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I survived Snowpocalypse 2011

Started by catwhowalksbyhimself, November 01, 2011, 10:09:26 PM

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Yep, 4 days without power, heat, or communication and I was one of the lucky ones.  Most of my state is still out and will be out for the forseeable future.

I suspect several more of our members were effected, but not all of them may be online again yet.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Sorry to hear that Cat,I'm glad you're power is back on and pray for all those still without.


Yeah, it's BAD.  Some areas are still impassible due to downed trees and powerlines, lines for gas at the few stations with power run an hour or so (going to be a bit better now after my area and a couple others are up) and when I went to the emergency shelter last night, I found a couple hundred people there.

I'm just glad to be home, to be warm, and all the other thousand small joys I used to take for granted.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


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I'm very glad to hear that conditions are improving for you, cat.  My in-laws in the Enfield, CT area still have no power/heat, and they lost a car and their outdoor pool to falling trees.  To make matters worse, they were visiting my brother-in-law (who is expecting his first children--twins!--very soon) in Virginia during the storm, and, when they returned to Connecticut, they were barred from reaching their home due to downed power lines and trees.  They had to stay with nearby family for a day before they were allowed to assess the damage done to their property.  Stay warm.

Phantom Bunburyist and Whirled Braker
Two words: Moog.


Man, sorry to hear you went through that much over the weather, I'm not sure what I would do with 4 days without power other than cook everything in my freezer.

For me it was a little crazy but nowhere nearly as perilous:

My friend Tom got married a week prior, so we had a "pt. 2" party at his house to eat more leftover wedding food and drink more leftover wedding booze. Well by midnight I was drunk, full and the redline was not running, so I was basically stranded taking shuttles at the wee hours of the morning, and it was cold and wet as can be. I sent out some text messages complaining and a friend was leaving a party, so she gave me a ride home.

As for the last few days there has been no power at my call center so all the bathrooms where broken (the basement pump failed so they where flooding with sewage) so my cube was next to the only working bathroom which smelled like hell. Other than that hte lights flickered in and out like Silent Hill AND we where doing a system conversion to new software, so it turned into an 11 hour workday of nothing working.


The Phantom Eyebrow

Sorry to hear about your troubles Cat - no idea how I'd cope with four days of no power or communications.  Badly, I suspect.  Hopefully everything can be put back to normal for those affected as soon as possible.


They are still talking Sunday for most people.  I think it is finally down under 50% power outage though, and enough gas stations are now open that the wait times are no longer hours long to get fuel.

It's still bad for a lot of people though.

Quoteother than cook everything in my freezer.

Except that I have an electric stove, so no cooking.  The good news is, my chest freezer is heavily insulated, so I didn't lose as much food as you might expect.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Sheesh, it's crazy that there was that much snow already.  I'm glad to hear you're alright, Cat.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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It wasn't so much the amount of snow.  I've been through big blizzards before with no power outages.  The problem is that the trees haven't lost their leaves yet, that combines with really wet, heavy snow was enough to snap trees like twigs, and we have a LOT of tree here.  Thousands went down and they took the power lines with them while at the same time making it impossible for power crews to even get to trouble spots, let alone fix anything.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

Glitch Girl

Glad you're okay Cat.  Been hearing about the whole leaves-and-ice thing a lot being a major factor in the misery.

Looks like the storm is headed towards the New England area, so y'all who live out there, be careful. 
-Glitch Girl

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