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Games of 2011 - What are you getting?

Started by detourne_me, December 13, 2010, 01:54:30 AM

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So, it looks like 2011 might be a better year than 2010 for core gamers,  what are your top 5 picks?

Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
7 (21.9%)
Mass Effect 3
10 (31.3%)
Thor: God of Thunder
5 (15.6%)
Batman: Arkham City
24 (75%)
Captain America: Super Soldier
8 (25%)
DCU Online
11 (34.4%)
Dragon Age 2
11 (34.4%)
Uncharted 3
4 (12.5%)
[Prototype 2]
1 (3.1%)
LA Noire
7 (21.9%)
3 (9.4%)
Any others I may have missed?
9 (28.1%)

Total Members Voted: 32


I thought this year was insane for great games... I still have to get Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Fallout New Vegas,  but I'm waiting on GOTY editions for those... Luckily most of these new games are coming out next fall/winter.
I'm finding it pretty hard to pick just five.  Especially when a game like Thor probably won't be as good as anything else in the list... Just playing in the asgardian realm seems awesome to me...

Let me know what you guys think.


Not having a 360 or PS3, my interests are more limited than some.  Batman, Cap, and Thor are all games I'm curious about though. 
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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The Mass Effect series is a top contender for my favorite games of all time so ME3 is on the top of my 2011 list. But there are two other games that I can't wait for: Dragon Age II and Batman: Arkham City. I'll be pre-ordering DAII to get the Signature Edition.

I'm really not hopeful for the Cap and Thor games, but it'd be great if they turned out pretty decent.
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Like Podmark, my 2011 is all about the Mass Effect 3.


Wow, this will be a good year. Batman: Arkham City, Dragon Age 2, Uncharted 3, LA Noire, inFAMOUS 2
All seem like must-haves. Deus Ex: Human Renaissance looks like it may be pretty amazing too. The new Back to the Future game is also pretty awesome looking and will likely be worth it even if the gameplay is too episodic and Sam and Max-y.
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


Uncharted 3 and Batman: Arkham City are my most anticipated games of 2011. :cool:
Clothes make the man and colourful tights make the Super-Hero.


ME3, DA2 and L.A. Noire top my list.  If I had a PS3, I'd add Uncharted 3 and Infamous 2.


Yeah I pre-ordered the BTTF games, but still no word when they're coming out.
I just beat Mass Effect 2 again (with all the dlc this time) and am replaying through Mass Effect 1 as a renegade adept (biotics spec.) on insanity level.
I want to carry that character through the series as my renegade character on high difficulty levels.
I'm ALWAYS a good guy it seems.... infamous, DA:O, ME, RDR, Fallout 3, even since the knights of the old republic games i just cant play as a bad guy.

p.s. C6 nice avatar! i just started reading Next Men as IDW has been reissuing it.


Quotep.s. C6 nice avatar! i just started reading Next Men as IDW has been reissuing it.

Thanks! :cool:

I picked up the issue last week. One of the rare times I went into a comic book store and actually left with a comic. Usually I leave empty handed and depressed.
Clothes make the man and colourful tights make the Super-Hero.


Dude, Diablo III? Torchlight II? Portal II?  X-Com?  Your list is sadly lacking, friend.
"I can't wait to hear this guy's monologue. 'I am the Palindrome! Feel my power! Power my feel! Palindrome the am I!' Peter Piping weirdos." - The Middleman


Quote from: bredon7777 on January 02, 2011, 02:59:17 PM
Dude, Diablo III? Torchlight II? Portal II?  X-Com?  Your list is sadly lacking, friend.
I think this poll is for console games, those are all sequels to popular PC games. Maybe a separate poll asking PC gamers what they'll be stealing buying would be better.
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


Quote from: BWPS on January 04, 2011, 06:29:14 AM
Maybe a separate poll asking PC gamers what they'll be stealing buying would be better.
That's rude. I steal console games too. :rolleyes: (let he who never played a burned game on his playstation 1 cast the first DRM...)
I don't think it was a console exclusive poll , Batman AC, Dragon Age 2 and others are coming to pc gamers too.
And i'm pretty sure Portal II that bredon7777 mentioned will end up on Xbox 360 (the first one did)
Nope, the only thing we're missing from this poll is Wii/Kinect games, and PSP/3DS games


Yeah. I used to pirate but these days I've just stopped.
Bredon, did you see the last option?
I just picked games that i thought were most relevant with this communitys general preferences


Its really unfair that PC games pirate more than console gamers and besides this is not the forum for that kind of talk. 

Mr. Hamrick

Well, Mass Effect 3 won't be out this year most likely.  I am betting on January of 2012 the same way that Mass Effect 2 shipped late.  I'm still gonna get it though.  If it came out sooner though, I'd get it.

Skyrim is a game I want but a game I can wait for.  I'll probably wait till mid 2012 to get it.  By then, they will have released patches and probably 1 or 2 bits of DLC.

Arkham City is a must get.  I just hope they don't change too many of the things I liked about the first game control-wise. 

L.A. Noire is my top game to get along with Arkham City.  The premise of the game has me very interested and eager.  And hoping to not be severely disappointed.

Cyber Burn

Since  :ff: and  :ffvstr: aren't on the list, guess I can't vote. Maybe next year. :P