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Tommyboy's Female Talking Heads

Started by AfghanAnt, November 24, 2009, 04:25:41 AM

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Has anyone used them in a :ff:?

I'm currently trying get them working and both Dr Mike and myself are having issues.


what type of issues, sir AA? I don't *think* I've used them in FF1, but I have used one or two in the past.
Disappear when you least expe--


You may find the morphing channels (the various expressions) are a bit messed up. They were made for an ffv3r mod and there are slight differences between the two games.
Other possible issues are with hexxing/'skoping parts on or off, as that was something I could never get to work well or consistently.
Lastly, some of the heads I made just came out weird, with odd mixtures of expressions showing up. Mostly I just went "meh..." and used them anyway, perfectionist that I am.
If you can give more detail, I may be able to help, or you may want new ones made, which I might also be able to help with, though there are others who make better heads than mine...


It's gotta be the skoping issue but I was skoping new wigs on them.

Thanks for the help guys, I guess I'll use an alpha-enabled female basic or something.