Custom Characters In LAN Multiplayer

Started by nath000, April 17, 2009, 03:27:48 PM

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Hey all,

In  :ffvstr: I've just downloaded a load of characters and was hoping to play a LAN multiplayer game with them, but when I go to select them for my team, they're all blanked out.

I assume it's because they're all to expensive.

Is there anyway I can get them into a local multiplayer game without reducing their stats?


Somebody else will know more about this than I do, but I thought that expense was only part of it. I think you can uncheck the "balanced" option and get around that.

Another thing is that the MP game doesn't look in all the same places for character meshes, if I recall correctly. This would apply both to custom characters and to built-ins. For instance, it may look in that mod's art directory (e.g. ..\ffx3\Art\library\characters), but not in the Custom folder where many people install meshes so that they will be available to all mods (e.g. ..\Custom\Art\library\characters). You might try moving a couple of the meshes over and then see if characters based on them are available.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


Thanks for that stumpy.

It's now working. I unchecked the balance section and also checked the 'User content' part as well.

Cheers for your help. Appreciate it.