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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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Oh my gosh, MECHANECK!  Haha, that's fantastic, SA!  Very impressive!  I hope he has a melee anim where he extends his neck as an attack.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Ty. I'm please with my turnout on the armor. And he does have the animation. I'm using a copy past of that same animation pictured which was an area as a ranged since I wasn't entirely sure how anyone would use that move in game. It's the only animation for that base nif (Taskmaster) that I could find where the neck stays pretty much even the whole time. I needed that of course because the neck and head move vertically and if the neck was to move it would look weird.


Ah! i could only enjoy seeing other MOTU characters, very nice Alice! Any hope to use this also in  :ff:?


Ty. No hope sorry, I only have and use  :ffvstr:. I can't test in the first game and most of my stuff uses features that are only available in the 2nd games engine and not the first.

Four are finished now sans keyframe polishing (She-Ra is the fourth), He-Man and Skeletor are lager jobs. Came up with something new to create Moss Man's moss/fur. Can't believe I actually got it to work, I was sure this would fail. Most will have something like this and hence my fixation with this line. Akin to the original figures I want to give them specific features and try and do things with this game that haven't been done before.


Your dedication to this is dope! Moss man was a favourite as a kid.
Is he an alpha'd body over top of his regular body? If so, how does this look when he animates? Strange clipping or right on the money?


Wow, SA, these are really fantastic!  I'm darned impressed with their attention to detail, variety, and completeness!  Great work!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Looks awesome so far!  I really love the weapons you've included, too!
That mace with the square clip, Stinkor's blue gun... the nostalgia is coming in like a tidal wave.


Thank you. Just finishing Zodac, Hordak and Grizzlor now for shared parts. The weapons have been a fun part to do. I'm most proud of this Horde crossbow currently, I put a lot of work into it.


You should be proud of all of them, fantastic work all around :thumbup:

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Oh my! I love that crossbow. One of my favorite toy accessories as a kid.


Thanks. The complicated part was making the different interchangeable mast heads for the different characters (Hordak, Grizzlor, Mantenna/Dragstor and Leech). Just moved on to sculpting the modern and 200x ones but, well I'm not that steady right now so I'm working on Two-Bad instead until I can focus more.


I finished Two-Bad except like most I have to go through the keyframes. I got lucky with this one, I only had to scrap one part and start it over. Normally I have many do overs when it comes to get close to an original shape and still have it conform to the game standards. Like the rest this one has a unique feature which is it's body type is new and has a different texturing than any other mesh out there allowing for precise splitting without any overlapping or bleeding (jaggles).


Haha!  I am loving these, SA!  Great work!  I can't believe how great they look!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I'm getting pretty lucky really. Many of these shapes are odd and hard to figure out, to an extent anyways. I'm also lucky there's a ton of reference material online and much of it provides different angles. I just finished the base for the modern Horde crossbows, this one being Hordak's but as with the vintage crossbows made it so I can easily switch in parts for the other characters bows. It will be less work from there. Not even thinking about the 200x ones right now, those are pretty complex and going to need my full attention.


And finished the 200x crossbows which with all the above is a big hurdle out of the way and now I can move back to working on the characters themselves again. These where a big challenge and I literally had to learn brand new modelling methods on the fly to pull them off. Glad I did though because those techniques will come in handy later.


Wow! Those look ridiculousl cool.


my eternal respects for your artistic work are literally perfect :thumbup:


Those crossbows are fantastic. I was thinking that if you plant them on a mesh's back, they could make some nasty looking wings.

Nyte Dragon

Quote from: hoss20 on February 05, 2021, 03:58:19 PM
Those crossbows are fantastic. I was thinking that if you plant them on a mesh's back, they could make some nasty looking wings.

Add the right particle effect on the end of them and you'd have a sweet rocket backpack.
We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?
 ⁓Doctor Who


Ty again, working my digits off on Grizzlor here. I'm on the weapons now. That rocket trick is pretty easy to do and more I did it for anyone already. Tommyboys Cannonball has a simple node on it that when put into another node will appear and vanish with that piece w/o the need to adjust any animations. I already adjusted the positioning of the flow once on the Goblin nifs I did, so front to back, and another on Flaming Carrot, top to bottom. Easy enough to copy them to whatever and then make any desired visual adjustments from there. I'm also doing something rocket pack for Tiger Claw from TMNT. I fixed it with the same FX node but in a rocket pack position as well am adding a small circle mesh where the jet/opening is that lights up when in flight. Just finding the time to work the animations on that one otherwise the model and texture work is already completed.

I might cheat on those 200x bows by the way just to allocate time for other things, noting of course this is downtime when I'm not attending to life stuff. The bolt on the end should fire out though I'm off the mind in game an FX with the bolt model looks fine without the static bolt itself vanishing for a bit. I'm not sure nor to that point yet, that'll happen when I have the collection completed and moving into the polishing odds and ends stage. And as is usual with me I general don't put a ton of the mod work into these things, I just produce the stock models and leave that stuff to the modders that wish to work that end of it. Anyways everyone have a pleasant day, off to the aforementioned life stuff (mother and stepfathers bdays a day apart to set up for) and then back ton work on Grizzlors weapons later tonight.



Still around and as usual I hope all you good people here are being found by the best of luck when you can. Life happened on my end in spades so I was running all over and finally got a break just now. Finished up Grizzlor which is the first FF stuff I've been able to do since around the last time I posted here (lot of house work, meetings in offices, surgeries and two thousand plus miles of travel). Like the rest I have a lot of polishing to do namely in the animations but for now I'm just completing the art side of the set. This one took a lot of thinking outside the box like Moss Man did for the obvious reasons of the fur as well the complicated costume parts and weapons.


Glad to see you back, SA!

Geez, 2k miles of travel? Sounds exhausting!


Kind of going rate for me and ty. Well, pandemic and quarantine was a new experience being locked down and getting cozy with things normal people do like binge watching streaming shows and such. I can see the appreciation for such. Family builds and sells houses so it's what I'm normally tasked to do and will again in six months approximate now that I'm vaccinated. This was a travel from the road sign starting Route 66 to Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin, down then to the Fox Cities for a week in a hotel and back up to the lake house. Needless to say I'm saddle sore but the work never ends of course. Normally the luxury is the sights on the trips, for me specifically I love cave tours but that was all shut down. Did make note of how different the regulations are and even from county to county. Else pretty much long days on the road to hotel stops and the road again. Literally had so much work to do since the start of 2021 I haven't had free time for hobbies or much else, I think last night was the first time I even sat and listened to a music album for example. Anyways it's nice to have a normal schedule again and again to get to work on stuff for FF. It's a good vice as anyone here understands and helps me balance out the stress. Though sad to come back and read about CB so I'm going to be reserved until I reconcile that one with myself, also understandable I'm sure. Just now looking at a mutual project we were doing offsite on my hard drive. Damn.


Yeah, we're all going to miss Cyber. He was a great guy. Lots of passion for this community and its people, even if he did get agitated sometimes (don't we all, lol).

Cave Tours were always neat. I haven't been on many, but they were always fun when I did get to go. I've been hoping that one of these days, when I go on a cave tour, I get to see those giant swarms of bats when they leave to go hunting. It's a really cool sight. Helps that bats never bothered me, lol.


Fantastic stuff, you can see the love in this work :thumbup:

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Glad you're doing okay, SA.  I'm glad you're vaccinated and have made it through the pandemic.  I've been a bit worried about you!  Yeah...learning about CB was a real kick in the teeth.  It broke my heart.

But I think he'd appreciate that we're still here, still creating content that adds a little joy and wonder to people's lives.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Ty, nice to anyone is getting on as well. Really goes without saying that's a treat given the year and all. I always roll with the punches, I may as well list it on a resume. Whenever I'm out know that I'm just tackling a lot in life on the other side of the screen, never that anything disastrous occurred to me. It's always been like that and then as I imagine like anyone at times things get easier going and I turn have more free time. I'll poke my head in and out, usually fall is when I'm in this regularly summer being when I work the most.

Else kick in the teeth, yeah. Kick in the pants was the exact phrase that popped in my head. It's a funny thing though. There's this whole world hidden in a bubble that the rest of the world doesn't really know where a person, CB in this example of course is valued and has adoration and respect. Is making this real impact that most will never know about and even of the event of their passing. And you wonder if they themselves were aware of the extent of the contribution they were making. Because it's those little things that are the big things. Opening doors for people seems so basic for example yet that can really influence how that person will behave in the next event to the next person and so on down the line in a cascade of events. Food for thought and reflection anyways, about this here and all of us and why this matters so much. Why we should appreciate it and not take it for granted. The day I go I'm certain it won't be in my obituary. Probably something basic about loved art and about outreach volunteering I imagine. But it happened regardless, the heart of the world knows. I guess that's how I'm going to carry this and reflect, shared it hoping it helps anyone else as well.

Anyways back to work (at 6 am, yeesh. I AM too grown up for own good). Everyone have the best of a day they can.


That's well said, SA.  I think CB was probably valued more here by folks he never met than by some of the folks who should have valued him most.  That's sad on the one hand, but it is a good thing that this part of his story existed, and we are thankful he was in it.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!