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New Civilians

Started by isais1, February 12, 2011, 01:57:43 AM

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Is there any skins for new civilians like older, teens, children both male and female put i don't necessarily wants to use them i have them walking around for variety. and if so how do i install them so they just appear when ever I play. 
Whats Up

John Jr.

I made some different skins for a "teen male" skope for my JLA Mod, the skins represented the civilian ids of the heroes, but they can be used as normal boys too.
More recently I made my "teen girlfriend" pack, a skope with 3 different female teen skins exactly to give more variety to the civilian populace.
You can find the "Teen Girlfriend" pack here:
And the mod here:
Also, Atomic Robot made a lot of great skins for the regular civilians from the game. You can find them in his yahoo groups.


Thanks John those all help, i want them but now how do I install them, so they just appear in the game?
Whats Up

John Jr.

How you want to use them? In the Rumble Room? In the original campaign or in a story?
If you want use them as playable characters you just have to create a custom hero with the mesh and skin you want.
If you want them just to appear in the maps walking around like the original civilians it's a bit harder, you'll have to make them as built in characters and add them to the maps.
I usually write EZScript stories and use them in "Save Civilians" encounters, it's easier.


Ok just walking around part of the story and when I play rumble room they just appear walking about, so my next question what is EZScrip and I use how now to get in there?
Whats Up

John Jr.

Quote from: isais1 on February 12, 2011, 08:30:26 PM
Ok just walking around part of the story and when I play rumble room they just appear walking about, so my next question what is EZScrip and I use how now to get in there?

From the EZ Script site:

QuoteWhat is EZ Script?

Have you ever wanted to make a campaign for the Freedom Force computer game, but couldn't find someone to write python code for you?

EZ script is an attempt to bring mod-making to the masses. EZ script allows you to write missions for Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich in a simple and intuitive way, rather than having to learn how to program in python.

You can get it here: