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Help with a skope: ECHIDNA

Started by Failed_Hero, September 20, 2009, 12:21:45 AM

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I have been trying to get my terrorist organization ECHIDNA created to be released on NPI.  I am however having trouble with Renagade's Hydra Solider Mesh with getting my skoped  male basic to remain on screen in Freedom Force. When the character falls down he remains down, but the belt and gun remain up like the punisher with a cloaking device, is there a fix to this or should I find another mesh to skope?
At the end of the day all that matter is that I tried, right?


At the end of the day all that matter is that I tried, right?

Johnny Patches

if my memory is correct its a hiden weapon .. and if this correct replace the original weapon with your new one, a then change the new ones name to the original one.
make sure its conectecd to the correct node or it wont work..try this see if it helps


so rename the male_basic node body and the Editable Mesh 1 to Editable mes like that?
At the end of the day all that matter is that I tried, right?

Johnny Patches

rename what ever you change to the old name.. some KFs operate off these names..


Thanks for the suggestion JP, but that didn't give me a fix still having the strange issues with the mesh.
At the end of the day all that matter is that I tried, right?