Joke, serious, failure of the educational system; you decide.

Started by daglob, June 09, 2009, 08:05:50 PM

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I recieved a flyer in the mail. I'm tempted to order the "free book", except I'm not sure I can afford it.



Do you want me to see if I can get you a flyer? ;)

You know, I have a suspicion as to why these were sent to people in Mobile, Alabama...


I hate this. I hate this so much. "You can't tell where the center is from any particular point so it might as well be earth!" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Note how none of the links--NONE of them--are scientific in nature. No astronomy sites. Nothing on the physics of stars. Ick.


What? This is legit!
I guess you guys also believe in natural selection and dinosaurs and all that other crap.
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


dude, as a Christian, I can honestly say that we don't believe this insanity either. Do not blame us for these idiots!

The Phantom Eyebrow

I do enjoy these parody websites.  There should really be a link back to the Onion homepage or something though.


I'm with Tomato, what's a little ignoring of divine order, perhaps less time sniffing book binding and more time reading stuff like the Bible, the works of Einstein, and even the Little Golden Book on the solar system, even Kathryn, yes forcers she is now five, understnads where the Sun goes!
And now back to our program...


Quote from: Tomato on June 10, 2009, 02:22:26 PM
dude, as a Christian, I can honestly say that we don't believe this insanity either. Do not blame us for these idiots!

Absolutely. Ugh.

Dang, this conversation can get us in trouble so fast. Which is really sad. :banghead:


Stuff like this I think is just stupid. The heliocentric system is so much more elegant than any geocentric system (which had to come up with some kind of complicated explanation for the retrograde motion of the planets).  I guess we'll have to send a satellite high up over the plane of the solar sytem and have it take movies to "prove" the heliocentric "theory". Of course, someone will say "Hey, I seen better special effects on Star Wars".

What surprised me is that they have this web site along with a professionally printed brochure (somebody knows how to use Pagemaker or Quark, or has the bucks to hire someone who does), offer a "free" book, and they even mailed all those brochures out, and that means postage. This isn't like some spam e-mail (although I expect one of those, eventually).

Besides, I'm a christian, too, although my present beliefs in some things (age of the Earth, evolution, who wrote The Bible) mean that I shouldn't enter a Baptist church anymore. It didn't used to be that bad...

And, of course, to be literal, the sun and Earth circle a common point of gravity. That point just happens to be extremly near the center of the sun...

And Gremlin, I didn't mean to upset you. I considerd this pathetic and funny. Although it is an obscene waste of money that could be used in some way that would REALLY benefit humanity.


Quote from: daglob on June 10, 2009, 09:55:32 PMAnd Gremlin, I didn't mean to upset you. I considerd this pathetic and funny. Although it is an obscene waste of money that could be used in some way that would REALLY benefit humanity.

It's not you daglob. People like this have always frustrated me immensely, even before I had any faith.

The thing is, I can really understand where they're coming from, too. I know exactly why they believe as they do, and why they don't want to believe anything else. In an odd way I respect that, and even envy it--if there was any scientific veracity to creationism, I would back it in a heartbeat. But it's not. And the order of magnitude that it's wrong is so massive it's ridiculous.


Quote from: Gremlin on June 10, 2009, 10:11:53 PM
if there was any scientific veracity to creationism, I would back it in a heartbeat. But it's not. And the order of magnitude that it's wrong is so massive it's ridiculous.

There's no scientific veracity to anything existing in the first place. How can creationism be so wrong if every other theory is equally wrong? I think that because the Law of Conservation must have been broken for anything to exist, then that leaves only magic. My other idea is that sometime in the distant future (the end of time), someone will have to send all of existence back to the beginning of time and have it explode OR someone will unlock God powers and go back in time to create everything. Either way, this creates a Schrödinger's cat-style paradox and so everything both exists and doesn't exist at the same time.

But I know that's crap because I know that God exists, I just don't know how he got there. But the simple answer is "magic", and I'm sure that's the best I'll ever get and there's really no good point at all thinking about that kind of stuff let alone majoring in it.

But of course, "creationism" pretty much means "anti-evolution" now, so I agree with you.
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


Actually there's a caveat in the law of conservation that states that on the quantum level, it can be violated for brief periods of time. That's how radioactive decay works. Energy emerges in tiny tiny levels from minute changes in quantum vacuum fluctuations, which pushes a particular atomic nucleus into an unstable form, which will spontaneously stabilize into a less excited form and emit some energy or particle. Which is pretty neat actually.

Why haven't we all been yelled at yet? Haha.


Quote from: Gremlin on June 11, 2009, 04:56:29 AM
Why haven't we all been yelled at yet? Haha.

Grem, I am sick and tired of you and your negativity and sciency thingamagigs! this means war *stabs Gremlin*

... eh, since I'm here anyway

*feeds BWPS his toes and makes him watch nothing but japanese game shows for the rest of his life*


Toes are gross but Japanese game shows are awesome so I am filled with confusing emotions.


Whose toes am I eating? Because I don't like tomatoes, they're the worst fruit/vegetable ever. And vegetables are the worst food already. I'd rather eat my own toes. They taste like bacon because of how much fatty meat I eat.
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


Bacon is also smoked. Do you smoke? That would make it taste like tobacco bacon. Tobacon.


Quote from: Gremlin on June 11, 2009, 05:32:00 AM
Bacon is also smoked. Do you smoke? That would make it taste like tobacco bacon. Tobacon.

Only when I drink, that way they cancel out and have no negative net effect on my health. Unfortunately I do eat a whole lot of tobacon. Phillip Meyer Virginia Thick-cuts being my brand of choice. And the only way to cancel that out is with a complete blood transfusion.
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


Sounds delicious in a terrible terrible way. Maybe some vegetables would cancel out the need for a blood transfusion. =P


I so need booze -_-


... and almost as amusing as the original subject...

and  lot tastier... I have this recipe someplace for bacon stuffed tomatoes...


Quote from: daglob on June 11, 2009, 07:34:10 PM
... and almost as amusing as the original subject...

and  lot tastier... I have this recipe someplace for bacon stuffed tomatoes...

:blink: :thumbup:




I used to get insanely mad at people posting this kind of stuff on the internet, mainly because it actually convince some people or otherwise make theme lose a lot of time to understand that it's wrong.
Then I discovered Last Thursdayism.

Now everytime i see something stupid like that, it rembers me of Last Thursdayism and I laugh


This thread caused me to try to comprehend the movement of things through space and how a specific point in space can be defined if space is infinite, and conversely if space is not infinite, what is outside of space?

Thanks for destroying my mind.