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generate language files doesn't work

Started by skeek420, December 16, 2010, 11:06:01 PM

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this game has always frustrated me to no end, causing long periods of simply not playing it, or quitting right after a few wasted hours of trying to jump back in  :banghead:

anyway, enough venting, thats about it, the generate language file doesn't work at all. Inexplicably, after downloading M25's much quicker program for this, it worked once but that was it. i know all my paths are correct in FF Edit:

Primary data C:\Program Files (x86)\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffx3
Secondary data C:\Program Files (x86)\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Data
output directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Data\Lang\English

the only difference is that I painstakingly removed the steam version and re-installed everything using the standard FFvsTR. all that for nothing, apparently, because now I run into this problem.  on top of that, the other strange thing is if I even try to save changes to the strings.txt now, it says "Access denied". the way I got around that was to save it to the desktop when it asks to save changes, then just move it and replace the old one.


On the second problem, you get the "access denied" message because your files are marked as read only. Take that setting off the files, and it won't be an issue.

Your first issue is hard to diagnose because your description is vague. Describe your process and the end result. My first guess would be that you're rewriting the BASE language files and not the FFX ones, as I assume that's the version of the game you're playing.
Disappear when you least expe--


that was the first thing i thought of, but unchecking 'read only' didn't do anything. Program files itself is read only, after changing that it went right back read only again. extremely weird and annoying, but its funny because i've never had problems editing, deleting, etc. any files there before, even editing the texts on steam version of FF was no problem.

you're right about the other thing, i realize it now as i look at the path for output directory I pasted. can't believe i didn't catch that, somehow it got switched back to regular FFvsTR and not FFX3, thanks a lot for making the suggestion otherwise i woulda kept overlooking the obvious solution  :doh:

back to the first issue, i guess that doesn't matter anyway. it did let me save a copy to the desktop instead of overwriting changes, and i just moved this copy to lang/english, overwriting old. for some odd reason, i don't have to repeat the process and it just lets me save changes like normal on the new copy now.


Your folder may be set to Read Only (especially if a CD was involved). Check it. Or the parent folder may be RO, or the one above that, or... you get the picture.

...or you may not have permission  to change the status. You can be logged in as an adminstrator, and not be The Administrator, which annoys the [bleep] out of me. You may also have to "Take Posession" of a file to be able to change it (and I don't remember how to do that). Microsoft security measures have gotten rather baroque (and I didn't mean to spell "broke", but...).


Quote from: daglob on December 21, 2010, 07:43:54 PM
Microsoft security measures have gotten rather baroque (and I didn't mean to spell "broke", but...).

you're telling me...and i spent the money for win7 x64 because thats supposed to be "the best one to get", the new OS and/or 64-bit thing seems to cause more compatibility issues (even with fairly new stuff) than anything i've experienced, even vista. idk, maybe just bad luck on my part.