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Quick Question

Started by NemesisRed, March 12, 2009, 11:27:19 PM

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Hi I'm new to the forum and a complete newbie in all things Freedom Force. I have only recently starting playing through the first and second game, after coincidently reading about them on a top 10 "superhero games" list and finding them dirt-cheap at a nearby "Staples". I've been putting google to good use and found a number of mods for each game, particularly that insanely awesome FFX mod. You may be wondering if I actually do have a question after all that rambling; I do in fact have a question concerning the 3.3 version of the FFX mod. After going through the whole installation process and the character branding, I launched the FFX version of  :ffvstr:. Everything works fine except for the new power fx's and the new enemies that the mod provides. On the selection screens, they are registered as existing yet they have no visual representation and dont appear in any of the rumble room matches, so what exactly could be causing this problem?


I think this question came up a couple weeks ago before the content part of the forum was taken down.

Have you installed EZFX6 from Alex's site?

It sounds like you have the entries for the FX's via the FFX3 install, but are missing the actual objects and textures for them - that is what EZFX installs.