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have you seen this boy?

Started by yell0w_lantern, January 11, 2009, 02:31:42 AM

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So I finished mission number 6 and tried to play it but only my first couple of door encounters work.
Story: Dungeon


Encounter: Intro
Type: Cutscene
Marker: intro
Next: Door 1

Alert Cutscene:
Set lighting to day
Play music music_0006
Cinematic camera on captain_america to hourman
hourman says, "how much farther do you think it is to the skull?"
captain_america says, "hard to say but I think we're getting close."


Encounter: Door 1
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_1
Next: Monkeyintro

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_a is destroyed


Encounter: Monkeyintro
Type: Cutscene
Marker: talk_marker_intro
Next: Cages 1, Door 2a, Door 2b, Firstfight, Door 3, Door 4, Door 5, Door 6, Door 7, Door 8, Door 9, Door 10, Examine 1, Examine 2, Examine 3

Start Cutscene:
hourman says, "first it's brains in jars now it's monkeymen?!?"
captain_america says,"Red Skull's depravity knows no bounds, hourman!"


Encounter: Cages 1
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named kar_lab_a_1, killarilla named kar_lab_a_2, killarilla_whip named kar_lab_a_3
Marker: cages
Next: None

Start Cutscene:
lab_a_cage_1 is killed
lab_a_cage_2 is killed
lab_a_cage_3 is killed


Encounter: Door 2a
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_5
Next: None

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_corridor is destroyed


Encounter: Door 2b
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_2
Next: None

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_corridor is destroyed

Encounter: Firstfight
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier6, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner3, nazi_rifleman named nazi_rifleman1, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner14
Marker: firstfight
Next: None

Encounter: Door 3
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_4
Next: thirdfight

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_guardpost_b is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 3
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier4, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner13, nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier3, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner1
Marker: thirdfight
Next: None



Encounter: Door 4
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_6
Next: Fight 4

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_f is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 4
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner10, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner4
Marker: fourthfight
Next: None



Encounter: Door 5
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_5
Next: Fight 5

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_g is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 5
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner11, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner5
Marker: fifthfight
Next: None



Encounter: Door 6
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_3
Next: None

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_guardpost_a is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 6
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner2, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner6, nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier1, nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier2
Marker: sixthfight
Next: None


Encounter: Door 7
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_3
Next: Fight 7, Cage 7a, Cage 7b

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_c is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 7
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner7
Marker: seventhfight
Next: None


Encounter: Cage 7a
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named killarilla_whip1
Marker: seventhcagea

Start Cutscene:
cage_1 is killed


Encounter: Cage 7b
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named killarilla_whip2
Marker: seventhcageb

Start Cutscene:
cage_2 is killed


Encounter: Door 8
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_1
Next: Fight 8, Cage 8

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_b is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 8
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier7, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner8
Marker: eighthfight
Next: None


Encounter: Cage 8
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named killarilla_whip4
Marker: eigthcage

Start Cutscene:
cage_4 is killed


Encounter: Door 9
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_4
Next: Fight9

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_h is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 9
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner12, nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier5
Marker: ninthfight
Next: None



Encounter: Door 10
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_2
Next: Figh 10, Cage 10

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_d is destroyed


Encounter: Cage 10
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named killarilla_whip3
Marker: trigger_cage_3

Start Cutscene:
cage_3 is killed

Encounter: Fight 10
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner9
Marker: tenthfight
Next: None



Encounter: Examine 1
Type: Examine
Objects: casket_of_ancient_winters
Marker: examine
Secondary Objective: "locate the casket of ancient winters" for 50 prestige and 100xp
Next: None

Examine Cutscene:
hourman says, "here's another one."


Encounter: Examine 2
Type: Examine
Objects: medusa_mask
Marker: examine
Secondary Objective: "find the medusa mask" for 50 prestige and 100xp
Next: None

Examine Cutscene:
captain_america says, "hold onto this, hourman."


Encounter: Examine 3
Type: Examine
Objects: wand_of_watoomb
Marker: examine
Secondary Objective: "locate the wand of watoomb" for 50 prestige and 100xp
Next: None

Examine Cutscene:
hourman says, "ugly looking thing, isn't it?"



Encounter: Doorfinal
Type: Open Door
Starts when: Examine1 at End, Examine2 at End, Examine3 at End
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_bullets_entry
Next: Fightlast, Sabotage

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_bullets_lab is destroyed



Encounter: Sabotage
Type: Sabotage
Objects: nazihq_energy_extractor named _impobj_energy_extractor_1, nazihq_energy_extractor named _impobj_energy_extractor_2
Marker: sabotage
Secondary Objective: "destroy the paralyzers" for 300 prestige and 250xp
Next: Rescue

Start Cutscene:
captain_america says, "these maniacs have that young boy locked in a cage!"
hourman says, "i see it but what are these big ray cannons?"
captain_america says, "some kind of stasis ray i'd guess. better destroy 'em before we break open that cage."


Encounter: Fightlast
Type: Fight
Villains: masterman named masterman1, nazi_general
Minions: nazi_gunner, nazi_rifleman, nazi_grenadier, killarilla_whip, blitzwing, eye_minor
Marker: finalfight
Next: None

Start Cutscene:
masterman1 says, "ah, kaptain amerikaner! ve meet at lasht!"
captain_america says, "should i know you, ratzi?"
masterman1 says, "i should zay zo zince zoon I vill be you maszter for I am maszter man!"
masterman1 says, "i have vaited for zo long to crush you, kaptain amerkaner!"
hourman says, "hey! what about me?"
masterman1 says, "i zee you have brought ze friend. he appearz to be, how you zay, ze sissy."
hourman says, "that's it, cap. I'm gonna murtalize this crew-cut clown!"

End Cutscene:
hourman says, "call me a sissy will ya!?!"
captain_america says"easy, hourman, easy. we still have a way to go."


Encounter: Rescue
Type: Rescue Caged
Villains: belle_of_vichy, feminazi_officer, lady_luger, killarilla_chaingun, feminazi, feminazi, feminazi, feminazi
Allies: billy_batson_neutral named billy
Objects: nazihq_killarilla_cage named billy_cage
Primary Objective: "rescue the boy" for 300 prestige and 300xp
Marker: bullet_marker

Alert Cutscene:
hourman says, "there, now we can try to get across the chasm and bust that kid out."
Cinematic camera on villain1 to villain4
villain1 says, "don't let zem free ze prizonaer! 'e could ruin everysing if 'e gets luus!"

Next: If Ally Thanked Hero: Exit
Next: If Ally Survives: Exit
Next: If Ally Did Not Thank Hero: Exit
Next: If Ally Lost: Lose
Next: If No Allies Freed: None
Next: If Some Allies Freed: Exit
Next: If All Allies Freed: Exit

Ally Thanks Hero Cutscene:
billy_batson says, "."
hourman says, "i guess he can't talk. maybe he's in shock."
captain_america says, "we'll get him to a doctor later. you'd better stick with us, son - we'll protect you."

Ally Freed Cutscene:
captain_america says, "easy, son, you've had a busy day."



Encounter: Exit
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_bullets_exit
Next: Win

Alert cutscene:
Red arrow on nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_bullets_exit
hourman says, "that door must lead to the skull"
captain_america says, "then we better not waste anymore time here."

Yellow Lantern smash!


It seems ok.  Can you post a script.log file?


Sorry about the delay.

>>> system/ executed
>>> system/ executed
>>> system\ executed
loading datfiles version 0.256000
loading cshelper ...
Starting v. 3.3.1 build 0; branch = main release update
Loading v. 3.3.0 build 3; branch = Gold v.3.3 with Patch
importing v1.20
importing MLOG Reader 1.0.23
Starting General Utilities 1.0.1
missionobjvar(FixLongs): Fixing overflow issue with <SCSTATE_BUOYANT>
missionobjvar defining functions for Rumble Room play.
Loading v.3.2.0 final; May 27, 2007
CustomHeadCurrentTime 1233496757.390000
Starting Height Check module 1.4
Starting System Utilities 1.5
OBJECTS_HEIGHT: 604 entries
NIF_OBJECTS: 482 entries
Starting  v 0.79 beta
skXMapInfo: m25ai available
Loading v.3.2.0 final; branch = swingman 4
FFX Mission Plugin 'firehydrant' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'zombie' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'cutscene_power' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
Loading v.3.2.0 July 5, 2008
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_reqchar' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' imported
Starting Built-In Function Wrapper 1.5
('Object_CalcPrestige', 'js')
ffx3\Missions\Scripts\ importing FFX
ffx3\Missions\Scripts\ loaded
Loading v.3.2.0 final; May 27, 2008
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\gabe\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\ executed
! GetMapInfo
MLOG_Init(keepRunningModules=0): starting up
mlogreader.MLOG_Init: current mission = '_0006_DUNGEON'
initialising FFX: skirmish=0
mapinfocaliper0 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper1 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper2 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper3 is not a valid explosion object
storing hero_1: id_1,67
storing hero_2: id_2,219
Campaign_ReadCharactersFromSavedGame: character <guy_gardner> has no corresponding object template.
Campaign_ReadCharactersFromSavedGame: character <guy_armored> has no corresponding object template.
_impobj_wide_door_closed_1 nazihq_wide_door_closed encounter1_object1
initialising FFQ_initialiseExtras()
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner4 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_rifleman1 (nazi_rifleman)
initAttribsForChar (nazi_rifleman): looking at attribute timid
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner8 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner13 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier2 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier7 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on killarilla_whip1 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner3 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier3 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner12 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on killarilla_whip2 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner7 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner2 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on killarilla_whip3 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier4 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner11 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner6 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on killarilla_whip4 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on kar_lab_a_1 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on kar_lab_a_2 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner1 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on kar_lab_a_3 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on billy (blitzkrieg_extra)
initAttribsForChar (blitzkrieg_extra): looking at attribute cybernetic brain
initAttribsForChar (blitzkrieg_extra): looking at attribute disciplined
initAttribsForChar (blitzkrieg_extra): looking at attribute danger sense
initAttribsForChar (blitzkrieg_extra): looking at attribute light speed
initAttribsForChar (blitzkrieg_extra): looking at attribute clumsy
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier5 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner10 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner5 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner14 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier6 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner9 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on masterman1 (masterman)
initAttribsForChar (masterman): looking at attribute flier
initAttribsForChar (masterman): looking at attribute invulnerable
execInitAttrib: init invulnerable attribute
    on masterman1 of template masterman (masterman)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier1 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on hero_1 (captain_america)
initAttribsForChar (captain_america): looking at attribute supersoldier
execInitAttrib: init acrobatic attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init nimble attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init bodyarmor10 attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init ffqresilient attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init pheremones attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
initpheremones: target gender=34
execInitAttrib: init combatskill attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init fasthealing attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init presence attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init invulnerable0 attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
initAttribsForChar (captain_america): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar (captain_america): looking at attribute blitzkrieg
initAttribsForChar: working on hero_2 (hourman)
initAttribsForChar (hourman): looking at attribute miraclo
execInitAttrib: init metastrength attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
    on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init invulnerable attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
    on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init metabolic attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
    on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init heavylifter attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
    on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init ironjaw attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
    on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init ffqlongjumper attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
    on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init ffqdeenergized attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
    on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init extraheroic attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
    on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
initAttribsForChar (hourman): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar (hourman): looking at attribute battery
execInitAttrib: init battery attribute
    on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
initAttribsForChar (hourman): looking at attribute blitzkrieg
Plugin 'firehydrant' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'zombie' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'cutscene_power' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_reqchar' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' has no OnPostInit()
kar_lab_a_1 killarilla_whip cages_villain1
kar_lab_a_2 killarilla cages_villain2
kar_lab_a_3 killarilla_whip cages_villain3
_impobj_wide_door_closed_5 nazihq_wide_door_closed encounter1_object1
m25obj_2 medusa_mask examine8_object1
m25obj_4 casket_of_ancient_winters examine9_object1
nazi_grenadier6 nazi_grenadier firstfight_villain1
nazi_gunner3 nazi_gunner firstfight_villain2
nazi_rifleman1 nazi_rifleman firstfight_villain3
nazi_gunner14 nazi_gunner firstfight_villain4
m25obj_6 wand_of_watoomb examine6_object1
_impobj_door_closed_3 nazihq_door_closed encounter1_object1

Also, I noted the killarillas just walk out of their cages   &lt;_&lt;
Yellow Lantern smash!


The short answer is:  you probably don't have enough encounter makers on your map.

Each encounter needs a marker so that it can be set up internally.  If you have a ton of encounter running all at once, each of those needs its own marker.  You can either add markers near each door and then use the  Marker: command to specify which marker to use, or you can add a bunch of encounter markers (encounter1, encounter2, encounter3, encounter4, encounter5, ...) to the map.  You'll probably need around 15 or so.


Thanks, M25. The doors are working now but the rescue caged encounter is only partially working. The villains and minions show up but the cage and the boy inside do not.
I tried changing to a custom encounter without success. I tried changing 'Villain1 says...' to 'belle_of_vichy says...' but no dice.

Story: Dungeon


Encounter: Intro
Type: Cutscene
Marker: intro
Next: Door 1

Alert Cutscene:
Set lighting to day
Play music music_0006
Cinematic camera on captain_america to hourman
hourman says, "how much farther do you think it is to the skull?"
captain_america says, "hard to say but I think we're getting close."


Encounter: Door 1
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_1
Marker: door1
Next: Monkeyintro

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_a is destroyed


Encounter: Monkeyintro
Type: Cutscene
Marker: talk_marker_intro
Next: Cages 1, Door 2a, Door 2b, Firstfight, Door 3, Door 4, Door 5, Door 6, Door 7, Door 8, Door 9, Door 10, Examine 1, Examine 2, Examine 3

Start Cutscene:
hourman says, "first it's brains in jars now it's monkeymen?!?"
captain_america says,"Red Skull's depravity knows no bounds, hourman!"


Encounter: Cages 1
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named kar_lab_a_1, killarilla named kar_lab_a_2, killarilla_whip named kar_lab_a_3
Marker: cages
Next: None

Start Cutscene:
lab_a_cage_1 is killed
lab_a_cage_2 is killed
lab_a_cage_3 is killed


Encounter: Door 2a
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_5
Marker: door2
Next: None

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_corridor is destroyed


Encounter: Door 2b
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_2
Marker: door3
Next: None

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_corridor is destroyed

Encounter: Firstfight
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier6, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner3, nazi_rifleman named nazi_rifleman1, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner14
Marker: firstfight
Next: None

Encounter: Door 3
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_4
Marker: door4
Next: thirdfight

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_guardpost_b is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 3
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier4, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner13, nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier3, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner1
Marker: thirdfight
Next: None



Encounter: Door 4
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_6
Marker: door5
Next: Fight 4

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_f is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 4
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner10, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner4
Marker: fourthfight
Next: None



Encounter: Door 5
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_5
Marker: door6
Next: Fight 5

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_g is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 5
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner11, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner5
Marker: fifthfight
Next: None



Encounter: Door 6
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_wide_door_closed named _impobj_wide_door_closed_3
Marker: door7
Next: None

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_guardpost_a is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 6
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner2, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner6, nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier1, nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier2
Marker: sixthfight
Next: None


Encounter: Door 7
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_3
Marker: door8
Next: Fight 7, Cage 7a, Cage 7b

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_c is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 7
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner7
Marker: seventhfight
Next: None


Encounter: Cage 7a
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named killarilla_whip1
Marker: seventhcagea

Start Cutscene:
cage_1 is killed


Encounter: Cage 7b
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named killarilla_whip2
Marker: seventhcageb

Start Cutscene:
cage_2 is killed


Encounter: Door 8
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_1
Marker: door9
Next: Fight 8, Cage 8

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_b is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 8
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier7, nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner8
Marker: eighthfight
Next: None


Encounter: Cage 8
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named killarilla_whip4
Marker: eigthcage

Start Cutscene:
cage_4 is killed


Encounter: Door 9
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_4
Marker: doora
Next: Fight9

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_h is destroyed

Encounter: Fight 9
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner12, nazi_grenadier named nazi_grenadier5
Marker: ninthfight
Next: None



Encounter: Door 10
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_closed_2
Marker: doorb
Next: Figh 10, Cage 10

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_lab_d is destroyed


Encounter: Cage 10
Type: Fight
Villains: killarilla_whip named killarilla_whip3
Marker: trigger_cage_3

Start Cutscene:
cage_3 is killed

Encounter: Fight 10
Type: Fight
Villains: nazi_gunner named nazi_gunner9
Marker: tenthfight
Next: None



Encounter: Examine 1
Type: Examine
Objects: casket_of_ancient_winters
Marker: examine
Secondary Objective: "locate the casket of ancient winters" for 50 prestige and 100xp
Next: None

Examine Cutscene:
hourman says, "here's another one."


Encounter: Examine 2
Type: Examine
Objects: medusa_mask
Marker: examine
Secondary Objective: "find the medusa mask" for 50 prestige and 100xp
Next: None

Examine Cutscene:
captain_america says, "hold onto this, hourman."


Encounter: Examine 3
Type: Examine
Objects: wand_of_watoomb
Marker: examine
Secondary Objective: "locate the wand of watoomb" for 50 prestige and 100xp
Next: None

Examine Cutscene:
hourman says, "ugly looking thing, isn't it?"



Encounter: Doorfinal
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_bullets_entry
Marker: doorc
Starts when: Examine 1 at End, Examine 2 at End, Examine 3 at End
Next: Fightlast, Sabotage, Rescue

End Cutscene:
_impobj_fog_bullets_lab is destroyed



Encounter: Sabotage
Type: Destroy Object
Objects: nazihq_energy_extractor named _impobj_energy_extractor_1, nazihq_energy_extractor named _impobj_energy_extractor_2
Marker: sabotage
Secondary Objective: "destroy the paralyzers" for 300 prestige and 250xp
Next: None

Start Cutscene:
captain_america says, "these maniacs have that young boy locked in a cage!"
hourman says, "i see it but what are these big ray cannons?"
captain_america says, "some kind of stasis ray i'd guess. better destroy 'em before we break open that cage."


Encounter: Fightlast
Type: Fight
Villains: masterman named masterman1, nazi_general
Minions: nazi_gunner, nazi_rifleman, nazi_grenadier
Marker: finalfight
Next: None

Start Cutscene:
Play music music_006_end
masterman1 says, "ah, kaptain amerikaner! ve meet at lasht!"
captain_america says, "should i know you, ratzi?"
masterman1 says, "i should zay zo zince zoon I vill be you maszter for I am maszter man!"
masterman1 says, "i have vaited for zo long to crush you, kaptain amerkaner!"
hourman says, "hey! what about me?"
masterman1 says, "i zee you have brought ze friend. he appearz to be, how you zay, ze sissy."
hourman says, "that's it, cap. I'm gonna murtalize this crew-cut clown!"

End Cutscene:
hourman says, "call me a sissy will ya!?!"
captain_america says"easy, hourman, easy. we still have a way to go."


Encounter: Rescue
Type: Custom
Actions: allies in cages, allies can be freed, allies remain after encounter ends, allies do not fight, allies thank heroes, allies follow heroes
Villains: belle_of_vichy named belle, feminazi_officer, lady_luger
Minions: feminazi
Allies: billy_batson_neutral
Objects: nazihq_killarilla_cage
Primary Objective: "rescue the boy" for 300 prestige and 300xp
Marker: bullet_marker

Start Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on belle_of_vichy named belle to feminazi_officer
belle_of_vichy says, "don't let sem free se prissonaer! 'e could ruiin everysing if 'e gets luus!"

Next: If Ally Thanked Hero: None
Next: If Ally Survives: None
Next: If Ally Did Not Thank Hero: None
Next: If Ally Lost: Lose
Next: If No Allies Freed: None
Next: If Some Allies Freed: None
Next: If All Allies Freed: None

Ally Thanks Hero Cutscene:
billy_batson_neutral says, "."
hourman says, "i guess he can't talk. maybe he's in shock."
captain_america says, "we'll get him to a doctor later. you'd better stick with us, son - we'll protect you."

Ally Freed Cutscene:
captain_america says, "easy, son, you've had a busy day."



Encounter: Exit
Type: Open Door
Objects: nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_bullets_exit
Marker: doord
Starts when: Rescue at End, Sabotage at End, Fightlast at End
Next: Win

Alert cutscene:
Red arrow on nazihq_door_closed named _impobj_door_bullets_exit
hourman says, "that door must lead to the skull"
captain_america says, "then we better not waste anymore time here."

Yellow Lantern smash!


Here is the Script log

>>> system/ executed
>>> system/ executed
>>> system\ executed
loading datfiles version 0.256000
loading cshelper ...
Starting v. 3.3.1 build 0; branch = main release update
Loading v. 3.3.0 build 3; branch = Gold v.3.3 with Patch
importing v1.20
importing MLOG Reader 1.0.23
Starting General Utilities 1.0.1
missionobjvar(FixLongs): Fixing overflow issue with <SCSTATE_BUOYANT>
missionobjvar defining functions for Rumble Room play.
Loading v.3.2.0 final; May 27, 2007
CustomHeadCurrentTime 1233981363.125000
Starting Height Check module 1.4
Starting System Utilities 1.5
OBJECTS_HEIGHT: 604 entries
NIF_OBJECTS: 482 entries
Starting  v 0.79 beta
skXMapInfo: m25ai available
Loading v.3.2.0 final; branch = swingman 4
FFX Mission Plugin 'firehydrant' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'zombie' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'cutscene_power' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
Loading v.3.2.0 July 5, 2008
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_reqchar' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' imported
Starting Built-In Function Wrapper 1.5
('Object_CalcPrestige', 'js')
ffx3\Missions\Scripts\ importing FFX
ffx3\Missions\Scripts\ loaded
Loading v.3.2.0 final; May 27, 2008
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\gabe\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\ executed
! GetMapInfo
MLOG_Init(keepRunningModules=0): starting up
mlogreader.MLOG_Init: current mission = '06_DUNGEON'
initialising FFX: skirmish=0
mapinfocaliper0 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper1 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper2 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper3 is not a valid explosion object
storing hero_1: id_1,67
storing hero_2: id_2,219
Campaign_ReadCharactersFromSavedGame: character <guy_gardner> has no corresponding object template.
Campaign_ReadCharactersFromSavedGame: character <guy_armored> has no corresponding object template.
_impobj_wide_door_closed_1 nazihq_wide_door_closed door1_object1
initialising FFQ_initialiseExtras()
initAttribsForChar: working on kar_lab_a_1 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on killarilla_whip4 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier3 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on killarilla_whip2 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner3 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on kar_lab_a_2 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner1 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier7 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on killarilla_whip1 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner12 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner7 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner2 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on killarilla_whip3 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier4 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner11 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner6 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner4 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on kar_lab_a_3 (killarilla_whip)
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute heavy hitter
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute solid skeleton
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar (killarilla_whip): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier5 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner10 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner5 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner14 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier6 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner9 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on masterman1 (masterman)
initAttribsForChar (masterman): looking at attribute flier
initAttribsForChar (masterman): looking at attribute invulnerable
execInitAttrib: init invulnerable attribute
   on masterman1 of template masterman (masterman)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier1 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_rifleman1 (nazi_rifleman)
initAttribsForChar (nazi_rifleman): looking at attribute timid
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_grenadier2 (nazi_grenadier)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner13 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on nazi_gunner8 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on hero_2 (hourman)
initAttribsForChar (hourman): looking at attribute miraclo
execInitAttrib: init metastrength attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
   on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init invulnerable attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
   on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init metabolic attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
   on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init heavylifter attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
   on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init ironjaw attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
   on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init ffqlongjumper attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
   on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init ffqdeenergized attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
   on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
execInitAttrib: init extraheroic attribute inside ['miraclo', 'metastrength', 'invulnerable', 'metabolic', 'heavylifter', 'ironjaw', 'ffqlongjumper', 'ffqdeenergized', 'extraheroic'] combo
   on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
initAttribsForChar (hourman): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar (hourman): looking at attribute battery
execInitAttrib: init battery attribute
   on hero_2 of template hourman (hourman)
initAttribsForChar (hourman): looking at attribute blitzkrieg
initAttribsForChar: working on hero_1 (captain_america)
initAttribsForChar (captain_america): looking at attribute supersoldier
execInitAttrib: init acrobatic attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
   on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init nimble attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
   on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init bodyarmor10 attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10',
Yellow Lantern smash!


script log part 2

'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init ffqresilient attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init pheremones attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
initpheremones: target gender=34
execInitAttrib: init combatskill attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init fasthealing attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init presence attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
execInitAttrib: init invulnerable0 attribute inside ['supersoldier', 'acrobatic', 'nimble', 'bodyarmor10', 'ffqresilient', 'pheremones', 'combatskill', 'fasthealing', 'presence', 'invulnerable0'] combo
    on hero_1 of template captain_america (captain_america)
initAttribsForChar (captain_america): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar (captain_america): looking at attribute blitzkrieg
Plugin 'firehydrant' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'zombie' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'cutscene_power' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_reqchar' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' has no OnPostInit()
_impobj_wide_door_closed_2 nazihq_wide_door_closed door3_object1
nazi_grenadier6 nazi_grenadier firstfight_villain1
nazi_gunner3 nazi_gunner firstfight_villain2
nazi_rifleman1 nazi_rifleman firstfight_villain3
nazi_gunner14 nazi_gunner firstfight_villain4
_impobj_door_closed_5 nazihq_door_closed door6_object1
_impobj_door_closed_3 nazihq_door_closed door8_object1
m25obj_2 casket_of_ancient_winters examine4_object1
kar_lab_a_1 killarilla_whip cages_villain1
kar_lab_a_2 killarilla cages_villain2
kar_lab_a_3 killarilla_whip cages_villain3
_impobj_door_closed_6 nazihq_door_closed door5_object1
_impobj_wide_door_closed_3 nazihq_wide_door_closed door7_object1
_impobj_door_closed_4 nazihq_door_closed doora_object1
m25obj_4 medusa_mask examine5_object1
m25obj_6 wand_of_watoomb examine8_object1
_impobj_wide_door_closed_5 nazihq_wide_door_closed door2_object1
_impobj_wide_door_closed_4 nazihq_wide_door_closed door4_object1
_impobj_door_closed_1 nazihq_door_closed door9_object1
_impobj_door_closed_2 nazihq_door_closed doorb_object1
killarilla_whip4 killarilla_whip eigthcage_villain1
killarilla_whip3 killarilla_whip trigger_cage_3_villain1
killarilla_whip1 killarilla_whip seventhcagea_villain1
nazi_gunner7 nazi_gunner seventhfight_villain1
killarilla_whip2 killarilla_whip seventhcageb_villain1
UseHPPowerup: called for object=sc_powerup_hp2 hero=hero_2
UsePowerup: called for object=sc_powerup_hp2 hero=hero_2
nazi_gunner11 nazi_gunner fifthfight_villain1
nazi_gunner5 nazi_gunner fifthfight_villain2
nazi_gunner10 nazi_gunner fourthfight_villain1
nazi_gunner4 nazi_gunner fourthfight_villain2
_impobj_door_bullets_entry nazihq_door_closed doorc_object1
m25obj_8 feminazi bullet_marker_minion1
m25obj_10 feminazi bullet_marker_minion2
m25obj_12 feminazi bullet_marker_minion3
m25obj_14 feminazi bullet_marker_minion4
belle belle_of_vichy bullet_marker_villain1
m25obj_16 feminazi_officer bullet_marker_villain2
m25obj_18 lady_luger bullet_marker_villain3
ff.DoEncCustom(46,villains = [['belle', 'belle_of_vichy'], 'feminazi_officer', 'lady_luger'], minions = ['feminazi'], cutscenes = [['startcs', [['priority', 1], ['required', 'belle_of_vichy named belle', 'feminazi_officer', 'belle_of_vichy'], ['cutscene', 'CS_Start()', "CS_CinematicCamera('belle_of_vichy named belle','feminazi_officer')", 'CS_Speak(\'belle_of_vichy\', "don\'t let sem free se prissonaer! \'e could ruiin everysing if \'e gets luus!", force=0)', 'CS_End()']]], ['allythanksherocs', [['priority', 1], ['required', 'billy_batson_neutral', 'hourman', 'captain_america'], ['cutscene', "CS_Speak('billy_batson_neutral', '.', force=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'hourman\', "i guess he can\'t talk. maybe he\'s in shock.", force=0)', 'CS_Speak(\'captain_america\', "we\'ll get him to a doctor later. you\'d better stick with us, son - we\'ll protect you.", force=0)']]], ['allyfreedcs', [['priority', 1], ['required', 'captain_america'], ['cutscene', 'CS_Speak(\'captain_america\', "easy, son, you\'ve had a busy day.", force=0)']]]], marker = 'bullet_marker', objectives = [[0, 'rescue the boy', 300, 300]], actions = 'allies in cages, allies can be freed, allies remain after encounter ends, allies do not fight, allies thank heroes, allies follow heroes', allies = ['billy_batson_neutral'], objects = ['nazihq_killarilla_cage'],return_function="StorylineEncounterReturn")
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 252, in DoStorylineStateEvent
    DoStorylineState(story, state, event.user)
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 295, in DoStorylineState
    if not StorySetupEncounter(enc_id,story,state,a):
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 385, in StorySetupEncounter
    val = eval('ff.%s(%i,%s,return_function="StorylineEncounterReturn")'%(encname,enc_id,encparams))
  File "<string>", line 0, in ?
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 4216, in DoEncCustom
    return SetupEncounter(enc_id, encounter)
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 1361, in SetupEncounter
    if not SetupEnc_Spawn(enc_id, start_num, encounter): return 0
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 1427, in SetupEnc_Spawn
    EncSpawnGroup(enc_id,start_num +'_'+ s[1] ,s[2],s[0],s[3],marker_type=s[4],create_markers=s[5])
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 402, in EncSpawnGroup
    Enc_SetCharEnc(s,enc_id) #make sure we are able to find out which encounter this is a part of
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 669, in Enc_SetCharEnc
    js.Object_SetAttr(char, '_enc_id', enc_id)
SystemError: NULL result without error in call_object
m25obj_20 nazi_rifleman finalfight_minion1
m25obj_22 nazi_gunner finalfight_minion2
m25obj_24 nazi_rifleman finalfight_minion3
m25obj_26 nazi_gunner finalfight_minion4
masterman1 masterman finalfight_villain1
m25obj_28 nazi_general finalfight_villain2
_impobj_energy_extractor_1 nazihq_energy_extractor sabotage_object1
_impobj_energy_extractor_2 nazihq_energy_extractor sabotage_object2
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_26 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_14 (feminazi)
initAttribsForChar (feminazi): looking at attribute beautiful
initAttribsForChar (feminazi): looking at attribute disciplined
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_18 (lady_luger)
initAttribsForChar (lady_luger): looking at attribute hot tempered
initAttribsForChar (lady_luger): looking at attribute pheremones
execInitAttrib: init pheremones attribute
    on m25obj_18 of template lady_luger (lady_luger)
initpheremones: target gender=1
initAttribsForChar (lady_luger): looking at attribute beautiful
initAttribsForChar (lady_luger): looking at attribute acrobatic
execInitAttrib: init acrobatic attribute
    on m25obj_18 of template lady_luger (lady_luger)
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_22 (nazi_gunner)
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_24 (nazi_rifleman)
initAttribsForChar (nazi_rifleman): looking at attribute timid
initAttribsForChar: working on belle (belle_of_vichy)
initAttribsForChar (belle_of_vichy): looking at attribute nimble
initAttribsForChar (belle_of_vichy): looking at attribute bezerker
initAttribsForChar (belle_of_vichy): looking at attribute blitzkrieg
initAttribsForChar (belle_of_vichy): looking at attribute danger sense
initAttribsForChar (belle_of_vichy): looking at attribute claws
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_12 (feminazi)
initAttribsForChar (feminazi): looking at attribute beautiful
initAttribsForChar (feminazi): looking at attribute disciplined
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_8 (feminazi)
initAttribsForChar (feminazi): looking at attribute beautiful
initAttribsForChar (feminazi): looking at attribute disciplined
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_10 (feminazi)
initAttribsForChar (feminazi): looking at attribute beautiful
initAttribsForChar (feminazi): looking at attribute disciplined
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_20 (nazi_rifleman)
initAttribsForChar (nazi_rifleman): looking at attribute timid
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_28 (nazi_general)
Yellow Lantern smash!


It looks like billy_batson_neutral is causing an error.  Double check that the character is set up in the dat files (template and characters) or that there is a hero file with that name.