FRP - Ultimate X-men, Classic X-men & AoA mod problem

Started by FixedAtZero, October 20, 2010, 08:17:18 PM

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Not entirely sure if this is the right place, but the .exe for the mods I've mentioned in the thread title don't work with my copy of  :ffvstr:
I know why, I'm just wondering how to find a solution to the problem. My .exe files are all trying to find the game in program files\irrational games, however the game that I downloaded was the digital jesters version & therefore the file location is different. Whenever I've tried to edit the .exe files, it says I don't have entry even though I'm administrator.

Thanks in advance.


Depending on when the executable files were made, you should be able to redirect the mods to install into your DJ folders with little effort from the actual install screen. That said, you'd still need to actually manipulate the mod's exe file's target to point to the correct location once the installation process was complete.
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I did what you said, the files are all in the right place & show up in the regular game. However, the shortcuts won't actually let me edit their targets, so I'm stuck on what to do  :banghead:


What type of error do you get? Do you have administrative rights to edit files?
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On my computer I have administrative rights, I'm assuming that's what you mean?
The error says: Unable to save changes to uxm-full Access is denied.


This may sound like a foolish question, though I feel compelled to ask it.  FaZ (if I may address you as "FaZ"), is the shortcut set to "Read-only" in the "General" tab of the "Properties" window?  If so, un-tick it and then make your edits.

Phantom Bunburyist and Whirled Braker
Two words: Moog.


Haha, FaZ is fine :)
Thanks so much, that worked! However, with one problem being solved, another has appeared...  :doh:

Now, the UXM full window shortcut loads with the game, however when opened is just the normal  :ffvstr: screen, & when trying to open the campaign (to check if it is the UXM one) it was the normal campaign.

Could it be that I hadn't put the files I extracted from uxm.rar into the folders installed with the original disc? or are the FRP mods meant to have their own standalone folders alongside the ones contained in Freedom force vs the third reich's file folder.

Sorry for so many questions!


All mods go in stand-alone folders. You need to make sure your "target" and "start in" locations in the .exe properties are correct. It's really hard to diagnose your issue if you don't give enough information. To me, it sounds like your target may not be pointing to the UXM folder (it has to be the exact folder name), and that's causing the problem.

For example, if my UXM folder was named "Ultimate," then my target would look similar to this: "[...]Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe" -game Ultimate -log
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I've just tried that, it didn't work. I've double checked the folders to make sure everything is in the right place as well. Also, just to make it clear, what I said were .exe files earlier on are actually just shortcuts to the ffvttr .exe, I'm curious as to whether or not there should be .exe files in the ones I downloaded from


Yes, there are at least 1 .exe files in the mods you downloaded, but they're all configured to work with the default IG games and not the Digital Jester version. Those .exe files are all shortcuts because they still need to launch the actual game as the base because, after all, a mod is just an alteration of the default game with newer or different files. What i know for sure, however, is that the problems you're describing usually happens when something in the exe isn't set up correctly and the game defaults to the basic campaign. Can you take a pic of your shortcut properties and maybe post your "script" and "FF" log files (text documents) so that they can be examined?
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A poorly taken screenshot...  :P

And the other files you wanted...

00:00:00.71: FF: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:00:00.72: FF: Starting FFVTTR
00:00:00.72: FF: Build: SHIP, Version: unknown
00:00:00.72: FF: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:00:01.02: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:00:01.02: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;)
00:00:01.03: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(C:\Program Files\Digital Jesters\Freedom Force Vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe)

And the script was completely blank, is that to do with me opening it with notepad? or is that a problem?


Not particularly. If it was launching the default game, nothing was probably written. Looking at the properties, my suggestion to you would be NOT to use a folder name with a space in it. Make it something that is one word or a folder name that contains an underscore ("_"). Spaces cause problems sometimes. Actually, I don't recall naming the folder that inside the .zip, so I'm guessing you renamed it yourself? I hope you didn't put the mod folder inside of another folder you created named "ult X". That's a no-no.
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Yeah the folder thing had messed it up, just reinstalled everything & it all works fine... thanks so much  :thumbup:


You have the Digital Jesters version.
This is the problem. Out of the Box, that version, released in the UK could not be modded. DJ released a patch, that basically replaced the entire game and replaced all the Nif and art assets. That could sort of be modded. All the paths are non-standard though.
You need to locate that patch if possible (DJ are thankfully long gone) for a start!
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