cant get multiplayer function to work!

Started by adamwork, June 03, 2009, 05:14:44 PM

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I just bought both freedom force games at steam, but i cant get the multiplayer part over the internet to work. I simply cant find the games. can anyone help me?:)


Welcome to the bards, adamwork! Can't say I'm familar with the Steam online play system, unfortunately.


Welcome to Freedom Reborn Adamwork!
Ok, so I think the best way to get FF to play online is using Hamachi.
just google it and download the program. When you run it, you should join one of the freedom force networks
the most popular one is: freedomforce2 password: 123
or there is: FreedomReborn password: forfreedom
once you're online one of the networks you can chat with the other members and set something up.
Usually one person will create or host a game,  then you will have to input his "Direct IP" into the multiplayer options (works for both FF and FFVTTR).

I think I'll try to prepare a comprehensive tutorial about using FF on Steam.