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Character issue (last thread i promise)

Started by pr1983, May 20, 2010, 07:17:01 AM

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Yes, my last one, as i don't want to anger anyone.

Basically, i installed the Geo-Force that was made by detourne_me and murs47 (among others). When i get in game, the character won't display properly, with white blothces everywhere like there are holes in the skin or something.

Has anyone ever figured out how to fix this? Or even experienced it? i tried to cover all the bases, and after adding dozens of characters already, i know i didn't do anyting differently.

and yes, last thread.


It sounds like your missing textures. Make sure you have a lightmap file, refl and glow for each texture. Not having looked at the zip but some skinners don't bother including those if the standard skin for it already has it. It keeps the zips smaller. If they are missing just copy some blank ones to it.


here's a run through of the folders:

parent folder:


skins folder:


standard folder (mesh skin):


geo force skin:


how it looks in game:


ive tried copying over textures. i dont know what the problem is.


Actually that looks like its showing the 3D Studio Max biped object.
Does it appear that way with the standard skin as well?


I have the same thing. But if you look at him in the game, you don't see that. It might be a glitch with the in game viewer.


Yes, there are many skins/meshes that appear that way in the character viewer in game but look just fine when in a mission/rumble room.


-facepalm's self-

yeah, i just checked and he looks fine in game. thats what ocd gets you when you wont test characters until youve built their powersets first.