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Any mods that allow custom heroes?

Started by Amos, January 17, 2011, 10:55:30 AM

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Are there any mods for  :ffvstr: , besides FFX, that allow the use of custom characters?


There's my Patriot City mod, on

Its a sort of free-roaming attempt to turn FF into City of Heroes (before I'd ever played that game) witha  number of storytlines built in. Narrative-wise, its nothing compared to my story mods, but it's not bad. And you can play as your own custom 8000 pt hero.
Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X


Thank you DrMike2000. I'll give it a try.


List of mods:

Mods that fit what you want:

1. Customforce 2
2. Challenge Mod (rumble room)
3. Heroes
4. X-men: No Lost Cause (includes mission just for customs)
5. Some mods allow you to replay missions with your own custom characters in rumble room.
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