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George Perez, R.I.P.

Started by cmdrkoenig67, June 04, 2022, 11:01:11 AM

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I don?t believe anybody else posted this, but the amazing and talented George Perez passed on May 6th 2022 (67). I never got to meet him, but he seemed like a great guy.



I gave my condolences to his family. His wife is running his Facebook page, drop and say hello if you haven't yet. And yeah, seemed like a wonderful man.


OMG! I didn't even know about this. One of the artists I followed most closely in my comics-reading heyday. Wow.

From that era, lots of us will recall the special insert in DC Comics Presents #26, introducing the New Teen Titans. Personally, I will never forget the cover of Crisis on Infinite Earths #7.

Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


One of the giants. I remember his Wonder Woman art as well but that Crisis cover is a masterpiece.
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I got to meet him once at convention - he was pretty nice and would talk to you.

In other news, John Romita Sr just passed, so another classic artist gone. At one point he said he regretted not being born sooner so he could have been part of the golden age of comics. but he did great with his silver age work.


Im sooo late on this and better late then never but he to me was the best comic artist of all time!!!!! :icon_frown:
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