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white and black spot skin problem

Started by Iris, May 06, 2009, 01:27:27 AM

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How can i fixed this? I skined it correctly and it looks fine in character tool2. 

Help would be, greatly appreciated.

~Iris/Thunder Adept


I think you may need to convert the mesh frrom FF1 to FFv3R. There is a converter at Freedom Fortress...

... under Mods and Goodies. If you haven't been there before, you might as well just dowload EVERYTHING. You won't be sorry.

Oops, lest I forget: ALWAYS save an unconverted copy. You can convert from FF1 to FFv3R, but you can't go back (unless Johnny Patches has figured out something)


if you want you can just use the CT to showcase skins, i'd be interested to see how someone else tackled  commish gordon


That wasn't it. See i had copyed the folder and renamed it not sure if that could do anything. I heard some talk about pink skins perhaps
my problem is the same.

laughing paradox

Maybe if you save your skin files as a dds file, instead of a tga file?

Make sure you also have all the _glow and _refl files in order.


I always save my skins as tga and they work out fine but ill try it. Alright it still doesn't work.


I am pretty sure that problem comes from not having the right glow and refl files (like LP said)


what do you mean? Like, img sizes or what?


Hmm, I know this problem has come up a number of times and after looking through a number of the archived tech help pages it looks like the problem is that it is MISSING glow or/and refl.TGA files.



Maybe a silly question, but have you actually gone into the game proper rather than just the character creation screen?
And is it the same in-game?

If so, make a copy of your skin, and in the copy, add files from a working skin till you find which file is causing it to appear wonky. then fix whatever is missing/broken.


Does this problem happen when the skin is saved wrong (either format or size).

Xavier Kain

i have been seeing the same thing i downloaded the characters from UDC and they worked fine i like the hooded merlyn and i like the samllville green arrow costume so i edited a green arrow skin to make it like smallville and now i get white on the model all the file are there the model just has white on his hood though.

Xavier Kain

figures after i post i found a way to fix that work for me, what i did was i removed the ult_Merlyn fold from the charters started the game when to charters screen went to my custom green arrow character now meshless pressed okay backed out exited the game put the folder back in the characters folder and now it seems to work.