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Medical Leave of Absence

Started by ow_tiobe_sb, February 08, 2009, 06:26:03 PM

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After giving the matter much thought, I have decided to take a medical leave of absence from the FF community for an indefinite period of time.  My recent, serious medical problems have provided me with two pieces of food for thought.

1. What are my priorities?  Answer: My family, my friends, my students, my teaching job.  Right now, even though it has been a great honour to call many of you "friends" (and I have been foolish enough to make myself an enemy to others), Freedom Force ranks rather low on my list of priorities.

2. What should I be doing to take care of myself?  Answer: Avoiding stress and getting as much rest as possible.  The current climate here at FR (and now, sadly, at MeshMatters) is not conducive to the maintenance of my health.

Consequently, I have decided to take a medical leave of absence from the FF community.  I currently have no plans to return, but I won't rule out the possibility, should the need for my return arise (though, for the life of me, I cannot imagine what that need would be).  I had initially wanted to retire to MeshMatters, but I don't see that as a pleasant prospect any longer.  I have left the care and maintenance of that site in the capable hands of Premon, who generously agreed to accept the responsibility of Administrator in the recent past.  Farewell and take care.

Phantom Bunburyist and Fop o' th' Morning
Two words: Moog.


 :( Goodbye sir. I really hope whatever it is, that you get better or at least feel better.
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


ow_tiobe_sb, while you probably won't even be back to read the responses, I still think you were a great guy to know, and wish I could have known you a bit better. While I do hope you will return someday, I think your health and family are infinitely more important. 'Till next time ;)


Tiobe, I do hope you see this.  Although we see eye to eye on little outside of FR, I have a great deal of respect for you.  I don't know what your medical problems are, but I hope and pray that they will be eased and healed.  If you leave I will miss your work, for certain.  I was definitely looking forward to the possibilities that your efforts would open up, but the real loss will be that of your presence in the community.  I will miss that most of all.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Your contributions were all ways forward thinking and you brought a certain level of class to the forum. You will be missed and I wish you and your family the best and hope you will find the ease and rest you need to get better.


Take care of yourself, and I hope we will see you again one day.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


I hope your medical problems clear up, and the atmosphere of both boards becomes less vitriolic. We all hope to see you again in the future, Ow_Tiobe. Take care.



ow tiobe, I am very sorry to hear about your medical problem, you have been a good friend and all around pleasent fellow to talk with. I really hope everything works out for you which I am sure it will, you seem to be so level headed and intellegent and are proving it by knowing your priorities.  Take care of yourself and your family.

God Bless,

The Phantom Eyebrow

All the best, Tiobe.  Look after yourself man.


support and respect from me.  i always enjoyed our manic jibes with each other.


> The current climate here at FR (and now, sadly, at MeshMatters) is not conducive to the maintenance of my health.
I prefer to think of the recent tumultuous episode as of somthing akin to those contrived plot putting Avengers against other Avengers (or JLAers against JLAers; or X-Men or Titans or Care Bears). But isn't this madness inevitable when the very fabric of the FR universe is imbued with the evil spirit of Randy?

Take care of your health, your friends and family – and have fun. I hope we'll eventually have the pleasure of seeing you here again.
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


Take care Good Sir.... and hope you recover soon

not a goodbye... just a later...

Glitch Girl

tiobe, I hope you will eventually wander back to this corner of the web.  Your off-beat and sometimes esoteric sense of humor will be greatly missed.

I hope that you health in all aspects improves soon.  Best wishes to you.

And don't forget:
"I should have remembered that when one is going to lead an entirely new life, one requires regular and wholesome meals."
- Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, Act 2
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka


Your over abundant use of words I don't know and the oh so fashionable purple attire will be greatly missed...
All the best for you and yours.

Figure Fan


You'll definitely be missed. I hope whatever medical issues you're having clear up. You've definitely added a lot to this community. While I hope to see you back some day, do whatever seems right for you.
Fear the "A"!!!


I hope you get the rest and stress relief you need.  Peace


Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery and the peace of mind that you desire.  You are a classy gent. I hope to see you back here sometime in the future.

The Hitman

Get well, Tiobe. That's most important. Gonna miss you, man. Take care of yourself.


I would hope its a temporary measure.
You'll be missed either way.
If our paths don't cross again, it's been good to "know" you, OW.
Take care.


Rest up and get well soon, Ow...We'll miss you here and over at Mesh Matters. 

Best wishes.

Dana  :cry: :cry: :cry:


Good health, good luck and visit us now and again :)
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."


> The current climate here at FR (and now, sadly, at MeshMatters) is not conducive to the maintenance of my health.<

Clearly, I'm no longer in the FR loop as I was during back in the day (of FF1 mods) ... so I have no clue about the current climate he's referring to, and frankly I prefer it that way.

All I know is that this is, has been, and always will be (to one degree or another) a hobby of mine ... and hobbies are supposed to be fun.  When they're no longer fun, you put them down.  When you want to pick them up again, you do so.

That's the great part about this place, in my opinion.   You can drift in and out, and people are generally just as pleasant or unpleasant as they were to you when they last interacted with you.

And sure, I hope this guys feels better too ...

BUT (and I really HOPE I'm reading this wrong) ... this goodbye for now sure sounds to me he's pointing a finger at someone else, like "you're doing a number on my health" ... and if that's the case, that's just a crock.   Lots of people play "the blame game" with their heath ... but no one is responsible for your health but yourself.   Not even your doctors ... because even they say you have to be your own health care advocate or risk getting lost in the system.

When someone says they can even imagine a reason why they would ever have the need to visit you again, I get the feeling that a big middle finger has been pointed in my direction.   So I'm a little lost about all the love you're giving back in return.   (Of course, I realize that you're all nicer than I am -- I'm just a grouchy old man, who still loves all things Comic-book related.)

For what its worth, I hope that he's true to his word - and doesn't see my reaction to his health missive - because my intent isn't to dis him specifically.   Rather, its a reaction to all the people who feel a need to slam the door behind them when they leave a room in anger.

There.  I said it.   And I'm glad.



Plotter and Writer of ... The Legendary (and by that I mean LONG FORGOTTEN) Fantastic Force!!!!


I'm really sorry to hear this. I hope everything works out for the best for you and your family.


a large loss for the community, I wish you all the best in all you do, and hope to someday see your presence grace the forums again.


tiobe, we've spoke at lengths in the past so you know it's true when i say you will be missed

but take the time and get your life in order, family and real life comes so far in front of online activity's that the site shouldn't even enter your mind. be safe and look out for your self



Well the good news is that we will probably still be here when things sort themselves out, so I hope to see you soon.


Hey man, I just read this thread. I just have to say that it was good having you on the boards, and that I wish you well in your future endeavors. Good bye, and good luck.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


I wish I could come up with something that hasn't been said already.  oh wait......I can.  your name is to long.  we never talked.  I don't know you from Adam(are you Adam?). 

What you don't know is I secretly stole your knowledge for my own use......yeah....I kittbashed your head!

You will be missed.  especially by me....I totally need to steal your thoughts.  :)

I hope you feel better and will return, but if that is not in the future, ......            ............good luck, God speed, safe journey, Be Well, Speedy recovery, I wish the best for you, add sympathetic statement here.

Seriously.....All the best for you.
