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Keith Giffen, R.I.P.

Started by Panther_Gunn, October 13, 2023, 06:06:51 AM

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Just saw something today that he passed on the 9th of a stroke @ 70.  While I may not have been fond of the shift in his art style for LSH, and the direction he took JL & their spin-off teams may not have been my favorite, he was still talented & gifted, and will be missed.  At this rate it may not be long before all of the artists of my era are gone.  No bueno.
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


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Sad. At his peak in the '80s, he was easily one of the freshest, most unique (even if José Muñoz might disagree) and fun authors in the medium. Bwa-ha-ha! He'll be missed.
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"Alas poor Ambush Bug! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy..."

BTW, as an LSH fan, I was of mixed feelings about the large impact Giffen had on the group during his tenure. But, I look back now and mostly like it. Partly because I think the book had some growing up to do and the work that Giffen, Levitz, and the Beirbaums did during that time helped the process, despite the growing pains. And, partly because I was entering adulthood during that time and it was nice to read those stories and find they still spoke to me, beyond just reminding me of the things I enjoyed as a child.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


I personally, liked his run on the Doom Patrol (my only DC devotion), but I know he had a lot of other well-liked DC work. Rest In Peace, good sir.



True legend. Might not have liked everything he did, but when he hit, he hit hard!
His Justice League was the first comic I actually "collected," which probably explains a lot about my taste in superheroes.