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ffx green turrent question

Started by herodad1, October 02, 2009, 02:54:41 PM

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in the ffx map pack, in villians theres a character called green_turrent.if you choose it as a character to fight whenever you get within range it will start firing at question is;using ffedit,can i copy that character but have it fire say fire,ice,electricity,ect...?if possible,how would i do it?help me out brothers!


It should be doable. You could just modify the power the turret uses. Of course, it may be best not to change the actual ffx_green_turret character, since that would change all the character who use that as part of an FFX attribute for energy manipulator and so on.

The better approach is to go into FFEdit and make a copy of the ffx_green_turret in the Characters and Templates tabs. Call him, for instance, hd_green_turret. Then find the power ffx_green_turret_shot. Copy it and rename it to something like hd_green_turret_shot. Then change its damage type, FX, and so on to be what you want. You should be able to play that character with the new power.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


thanks stumpy.i was starting to feel like the kid people stick WAY out in left field.i'll try this!