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Show off your pets!

Started by MikeB7, February 03, 2009, 09:33:15 AM

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Remember years back we had one of these threads where everyone would post pics of their pets?  I'd love to see some aminals again.  I still have my old pics uploaded, but unfortunate news on the pets themselves.  We had two dogs and a cat, all getting older.  We knew this would be the year all three would go, but didn't expect two to be gone already.  First is our dumb dogs, Sydney (little dog) and Morgan ("biggest doggie of all time" is what we called her) 

Sydney is the older dog, Morgan was a tremedous wimp.  Don't get me wrong, she'd bark and was quite imposing with her size, but she was totally gentle - and would run away to her bed if you just started flailing your arms.  Or carried something large around.  Or looked at her funny.  She was about 12, I think.  Early January she began losing a LOT of weight and had some trouble walking.  We found out it was cancer, and by mid-January we put her to sleep.  :(

Emma was a little princess, always sitting all proper-like, as if she were posing.  She basically adopted me when our other cat passed away years ago:

We put Emma to sleep yesterday morning.  She was 18(!) years old.  We got her before I was diagnosed with MS, for goodness sake.  Age just caught up with her.

Yeah, so the reason for posting this started off sad, but I don't want it to be - they were both hilarious and awesome pets in their own way and I'd rather celebrate them and all pets.

So post pics of your pets and tell us about them!  I'd love to see them and go 'awww' or 'haha' or 'I didn't know anyone had ferrets anymore, you weirdo'!  :P


So cute!

Man, we used to have so many pets growing up... we had dogs everywhere, at one point we even had a couple of ducks, a goat, and a couple of sparrows. The ducks were funny... my brother and I got them when they were pretty young so I guess they imprinted on us, they'd follow us everywhere and would climb up on our beds at night to sleep.

I can't really afford to have a pet these days (we did have a a bunch of rabbits when I was still together with my girlfriend, though), although I guess I've sort of semi-adopted this real fat cat that hangs around the block where my brother and his wife live in Vancouver. I end up feeding and playing with him about once a week... I'm guessing I'm not the only one who's taken to semi-caring for him... he's got the run of the area pretty much, going from house to house and being fed (which is probably why he's so huge) and sleeping on everbody's windowsills.

My favourite pet of all time though had to be my dog Brammie... he was my first dog, I got him when I was around 5 years old. He died during a category 4 cyclone though (this was when my family still lived in the Philippines, and tropical cyclones were pretty much a yearly occurrence)... in our rush to get to a shelter, we'd forgotten about him until it was too late.

The only picture I have of him (this was taken at least 22 years ago, judging from how I look in the pic, that's me sitting on my grand-aunt's lap):

Art is the expression of truth without violence.


Here are my two favorite pets, a gray cat called Papu and a cute Latina called Marta.

True Love

He Loves Samurai Movies

He hates Halloween

He has a cute beard.


When decided to move cross country to Cali we had to give up all our pets and we really miss them.
We manage to keep in contact with 2 of them :)

Me and my wife's first pet together
Myst got her when she was a kitten.

KC our dog got him about 3 years ago, had to sleep on my wife.

Mitzy the last kitty we got, she liked to lay with the gerbil,
the gerbils didn't like it a first then just used her as a trampoline.

Mr. turtle was found in our parking lot after a storm we saved from a
life of hard work finding food, we had him trained to eat from our fingers :)

Not pictured super mars and skyscraper 2 the gerbils spoiled beyond belief they were given LARGE aquarium to live in.


Glitch Girl


this is "Glitch Gat" a.k.a: Rogue, named because she's sly, sneaky, and clever (and it looks like she's wearing a mask, hood, and cape).  She was a stray I adopted over ten years ago and she still acts like a kitten now and then.  She likes the house I'm in now much better than the apartmenbt because she can run the entire length of the house at top speed when she's in the mood.  Her newest game is to sit out of reach in the doorway of my computer room and miaow pitiously until I turn around and then she zipps off (with a little purry chirp, which is how I know it's a game) and expects me to follow her to either play or pet her or just chase her around the house. 

She's a real sweetie.  :)
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka


Behold the glory of Miss Precious!
Yellow Lantern smash!


Awesome pics and stories.  Can't tell you how much it brightened my mood.   :)


heres my wife and i's poodle simon.he's a real love wife saved him from a litter some lady had and nobody wanted him because his bottom teeth stuck out like a boxer's.she took a picture of us and his eyes glowed.


Finally managed to get a picture of Monty, a.k.a. Fuzzy, a.k.a. Vancouver's Friendliest Cat:

He's not really my pet... he belongs to the lady who lives next door to my brother and his wife. I'm more of a dog person but I've never met a more amiable and well-socialized cat. He's basically friends with the whole neighbourhood and sleeps on people's porches and windowsills, weather permitting, and always manages a "conversation" with passers-by (his idea of a conversation is a weird low-pitched meow in response to people-speak).
Art is the expression of truth without violence.



And Cleocatra

Our third cat Zsa Zsa passed away recently in her sleep at 18 years of age.

Ava only likes my wife.  She is a rescued cat, and when Cleo entered the picture she took up with me.  Ava didn't like that and now won't have anything to do with me. :P

Our little Pomeranian also passed away earlier this year (Feb 7th).  He went to work with my wife and was our "little boy". I'll have to post pictures of him later as his pictures are on my home PC.

We also have four other dogs who I will try to post pics of.  All are rescued from the SPCA or from people who moved and couldn't keep them.

We just love our animals.
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


Here's some pics of our family pet. Here's Kirby. ^_^

The scruffy wet and lying as a rug look. The full body shot. The well groomed look. Side angle shot. And the sad puppy dog look.  :P


We got a new kitty, our landlord doesn't allow pets, but made exception for us :)


This *was* my niece Sara's new puppy.  Unfortunately, her younger sister is highly allergic to dogs.  So we've 'inherited' lil Rosie.  The name is now subject to change, since my dad just does NOT want to call her Rosie, lol.  Anyway, Sara and Sophia will still get to see her often, and she'll get LOTSA lovin in this house.  So there's their silver lining.  Rosie's a tiny little thing that loves to cuddle.  She'll crawl right on you and lean in, a real cutie.


My father inherited a dog named Rosie.

I refuse to call her by that name and refer to her as Dumpy, instead.
Yellow Lantern smash!



Sprite's pregnancy was a surprise.
about a week ago, i woke up in at 2 am and wife said, 'where are you going?'
i replied, 'kitty doesn't want to be alone tonight.'  (i'm a little pyschic.)
so, i got her and put her in the bedroom, she spent a few minutes at our feet, and then hid somewhere, probably the closet.  about an hour later, she starts talking to us, with an urgency, jumping up on the bed between us.  mew, moew, mew, moew, until we were both awake.  she then had her kittens, right there between us, practically on me.  it took hours, and we were with her the whole time.
later, she decided the best place to keep them was the bottom drawer of the wardrobe.
that's got to be the ultimate show of trust, between species.


Here is our puppy Toby in 2003.  He got his name because he liked to bite our toes as a baby, so he was a toe biter.

Here is the little rascal today, 2009.  How could such a sweet, innocent puppy turn so evil?  :loupitchfork


Quote from: bearded on May 02, 2009, 11:43:57 AM
Sprite's pregnancy was a surprise.
about a week ago, i woke up in at 2 am and wife said, 'where are you going?'
i replied, 'kitty doesn't want to be alone tonight.'  (i'm a little pyschic.)
so, i got her and put her in the bedroom, she spent a few minutes at our feet, and then hid somewhere, probably the closet.  about an hour later, she starts talking to us, with an urgency, jumping up on the bed between us.  mew, moew, mew, moew, until we were both awake.  she then had her kittens, right there between us, practically on me.  it took hours, and we were with her the whole time.
later, she decided the best place to keep them was the bottom drawer of the wardrobe.
that's got to be the ultimate show of trust, between species.
free kittens, for anyone in the san diego area!  i'll even deliver them to your front door...sweet cats, ppl friendly, even dog friendly.  i'll even make a longer road trip if you can take 3.  i don't want to have to give them to a humane society, if i can help it.  but i now have an allergic roommate and a mean landlord.