Iron-Jawed Villains and steely-eyed heroes at Character Obscura...

Started by daglob, January 08, 2011, 06:14:11 AM

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Yes, we now release three characters that are fairly obscure, however, one isn't exactly.

First, at CO5 we have added Iron Jaw to our Jap-a-Nazi Rats folder. Back in The Golden Age, he wasn't all that obscure, but nowadays... Looking for a nasty Nazi baddie to annoy your heroes? Well, if you are tired of The Red Skull and Captain Nazi having all the fun, Iron Jaw might be a nice change. Or bad change, as the case may be.

Next we have two new little-known Gloden Age heroes at CO6: Captain Truth and Captain Conquest!

So, what do they have in common, beside a liking for unearned military rank? Well, they both rip off certain Big Red Cheeses and Big Blue Boyscouts, to a certain extent.

Anyway, get them now, and win the war for the allies!