of a point, again weighted to the body and do not move or shrink out or anything and that's how realistic fur and hair is supposed to be created in this system.

This is just a guess mind you and would be unorthodox though I tend to exploit glitches for effect more often than doing things the long way, I think one could just make a separate body mesh and label it the same name as a the called for particle emitter. A particle emitter has a 3d model, it's a tiny box that is set to invisible so you only see the particles coming off it and not the little 3d box. So we'd exchange say a weighted male basic for that. Then say you want the particles to only be on part of the body, like fire hair or for this fur thing, you'd cookie cut the model in Blender so only the faces remained that you want, in this example the cranium. I see INK used a method like that in New Phoenix where there's a piece on the head that looks like a big spikey flame and the Head FX follows that piece. I think they same piece is also doubled there for the emitters bounding box.


Quote from: SickAlice on June 18, 2020, 01:56:30 AM
I'll let you 80's fans guess what I'm working on here.

Faker, right?  :thumbup:


Bingo. Actually started for She-Ra's Impost-Ra alt. Like I said there's an order I'm doing them so I end up having essential parts for other characters since MOTU share a lot of things, Faker of course need's that, He-Man and Skeletor done first. Also in this preview is She-ra's Royal Guard costume, a design for a figure that never came out and parts that carry over to Man-At-Arms of course. I made a full model of the chestplate for two reasons by the way. Texturing it causes jaggles whereas the texture stretches and bleeds which doesn't look right for that costume part and as well because there's a cavity built into the chest that glows.


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Did you ever get the disappearing arms sorted out?

Cyber Burn


Quote from: SuperPoweredYank on July 02, 2020, 01:52:53 PM
Did you ever get the disappearing arms sorted out?

Ha ha, yeah. I have a lapse of reasoning is the problem. After going through every setting and remaking the model several times I noticed I accidentally had copied and pasted a dark color into the alpha channel on the texture.  :doh:

And ty all. Having a bit of fun with all this to be honest, lot of variety in those lines of figures/characters to play with and figure out how to make work.


There, this was a challenge. I had to texture the stones the basin is made of by hand and sight, not easy to with one eye. Now I just have to make the slime and finish the animations.


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So did I and also used it destroy many another toy by getting the slime inside their joints lol. My favorite though was toyline based on the tech, which reading about this for reference I learned the Slime Pit was the origin of that type of toy (else most MOTU stuff started with a toyline called Big Jim, fun little factoid), called Mad Scientist. In it was a figure called Dissect-An-Alien. The monster looking thing would be filled with slime and it's various plastic internal organs and then the child would dig them out like digging through pumpkin yack. I've always intended to try and reproduce that one for  :ff:.


wow, it looks like you've put a lot of effort on that. It looks great. Looking forward to see the slime/finished animations. Great job!

I've been updating some X-men members lately (bringing parts of mobile game models over our FF meshes just to see what they look like). I'm going to preview some of them. The first one will be Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl (with her current Krakoan costume):

Face close-up:

Some animations:



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Love it, just love. Picture perfect.


Glad you liked her!

The second preview is for the Mistress of magnetism: Lorna Dane aka Polaris

This skope has been done over my old Polaris skope (which was based on AfghanAnt's one) and the preview pic shows AA's textures for the body.

Face close-up:

Some animations:



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Absolutely phenomenal work, Windblown. Truly first rate! :thumbup:

And when did you say you were going to start releasing these again??  :D


Oh I love X-men stuff and really love this Hickman era stuff. Have a Hickman era Emma on the work table right now for not matter, I have to try my hand at that feathered costume.


Absolutely sensnational both of them. I always prefered Jean's 90s costume but the skope itself is exceptional.


Wow, great stuff, folks!  SA, such a cool object, really great work!

WB, those look fantastic!  It's great to see such a gorgeous version of the old Marvel Girl costume!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Glad you liked them :)

now, meet Petra, the geokinetic X-woman from the Deadly Genesis team:

The preview picture shows some textures from AfghanAnt and Podmark skin.

Face close-up:

Some animations:


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