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FF vs FFVsTR -watchmode?

Started by Swingman, January 24, 2011, 03:55:30 PM

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I'm not entirely sure where on the forum to ask this question, but here it goes.

If you, like me, are mostly into playing Freedom Force in FFX m25-watchmode, which game is the better choice -  :ff: or  :ffvstr:? What are the pros/cons?

I ask because I've noticed that several of the "FF-veterans", here on the forum, still seems to be playing the original, and it made me wonder if I'm missing out on something limiting myself to :ffvstr:.. I've always just assumed that the sequel would be better, but perhaps I'm dead wrong...?


Personally I think for watch mode, FFvTR wins due to to the FFX/AI upgrades -- and for me the graphics (if I'm just watching things happen, I like the shiny).

Lots of people still prefer FF when playing the game I think because of the better story and generally better mechanics like the old energy system and character knockback etc...


better AI in FFVTTR with FFX  definately makes the difference for me in watch mode.


There is not even a comparison when it comes to watch mode between FF and FFV3R.  FFV3R is the way to go. Its great to be able to watch your favorite characters actually perform ALL of the abilities you gave them in their hero files (with FFX and M25 AI). 
After watching a battle from Watch mode in FFV3R and then watching the same battle with FF, its like tring to run through quicksand with ankle weights and a shard of glass in your eye.  With FF flyers just fly around, never to land to punch it out, no active defences, no specials(sprint, speeding bullets, dissapear, teleport..ect), no FFX, no AI files to costomize at all. Yuck man, yuck.


I think I detect a slight gravitation towards FFV3R here :D That's quite a relief. I was already horrified, in a quiet way, picturing myself kind of starting all over, acquirering new FF maps and FX, while figuring out which meshes work and which doesn't. The AI and the fine-tuning of the AI-files is essential to watch-mode so if that doesn't work as well in FF as it does in FFV3R, then I guess there really isn't much of a comparison as far watch-mode goes, as USAgent so boldly puts it.

Thanks for all your inputs. I'm glad I finally got that cleared up. I now rest easy knowing I made the right call :)