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FF1 idea

Started by seraglio, January 25, 2011, 06:49:43 PM

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I still play FF1 from time to time and one of the things I dislike is having to land to use menu based powers, like magnetic and weather control. I always have to move flyers to a building to have a chance of using these powers against melee'rs.

I had an idea when using plasma sculptor prop objects. Is there a way to make prop objects stay suspended in air permanently? If so you could create a standable "platform" suspended in mid air for the hero's to land on. You could tweak the keyframes to make it look like the model is "hovering". The platform could be invisible, or could have a role-play effect..for instance you could play a looped fog FX around the prop and call it "solid cloud". Add a new menu choice into weather control and wallah, you have flying menu usage.

If you cannot create a floating prop, it might be possible other ways. For instance if props have a bounding box, you could extend it so the prop appears to float in the air. But I'm pretty sure props created in the air can stay there. FOr instance, if I use Ice Control Ice Wall against a flying hero, the wall stays suspended in the air and can be landed on.

Any other ideas for who this could be done?


I combined code from teleport power swap and plasma sculptor and got what I wanted. There is already an invisible_podium in game, and it spawns in the air just fine. Just looped a fog effect over it and got my cloud platform. I can post the code if anyone is interested but its super easy.