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Stupid Nifskope question

Started by billdamn22, September 02, 2010, 06:06:36 PM

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It's been awhile since I've used this tool, so....
How do you move the mesh up and/or down in Nifskope?


Center click and drag, at least with my mouse.


So it can't be done on a laptop without a mouse?


If there's really no way you can use a mouse.

It's a bit crude but if you're using XP.

QuoteIf you want to control your mouse pointer with the keyboard, Windows XP provides a way:

Press Alt+Left Shift+Num Lock all at once and a prompt will appear telling you that you have activated mousekeys, select ok then you can control the mouse with the numpad.

The controls are:
1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 = move the mouse
5 = mouse button click
+ = double click
insert = hold down mouse button
delete = release mouse button (after holding it down with insert)
/, * or – = select which mouse button the above controls will click (left, both or right respectively)
numlock = disable mousekeys

You can disable the mousekeys by pressing the same buttons again. ALT-LEFT SHIFT KEY-NUMLOCK at the same time again. You can see a picture of a mouse at the lower right of your task bar to check if the mousekeys are on or off.

I'd think it would still be tough using a keyboard but a least you can move the mesh. I gather you will be using a tablet for skinning?