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FFedit doesnt do anything

Started by ghazkul, August 08, 2009, 09:19:41 PM

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Ok, I know what your all gonna say, and yes I've read every ruddy guide and tuturial, but I can't get ffedit to work for  :ffvstr:. It just doesnt have anything in the sections when i start it p. the FX section is blank and I cant press anything, same for all the other sections. What am I doing wrong???


Make sure it's actually set up correctly (I.E., pointing to the correct directory of where you've installed the game).
Disappear when you least expe--


Oh, ok. Did that, so now it says "_________.dat cannot be opened. Make sure data.ff is unzipped". It is! What do I do now?


Department of the bleeding obvious:
You are using the ffedit for ffv3r not the one for ff, right?
And, less irritatingly, have you manually set the primary and secondary data paths, etc?
Lastly, any technical query/problem thread is incomplete without someone asking you to state operating system, shoe size etc.


OK, it's taken me two days and now everything is qworking, except that when i try to "Generate speech files" it just crashes and closes down. Any help?


ok, on the generate speech files, you have to make sure you have the correct file.  i remember accidentally loading the files in the wrong order.
what are you making?


I'm just trying to create a voice I can select for my characters. I'm trying a Deadpool VP just to see if I can get it to work. I've followed the readme's instructions and done everything up until "Generate speeech files", at which point a message comes up say "FFEDIT has encountered a problem and needs to close.
On a side note, you know where ity says "merge dat files", what does that mean exactly? Which am I merging, and with which others?


Quoteexcept that when i try to "Generate speech files" it just crashes and closes down.

Is it actually closing down, or does it just seem to freeze, because that's supposed to happen.  Go and get some lunch and it will be back by the time you're done.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.