Strange problem freezing FFvTTR when playing

Started by captmorgan72, December 31, 2010, 09:08:38 PM

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I have been having a weird problem while playing FFvTTR. If I choose anymore than three characters fighting it out at once, the game will freeze. I can't ctrl/alt/delete out of the game either. The entire pc locks up forcing me to reboot. Any clue what could be causing this?


No clue, but did you update your graphic or sound card drivers recently? Otherwise, I suggest playing with the game's graphic and sound options. If that fails, post the last few lines from your ff.log and script.log.
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


00:42:47.27: FF: CEffect: could not find 'core_start' key in library\fx\generic\avalanche_tremors\start.nif

00:42:56.19: FF: CEffect: could not find 'core_start' key in library\fx\generic\avalanche_tremors\start.nif

00:42:58.64: FF: WARNING: animation sequence 'active_defence' not found in C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Custom\Art\library\characters\Hulk\character.kf
00:43:03.36: FF: CEffect: could not find 'core_start' key in library\fx\generic\avalanche_tremors\start.nif

and from my script log...

00:00:00.22: CharacterTool: CResourceTrackerTree: Generating index file Custom_Art_library_characters.dat
00:00:00.25: CharacterTool: CResourceTrackerTree: Generating index file Custom_Missions.dat
00:00:00.26: CharacterTool: CResourceTrackerTree: Generating index file Custom_Art_library_area_specific.dat
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool: ERROR! Art\library\characters\hulk\character.nif is missing linked files:
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool:    - Art\library\characters\Hulk\skins\standard\male_basic.tga
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool:    - Art\library\characters\Hulk\skins\standard\male_hulking_refl.tga
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool:    - Art\library\characters\Hulk\skins\standard\male_hulking_glow.tga
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool:    - Art\library\characters\Hulk\skins\standard\male_hulking_lightmap.tga
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool:    - Art\library\characters\Hulk\skins\standard\male_hulking.tga
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool:    - Art\library\characters\Hulk\skins\standard\extras alpha.tga
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool:    - Art\library\characters\Hulk\skins\standard\extras_refl.tga
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool:    - Art\library\characters\Hulk\skins\standard\extras_glow.tga
00:00:36.47: CharacterTool:    - Art\library\characters\Hulk\skins\standard\extras_lightmap.tga
00:01:03.37: CharacterTool: CObjectTemplateDataMgr::term()


Alas (poor Yorick), these ff.log entries are for the Character Tool. Since both it and the game output to the same log file, you need to launch FFvsTTR after the CT to get the right log entries.
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


From FF log:

00:01:07.31: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:01:07.31: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;C:\Documents and Settings\Jody and Kathy\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp;C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts;)
00:01:07.31: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe)
00:01:07.32: FF: CMission::init(mp_city, Missions\MP_CITY\mission.dat)
00:01:08.56: FF: CRender: creating DX9 renderer
00:01:08.60: FF: destroying font resources
00:01:08.71: FF: Recreating font resources
00:01:08.71: FF: DepthStencil is D3DFMT_D16
00:01:08.71: FF: 16 bit Z, Adjusting near clip
00:01:08.80: FF: initializing physics
00:01:14.17: FF: ERROR: CRpgSystem::patchRPGABitSet, custom_vil_0 has unknown attribute invulnerable
00:01:14.17: FF: ERROR: CRpgSystem::patchRPGABitSet, custom_vil_0 has unknown attribute ffqimmortal
00:01:14.94: FF: loadPowers() called
00:01:15.61: FF: loadPowers() called
00:01:15.63: FF: ERROR: CRpgSystem::patchRPGABitSet, custom_vil_2 has unknown attribute ffqimmortal
00:01:16.22: FF: loadPowers() called
00:01:16.65: FF: loadPowers() called
00:01:16.66: FF: ERROR: CRpgSystem::patchRPGABitSet, custom_vil_4 has unknown attribute superleaper
00:01:16.66: FF: ERROR: CRpgSystem::patchRPGABitSet, custom_vil_4 has unknown attribute painresponse
00:01:16.66: FF: ERROR: CRpgSystem::patchRPGABitSet, custom_vil_4 has unknown attribute toughguy2
00:01:17.21: FF: loadPowers() called
00:01:17.48: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:01:17.48: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:01:26.50: FF: GEOMETRY COUNTER AT 11425

From Script Log:

initialising FFX: skirmish=1
custom_vil_1_2_fc is not a valid explosion object
custom_vil_0_1_fc is not a valid explosion object
custom_vil_2_3_fc is not a valid explosion object
custom_vil_3_4_fc is not a valid explosion object
custom_vil_4_5_fc is not a valid explosion object
storing hero_0: id_1,-46
team2 leader set
team3 leader set
custom_vil_0 : invulnerable
custom_vil_0 : ffqimmortal
custom_vil_2 : ffqimmortal
custom_vil_4 : superleaper
custom_vil_4 : painresponse
custom_vil_4 : toughguy2
initialising FFQ_initialiseExtras()
getting default sun
(-140.0, 70.0, 1.0, 0.800000011921, (0.699999988079, 0.600000023842, 0.600000023842))
inittoughguy2: char=<custom_vil_4_5>
inittoughguy2: initializing for custom_vil_4_5