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Female_Rocket Mesh

Started by Tawodi Osdi, January 10, 2010, 12:10:02 AM

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Tawodi Osdi

Does anyone know where I can find the female_rocket mesh for Alanna Sardath by El Insensitez, or if not available, does anyone know of a compatible mesh?


I think she's at Freedom Fortress.

Tawodi Osdi

The skin is there, not the mesh, and the read me file says look for a mesh called female_rocket, but it seems the mesh is up there with Elvis sightings, heard about but never seen.


Which version do you need? I have FFv3R on my computer, but I'm still unpacking, so I do't know where the FF1 version is.

Tawodi Osdi

I would need the first game.  I don't even own the second game and barely have the time to mess with that one.


Sending it to youp profile address now

Tawodi Osdi

I have received and thank you.  I've been looking for this one for awhile.