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OH NOES! I'm unemployed...

Started by AfghanAnt, November 13, 2009, 01:40:50 PM

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Company downsizing. My position is being outsourced to a firm that promised better results. I'm a little sad but I'm also relieved because I've been there near 3 years and I've felt like I needed to a little more guidance/mentorship in my field if I want to be truly successful. I wish I could say I'm mad at them but I'm not - I know it was just business and not a reflection on me or my work. Plus I got a couple of really good recommendations to the major Search Marketing firms in the city (which is where I would like to be) and they are giving me until the new year to line up something else.

Anyone else laid off? If so, what are you doing besides looking for a job? I was thinking about taking a month off to refocus before I start working again.


I'm doing ok but I am currently working in the adult industry, which always does well. Yeah, no joke, it is tech support / customer service stuff for a hookup site.

Still I feel your pain, I've seen myself laid off in the past although that time I cried tears of relief, I hated the job, had to commute 1.5 hours to get there (including walking 30 minutes in the snow everyday) and in the end had no clue exactly what I was doing. Around chirstmass I got two paychecks and when I called HR they said it was an accident, that everyone who had been there less than a year was being laid off and that I needed to box my stuff and sneak out so nobody else would know. Here I was thinking it was a christmass bonus, hehehe.

Still dude: dont waste time in getting unemployment, that is a common mistake that people expect to work a week later and well unemployment benefits more powerful these days. Also contact a lot of agencies and dont be afraid to check craigslist, some of my friends got really high profile jobs from there, which honestly makes no sense to me personally but good for them. Lastly share your resume and portfolio with everyone you know, feedback and contacts are good.


Quote from: lugaru on November 13, 2009, 03:44:11 PM
I'm doing ok but I am currently working in the adult industry, which always does well. Yeah, no joke, it is tech support / customer service stuff for a hookup site.

Still I feel your pain, I've seen myself laid off in the past although that time I cried tears of relief, I hated the job, had to commute 1.5 hours to get there (including walking 30 minutes in the snow everyday) and in the end had no clue exactly what I was doing. Around chirstmass I got two paychecks and when I called HR they said it was an accident, that everyone who had been there less than a year was being laid off and that I needed to box my stuff and sneak out so nobody else would know. Here I was thinking it was a christmass bonus, hehehe.

Still dude: dont waste time in getting unemployment, that is a common mistake that people expect to work a week later and well unemployment benefits more powerful these days. Also contact a lot of agencies and dont be afraid to check craigslist, some of my friends got really high profile jobs from there, which honestly makes no sense to me personally but good for them. Lastly share your resume and portfolio with everyone you know, feedback and contacts are good.

Thanks for the advance.

Turns out the search marketing firm I got recommended too wants to see me at 11:30 to discuss an opportunity! I am so shock, excited, and bless.

Wish me luck guys, this is somewhere I would love to work!


AA, sorry to hear that man, but it sounds like you've got an excellent point of view about all of this.  If you can make this misfortune into an opportunity, that's awesome!  I was out of work for a few months when we moved up here, and it was a really stressful time, so I hope and pray that you'll find somethign excellent soon.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

Glitch Girl

Here's hoping this new lead will prove this whole experience is actually a blessing in disguise.  Wishing you the best of luck AA. 
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Tawodi Osdi

I know your pain.  I became unemployed a year and half ago, but for me, I used the opportunity to return to college.  I've been wanting to return to college for twenty years, but the idea of giving up even a dead end job for the dice game of college made me nervous.  When I became unemployed, I had no other choice.  I am now living off of student loans and living in income base housing, things are tough, but I am happier now than I have been in a long time; so, stay positive and look for something you have always wanted to try but have been afraid of the risk and take a chance.


It went extremely well. I'm excited.


Hope it works out for you AA.

Ah the job world, it scares me. It approaches me all too soon.
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Hopefully it'll go well for you. My wife recently hurt her knee and as a result has had to be out on disability and it seems like the company she works for won't be needing her when she's well again.

Not because of the injury though, her boss had to lay off one of his own kids. Times are tough all over.
"Some day some how I'm gonna make it alright but now right now."

The Hitman

That's a real bummer, dude, but you'll land on your feet. Stuff like this happens for a reason, I say. Good luck with the new job prospect!


Sorry to hear that, Ant.

This whole topic's been on my mind - I've just escaped the axe myself this week, but lost half of the people I work with. It isn't the end of the world, like you say, after the initial shock its often kind of a relief. No-one works one job all their lives in the 21st century, and its often kind of affirming the opportunities that present themselves when this does happen. My last redundancy lead me to my current job, which has been better in so many ways that I hate to think where I'd be if I hadnt been laid off 4 years ago. Probably much more stressed out and still smoking, for starters.

Hope this new gig pans out for you.
Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X


Sorry to hear that my brother. My job is doing some major layoffs too! Hopefully I'm not next. :(
The Ultimate Fan!


I hope all goes well, AA...May the employment gods bless you (I may be changing jobs within the hospital I work at soon)...And best wishes to you too, Style.


Uncle Yuan

It sounds like this is already turning into one of those "one door closes another opens" situations.  And I learned a long time ago that "personal comfort" and "change" are mutually exclusive.

Best of luck!
"But there's no use crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


I feel your pain, having been on that roller coaster for the past year. But on the plus side, I landed a good stable job back with the Govnement, though it looks like I may be going to the land of your namesake soon...

The Phantom Eyebrow

All the best AA, I hope the new opportunity works out for you.


AA dont feel bad it happens to all of us. I have just been laid off today myself! :( :doh:
The Ultimate Fan!


sorry to hear that mate, all i can say is it's not the end of the world and good be one of the best things to happen to you. just keep looking but don't stress. be smart and spend your time wisely have some fun.

i got laid off back at the start of the summer, the place i worked for closed down. we knew it was coming the owner was a prat and started a load of cut backs such as wage freezes and price increases. so when it was announced we were closing it didn't come as a surprise.

actually in the 2 months leading to the closure we had great fun, no body gave a crap we played football in the shop and i remember when it was a few days left some customers came in to what was an empty shop par 3 or 4 rails to find me by myself sitting on my arse with a sketch book

i got lucky though and ended up in a new job around 3 weeks later.


Happened to me in October. Just keep at it every day, just not all day. I've had some interviews since.