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Talking head/Portrait for EZ script

Started by jimmito2004, February 04, 2009, 01:16:03 AM

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I have been working on adding portraits and talking heads for my captions for my minimod using ezscript. I was able to get certain characters to use their portraits as talking heads which is what I want but I only want to use the portraits that are automatically generated by the skinning program. I however when I made it to certain characters such as doctor light (btw I have been using benton grey's awesome DCUG for my experimentation) and he only has a portrait that is custom from a comic panel. I was wondering how I can get a screen grab of his original portrait. I also can't get the manhunters portrait to work either and they are using the original portrait. Does anyone have any suggestions or can point me to a process that allows me to make a portrait from scratch based on the characters skin and implement it into the talking head caption?


Howdy Jimmito, let me explain a few things to you.  Most of the time when a skinner makes a skin, he'll take a picture of the skin close up (often in CTool) and make a portrait out of it.  Not always, but more often than not, this is the case.  In the DCUG I am endeavoring to provide comic book portraits for all characters included.  In the release that you downloaded, I had not gotten everyone yet (roughly half).  If you want to replace those comic portraits (I don't see why you would, but to each his own) you'll need to A) take a new picture of the mesh with a screen capture program (Howie's Screen Captures works just fine), then crop it to 64X128 using a photo editing program (I use Photoshop, but it is rather expensive if you don't already have it).  OR B) you can re-download the skin and take the portrait out of it and plop it down in the one in you DCUG custom_characters folder.

What is wrong with the Manhunters?  Have you added animportrait entries for them?

Also, Jimmito, let me encourage you to combine your questions in one thread in the future.  You can edit the title in the first post to reflect whatever your current concern is, if you wish, but more importantly, it will serve as a repository for everything that you learn.  I can't tell you how valuable my own thread has been to me.

I'm still excited for a chance to play this!  Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Hey benton thank you for all of your help and advice.  :D I redownloaded the skins and put the portrait of the manhunter in the correct file folder and it still did not work. I don't know what the animportrait entries are and haven't done anything with them or even know where to look for them. I don't know why the portraits for kilowog and green lantern will work but none of the others seem too. Also I can't find the original skin of doctor light you used.


Jimmito, no problem.  Let's see....the anim portrait bit is one that I didn't realize either until right before I released.  It caused be a bit of trouble.  You need an animportrait entry for any character that you want to use a talking head (or portrait, as the case may be).  Hal already has one, and I'm guessing you're just getting lucky on Kilowog, 'cause I don't think I made one for him.  Sometimes FF can work without them, but it is better to have all of them that you need.  So, open up FFEdit, click on the resources tab ALL the way on the right.  Look at the list there, you'll see tons of entries for animportrait (animated portrait) for various characters.  Now, here is where you have to do a little bit of work.  Copy one of them that is a DCUG character (Aquaman should be near the top), and rename it for one of the characters you are using.  Then look to the right, and you'll see a file path pointing to a head.nif.  Now, every character in the DCUG SHOULD have a head.nif in their mesh folder, but it wouldn't hurt to double. check.  After all, I'm only human.  Change the name of the mesh folder to the name of your character's mesh folder, which you can find by looking at its entry in the templates tab.  Click save, rinse, and repeat for every other character you're using.  That should do it.  Dr. Light, I believe, was TUE.  You can try Hero Force 2 to find that skin.  Why do you want the standard portraits, by the way?
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!