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MA and missing powersets

Started by Funeral-Pyre, April 05, 2009, 04:42:17 PM

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Anyone know why some powersets are not available through MA?  Tort and I were talking on test, and I didn't even know that poison was not an option for MMs.  I also noticed that you can't create Peacebrings/Warshades or SoA/Widows. 


Really dont understand why poison is not available, as for squids I supposed it would take time to put codes for the AI to handle switches to dwarf and nova forms, and the veats are kinda already available through the Arachnos faction I guess and would be problematic since they have different branching in the power sets.
Marmeille is the wisest cat ever, EVER!!!
Cool Cape is sometimes made of oatmeal (freaking unstable molecules).


Poison is the one I miss the most.  I still have no idea why the devs haven't shared Poison with other ATs.  I'd love to make a Poison toon, but really can't stand MMs.  Yet.

I'd also like to see them add the Epic powersets.  It would need to be limited somewhat or the AI would go nuts.


Traps is missing.  Additionally, robotics, thugs and mercenaries cannot take trick arrow as a secondary...I'm guessing this is due to redraw animations.


It is also not possible to take certain combinations of powers, like a Mastermind Primary and Assault Rifle.  On the other hand, it IS possible to take combinations like Necromancy and Dark Blast.


Quote from: Ephemeris on April 05, 2009, 08:23:31 PM
Traps is missing.  Additionally, robotics, thugs and mercenaries cannot take trick arrow as a secondary...I'm guessing this is due to redraw animations.

They've stated that you cannot take two "weapons" sets, I believe because of redraw animations as you noted.

There are also threads in the MA forums where they explained why poison and the Kheldian sets aren't available, but I don't recall off the top of my head what the reasons were.