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Quetzy's Curse

Started by BentonGrey, February 04, 2011, 03:35:55 AM

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Howdy guys.  I'm working on PC:Tales stuff, and I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas for making Quetzy a bit more useful.  He seems relatively boring to play with for me, and I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions on how to punch him up a bit.  I'm thinking that getting rid of Proxy Shield and replacing it with a more useful power would be a good first step. 
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"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Tawodi Osdi

These are the kind of challenges I like, but I don't know enough about the character to help.  I've never played the second FF.  I've been thinking of getting it however.


Isn't there a physical shield attribute carried over from the older FFX code? You could put that in a combo attribute with a couple other things like solar powered.

As for an additional power how about a state swap from FFX? I would suggest shrink, a life drain, explosive tangle (could use that snake FX he has) or a Strobe of some kind.

Of course, a Heal state swap or self-heal would be a nice option.
Yellow Lantern smash!


Might see what you can find on Quetzalcoatl and see if the creature itself offers any possibilities.


<comes back>
Life, death, birth, light, cultivation... seems fairly inclusive.
Yellow Lantern smash!


Good question, Benton. I do remember him being dull as dishwater to play. Typical FF built-in, all slow animations and not enough punch.

I'd give him a healing over time Empathy swap of some kind, kind of like Ms.Amazing's healing aura in the Amazanauts. Basically, you detect the empathy states, then heal all friendlies in a small radius including himself. Its a very handy ability to have in the no-healing HP race that is Freedom Force.
I think with FFX you just give him an Empathy power, then set up the emapthy to heal swap in the control centre, and it should all work. (I could be wrong though)

I'd also give him a good solid single target melee attack. Find a slowish animation - he's more of a superstrong God that a trained scrapper, but give it real clout.

How fast is he? Can he fly? I can never remember, but low speed (3 or 4) plus flight, plus a healing aura and his snake stasis* attack make a good combo.
Zip around at speed 5/6 in the air, healing and assisting and firing off some low-ish damage sunlight beams or whatever ranged abilities he had. Then find a target, snake 'em and biff them before they can run away. He should also be strong enough to throw cars - 6 or 7. That also assists with the slow beefy punch, which should do medium KB as well I reckon. That way it feels stronger, and prevents him from doing it multiple times on the one target.

*If the snake was damage rather than stasis, make it stasis.

His big downside is no Aoe Damage.
Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X

Tawodi Osdi

If the mythological Quetzalcouatl is supposed to a flying serpent.  Flying does seem to make sense.


The mythological Quetzalcoatl was a lot of things, depending on the time period and what he was associated with at any given point.
Disappear when you least expe--


If you want to make him less boring, i'd go full captain marvel on him and make him be able to change back into his kid counterpart. Using the "disguise" FFx attribute (i think that what it was called) to make him non-threatening to ennemies so that they don't attack him when in kid form, he could infiltrate/sneak around the map and then Kaboom! change into a god for some fighting.
For his actual powers, he always was more a support character than anything else. Giving him different kind of healing (over time, AoE heal, hit point transfert for quick massive healing) and several status changing attack (the illusion snake can frighten, paralyse or poison depending of how powerful/controlling you want him to be) could make him a good controller.


Quote from: Previsionary on February 06, 2011, 01:09:20 PM
The mythological Quetzalcoatl was a lot of things, depending on the time period and what he was associated with at any given point.

Some sort of fashion related power, perhaps?