Anyone know of a good webhost/file hosting site?

Started by Dartman X, October 22, 2010, 03:45:35 PM

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Dartman X

I'd like to post a bunch of my old mesh 'skopes and skins somewhere.  I was on an '80's TV/movie kick for awhile, and I'd like to share stuff like this:

Yes, it's 'Mad Max' Rockatanski - 'The Road Warrior'.  (It took me forever to skin black leather - never again!)

I had a Yahoo group back in the stone age, but public groups fill up with spam quickly, which sucks for both me and anyone that joins that isn't a spambot.  I have an Angelfire account/website but I'm looking for alternatives.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Edit: I'm sorry I forgot to add that I'm exteremely cheap, so I'm looking for a FREE site  :P

"I don't throw everything into the sun..."  The Sentry


Yahoo Groups are still good, you just have to set the upload & message section to some kind of restrictive setting (I can give you the exact settings I'm using if you want).  Granted, my site isn't that popular (one Dalek skin), but I haven't gotten any spam at all in the 2+ years it's been up.
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


If I ever get my rear in gear, I should be able to offer you a subsite off Freedom Force Forever.  That would require me to do some maintenance I've been procrastinating on, which I really need to get done anyways.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.