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Started by spydermann93, September 18, 2011, 03:37:32 PM

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I was wondering where I could find Imperiex of the DC Universe.

If anybody could point me to a mesh or skin, I'd be very grateful.


Funny that i was looking for same thing buddy quite a few weeks ago and i simply gave up because dude i think perhaps Imperiex has not been made by maybe anyone.also cyber burn told me about that it might just be in any of the grenadier yahoo groups.though i am still not sure.sorry that my help was not enough.also by imoeriex you mean this guy.


It's alright.

I know there isn't an Imperiex mesh in any of Gren's yahoo groups, but thanks for the suggestion. :)


No Problem but wish i could help some more or perhaps better. :doh:


I've been working on a skope project and while cruising the Yahoo groups looking for possible meshes to aid me, I am almost certain that I saw an Imperiex mesh/skin listed in said groups. I'm trying to scour my memory for what sites I checked out, but no luck yet. If I come across it again, I'll be sure to let you know. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


Don't worry about it.

I appreciate the effort :)